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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. I think the important thing is to not feed the trolls. We can continue to keep our thread the happy place it has been and just ignore the others who want to make a scene. We can welcome the people who will respect what this thread has become.
  2. That looks really good. If there was anything I would change about where we live would be to have a variety of good restaurants.
  3. If you want a "normal" vacation experience just go somewhere on land. That is what we have been doing and having a great time. No masks, no testing, no having to prove vaccination, no other protocols. Also, have not gotten covid when getting home. Someday we may be able to cruise again once it becomes enjoyable.
  4. I don't know your name. I even trouble remembering the names of the people who have posted their names. LOL. I do know the names of most of the pets who have been posted on here. Can you tell I am not really a people person? LOL
  5. He is alive and has been delivered to the refuge. I won't know until Sunday what the outcome is. He may not have function of his hind legs.
  6. Been gone all day. Knitting in Pensacola and then had to pick up an injured opossum who is hanging out in one of my bathrooms until I can get him to the refuge in the morning. No time to really catch up with the thread but have a good evening everyone.
  7. @MJSailorsthat is a beautiful front garden. @Lionesssthe woodpeckers are Pileated Woodpeckers. We had a pair of them living at the front of the acreage when we lived in Texas. Here I have the Red Headed Woodpeckers.
  8. The fast version is that even though we are a diverse population from all over the world we have become friends who are there through the good and bad for each other.
  9. Maybe she just doesn't want to deal with sick hubby and kids while she is sick. LOL Hopefully, everyone will recover quickly and not have severe symptoms.
  10. It all depends. When in the course of their illness did they test positive? Since people can be contagious before testing positive and may not be contagious but still testing positive at the end of their illness. There is no testing to see if people are contagious and that is what the problem is.
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