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Everything posted by Angel57

  1. How are you and Pauline feeling? Hopefully you are both a bit better.. Gill x
  2. Hello. I am on Iona in 2 weeks and booked my theatre shows yesterday (Lloyd Wade, Magnolia Road, Festival and Take That). I admit it is badly worded but I think these are shows all in the theatre as the location of these performances are decks 6 and 7 forward. My understanding is that there are seats available on the night - however altho a P&O regular it is my first time on one of their big ships. I’m sure someone else who has been on her will come back with a more comprehensive answer.
  3. @Ranchi - that so reminds me of my first few cruises in the early 1990s on P&Os Sea Princess (which became Victoria). There were always guys on the quayside with long hooks to fish out a case or suit holder that fell into the water 🤣
  4. That’s very helpful and encouraging Graham, thank you. Breakfast in the Quays is certainly something I will try. I’m aiming to have dinner in a different venue each night! Gill x
  5. You certainly had good weather and sounds like you had a wonderful time together. I’m sure your wife was with you all in your thoughts….. I was pleased to read that you enjoyed the food as I am off on her in a few weeks time.
  6. @happy v I hope your husband feels better soon and I hope you don’t catch whatever he has!
  7. @Beckett you will certainly be missed. Take care. 😘 Gill x
  8. @Josy1953 well done on bowls win, but I’m so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope you get optimistic news today. You’ve had such a run of bad luck with family health recently. Gill x
  9. I went to an all girls school too. I can still feel the incredibly itchy Harris Tweed green skirts we wore in the winter. We also had pudding bowl hats and straw boaters in the summer. Our shoe heels were measured (max of 1 inch). How times have changed!
  10. OMG. Bet there’s paint everywhere. Think your husband should be in the dog house tho! So pleased it was good news at eye hospital for the cavalier!
  11. Yes, I’ve just been reading about this too.
  12. @Peanut006 I hope you have a lovely journey up to the Lake District and Freddie 🐶 hopes all goes well for your cavalier at the eye hospital. Gill x
  13. I hope you find your Mum better today, Sue. It’s such a worry for you. Gill x
  14. Just checked in online for my forthcoming Iona cruise and got a boarding time of 1130. 😀. It is pouring with rain here. Yuk! Have a good weekend everyone. Gill x
  15. A beautiful morning here after the early mist. We went for a walk at Hengistbury Head (near Christchurch) it was just glorious and surprisingly warm. To park the car for 2 hours was £5.80 tho 🙄
  16. @Purdey16 oh, that sounds like a wonderful cruise/adventure. Have a great time.
  17. Oh I’m so sorry MB, it doesn’t matter when we lose a precious relative or friend, we still grieve for our loss. My suggestion would be to see if you can attend virtually (I did this the other week). Gx
  18. As with many things recently - many of the recent issues and customer upsets are caused very poor communications from P&O. @JollyMia I hope it all gets quickly sorted.
  19. Thanks. Sadly Freddie doesn’t do well with any form of dairy (apart from a little cheese). As a young dog, getting his food right was a nightmare and we tried everything. The last 5 years has been trouble free, but vet said that as they get older their intolerances can worsen. I’m not a fan of kibble at all, but if this sorts him out then I’ll be very happy. Pumpkin didn't suit him (his output is mostly perfect anyway), so I am hoping this prescription diet will just be short term to in order to allow the acid reflux to settle.
  20. I agree. It really isn’t a “song” contest now. It’s about everything else!
  21. Good morning. Took ages to go to sleep last night. Partly because it was warm, partly looking unsuccessfully for the northern lights and partly watching the voting on Eurovision 🤣. The best bit is Graham Norton’s commentary but I still miss Terry Wogan doing it! Freddie has had digestion issues recently and the vet has suggested a strict biscuit diet with no doggy treats or even his beloved carrot and cucumber for three weeks. So, I shall be good at the same time! But he is going to be an unhappy boy for a while 🐶🥲and I suspect my patience will be tested! Another glorious start to the day, so a pleasant morning walk beckons. Have a good Sunday everyone. Gill x
  22. That’s dreadful. Looking at the new room service menu posted elsewhere for Iona, Bacardi is certainly on it at £27.
  23. There was something very special when the band serenaded the departure of the cruise ships away from the dockside at the Mayflower Terminal. When I did my world cruise on Aurora back in 2012 the send off (along with fireworks, which I think they still do) it was completely magical and we still talk about that moment. Back in the 1990s when I first started cruising the send offs happened every cruise we went on - was the champagne on deck at the sail-away from Southampton free back then can anyone remember?
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