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Everything posted by Hogladyrider

  1. We were on the cruise before this one and we normally do "self-disembarkation". Well, I made a management decision to not do it this cruise, BIG MISTAKE. We only had one bag but did not want to deal with it in the elevators and crowds etc as we were in no rush to debark. So I put the suitcase outside our door. We had breakfast in Lido and waited until called to disembark. OMG we took the stairs the elevators were a nightmare. We got into the terminal ok but despite it being later in the morning, the luggage was not unloaded and ready to be picked up! They had us standing off to the side and wait and wait and wait we did. It was very frustrating. Never again, we will go back to "self-disembarkation". We realize this was not HAL's fault but the long shoremen and I hope your return to San Diego is much smoother.
  2. Good morning from sunny Yuma! Thank you for all the wonderful reports! We have reached the time of year here where it is HOT and that means it is time for us to start preparing for travel again which is exciting. I feel for all who are experiencing any kind of discomfort physical or emotional or otherwise, you are in my prayers. SS and retirement - I had hoped to work until full retirement age BUT company politics just became too much. I called SS and had the chat on the phone regarding my options and what I would collect etc. very informative for sure. I wound up retiring at 64 - 8 years ago. It took me about a year to adjust to a reduced income which I supplemented with part time work. We live a debt free life other than the "normal" monthly bills, cell phone, groceries, life insurance, Medicare supplement etc and we have adjusted and could not be happier. In fact we are able to save something that was nearly impossible to do when we lived the corporate America lifestyle. We are thrilled to be back cruising post lockdown and we will continue to travel as long as we have our health. I had a TKR in 2022 - toughest surgery I have ever experienced, long long recovery for me I am still working on it! I walk daily and now I am incorporating walking backwards and OMG that has helped improve different muscles and added balance. We walk in the evening when it is cooler. The physical exercise is important to both of us as he is experiencing memory issues and he is only 69 to my 71. Both of our health and stress levels have improved 100% since retirement. There is a lot to be said for living with less "stuff" and creating wonderful memories. Happy Hump Day to all!
  3. WOW kiddos on the tux that is just amazing would never happen that fast here in the states and for the price you paid as well!
  4. Right there with you. Our latest cruise was the first time we did HIA and it was such a blessing!
  5. Welcome back to reality! At least reality of the work world for you! You would love road tripping, it is our retired life, six months here, six months there, sometimes on a cruise, sometimes chillin!
  6. Safe flight home! No bedtime here soon since we are West Coast.
  7. Wow I used to be a fan of SW but after flying other airlines for about the same price and I can select my seat I have switched. I don't have the patience for those delays...you are a much better person than me.
  8. Right there with you in many ways. My DM is 95, God willing 96 this August. She lives alone, still drives during the day and drives well I might add, often too heavy foot on the gas! She goes to the gym 3x a week at 5:30 am still cooks for herself and is an avid reader and former golfer she also enjoys doing puzzles. Ironic story, my DM is the oldest of 7 siblings and besides herself only 2 others are alive. It has been a BIG learning curve for me, DD who is 71, to learn about the aging process with a parent. What I have learned is to not treat her like a child or an elderly senior. Her health is good considering her age but the normal aging process has taken its toll on her physical body. She wants desperately to fly from Boston to California to visit with her sister one final time. I have been the go between person to put this together. Looks like it will happen end of April BUT! The BUT is that my sister in law, who will be traveling with DM on this trip recommends that DM use a wheel chair at the airport. SIL is concerned DM will protest as that equals "old" in her mind. I said I would deal with it and I was very pleasantly surprised that DM agreed to the wheel chair and it was much easier than I anticipated. I took the approach that "DM I am going to say something and you are not going to like it; all I am asking is if you will please thinK about it." DM response was OK I am sitting down (this was a phone conversation). I proceeded to tell her how my SIL had suggested to me when I was flying across country after my TKR last year that I utilize a wheelchair at the airport and I was offended but I agreed to it and OMG it was amazing. No crowds, such great service, no dealing with crowds getting on the plane etc etc dash thru security. Guess what...DM said OK I'll do it! Best of luck with your mom I am sure she gets tired easily and frustrated with herself as well. It is a very difficult situation dealing with our brains telling us we are not old but our bodies telling us something different. Thanks to all for the Dailys, enjoying following.
  9. @TxTeach79 WOW that 4 day cruise went by FAST......enjoy your down time in Miami and safe travels home. You survived another spring break! Lots to look forward to in the future. Thanks for taking us along, another great review!
  10. OK I missed the posting of the door decoration rules. Does NCL not allow door decorating?
  11. @TxTeach79....following another live that ended today and she is cruising with her mom. On their drive home from Florida to NC they were in an accident. No injuries but vehicle is not drive able, looks like she was rear ended and car is I am guessing totaled so please have a toast to her and her mom.
  12. OMG how awful. Please be careful and hope the other guy got a ticket and you got all his insurance information, looks like he rear ended you badly. Hope hubby can arrive sooner rather than later.
  13. @Haljo1935...rant away, needed and totally understandable and I agree with all your points. Our world is a crazy crazy place these days. One thing I have noticed lately ...watch your receipts that you are not overcharged. It happened to me twice lately and I did not realize it until the next day when I was logging the expenses in the budget. I am being much more careful these days. Hang in there!
  14. @BermudaBound2014 thoroughly enjoying your review. While we are the age demographic HAL is geared to, retired in our 70's I tend to agree with you regarding the entertainment. We love a good comedian and we are "regulars" at BB Kings as well. We had this cruise booked for 2025 and moved over to Alaska instead BUT we still would like to do this cruise, especially NOW after your wonderful review. I switched because I was having difficulty finding things to do in the ports. We are snorkel and beach folks and you have really highlighted that. When you get home I would really love to see your pdf or spreadsheet you used to prepare for this cruise. Honestly I don't have the patience to go thru the Roll Call pages it is so LONG! Hope you have smooth sea days heading back to San Diego. Susan
  15. Late to today's party, time difference is a killer! Just having 1st coffee at 7:30 am. If pools are chilly, how about the hot tubs?
  16. We were on the Koningsdam sailing just prior to your cruise. I will say IMO the one tender port was a nightmare. We were told no tender tickets needed when we arrived at BB Kings go down to 2. Well folks were backed up on 2 and waiting and waiting and getting frustrated for sure. The excursions also were not managed well IMO. But we didn't let any of this distract from our time and enjoyment. Just two things that could use some improvement for sure.
  17. @TxTeach79...excursion looks like a lot of fun and some fantastic pics!
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