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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. My morning so far: First of all the hubs is out of town helping friends get tractors ready for auction so I am holding down the fort. I have to get blood tests for my Dr. appt. next week. FASTING blood tests. I jump out of bed with help from Annabel who will not stop playing foot monster starting at 5. I let dogs out, feed everyone and hop in the car. Drive 20 min. to the lab at the local hospital. I am hungry and I want my coffee with creamer. Walk in and the lady behind the desk who is not wearing a mask, shoves one at me saying it is mandatory. I realize she is older and it is her job so I artfully arrange it with lots of space around my nose and continue on. The very nice man who is drawing the blood, half-way through says damn the needle came out. Give him my other arm and we finish. He was very sorry and I assured him that it was all ok. Big bruise coming soon. Get home and raise the garage door while talking to the hubs on the phone. Notice the snake hanging down from the door. Hubs says close the door again so it can't fall in the garage. Notice once closed there is no sign of said snake. Open door again, find snake curled up in part of the door. Go get garden fork where the hubs says it is located and start poking (gently) at snake. Finally the snake got mad enough to drop at my feet where I could gently grab it with the garden fork and escort it to the nursery next door. I asked my husband if he heard me scream when it dropped at my feet and he assured me he did. Now all is well, I am eating my breakfast, drinking my coffee and the garage door is closed and I don't need to go anywhere else today. All before 8:30 a.m.
  2. We have had a lot of fun in Black Hills of South Dakota and in Gatlinburg. This fall we have a lot of trips planned.
  3. Maybe they are just sending out the excess in the program since I am sure we are not the only ones who never ordered any.
  4. I just don't want to get in a situation where they start enforcing mask wearing and I can't leave. On land we could just go somewhere else or in a pinch come back home. I research carefully where we travel to make sure that the protocols we are against are not in place.
  5. That is another reason. However, I am not sure how they would know you had covid while on the ship unless you told them.
  6. I have not been on any cruise since the restart. I am waiting until all the protocols are reliably gone. I would hate to be on a ship and halfway through be told I had to wear a mask. Until then I will just go on land vacations where none of the protocols are required and haven't been for a long time.
  7. I prefer printouts because I like everything on one or two pages that I can see all at once. Phone screens are just not big enough. I use excel to create spreadsheets for vacations and for packing lists.
  8. Aren't you worried that only testing once a week you will miss a positive test? Say you are exposed on a Saturday and get covid. You test on Monday morning but it is negative, if you tested an hour later it would be positive, but you don't test until the next Monday. You will have been walking around with covid for a whole week!
  9. When I lived in Texas in 2011, we had 90 days of 100+ weather and no rain. We just stayed in with the air conditioning and fans going. I lost a lot of plants that summer. Labor Day weekend we had a fire that burned 1600 homes. Labor Day weekend there was a big fire on the other side of town. My husband's mother was supposed to come visit but had fallen in the airport on the way down and broke her hip. One of my knitting friends, her husband, 5 dogs and 3 cats had to evacuate to my house since her house was in the path of the fire. The house was super clean and there was a lot of food prepared because of his mother's visit so it worked out well. I had 5 cats and 2 dogs at the time and we made it work. They were at my house for 11 days because although her home survived the fire the power had been cut to her area. Now she is my best friend. We have the same birthday (different year). Both our sons moved to this area of Florida for different reasons and at different times. She moved to Missouri for a while and has now moved 45 minutes away from me.
  10. What is regularly test? Every morning, twice a day, once a week, once a month? You could test negative in the morning and an hour later test positive. We are retired and take vacations other than cruises so no requirement to take a test. I have not had any symptoms of anything for years so have not had a reason to test.
  11. I love those flowers. I have a cactus type plant that blooms during the day, the bloom lasts a day or two. I wouldn't call the flower pretty and the fragrance is not what I would call nice. I do like the plant because it is unusual and it was a pass-along plant from a friend. I will try to remember to get a picture when it blooms.
  12. My experience with friends who have gotten it is completely the opposite of the two examples above. Women who are 50+, vaccinated, maybe boosted, various health problems have reported a day or two of congestion, headaches and feeling tired. All were feeling fine by day 3 or 4.
  13. That was super scary. So glad he is much better now and you have gotten some cuddles in. Congratulations on the baba.
  14. If they liked the floor plan then I am sure they will just remodel to their taste and be very happy in the home. We saw our house floor plans online which is why we bought the house before even seeing it in person. I knew that I could update/change anything inside or out. So far, we took out a huge tub in the master bath and replaced it with a huge shower. We put up a nice backsplash in the kitchen along with new counter tops. We put cabinets in the utility room and upgraded the sink in there. We have also replaced the furnace/air conditioner, pumped the septic and painted most of the rooms. Of course my husband has built a large building and put up a metal shed that was already here but in pieces. The only major project left is to clean, reorganize and paint the garage.
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