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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. Orvieto is also a short train ride of about an hour, a very interesting town with a stunning cathedral.
  2. I’ve been able to call and get the information, but needed to go through the TA to book it.
  3. @StLouisCruisers and @kazu Yes our grand dog is a he, Our DSIL needed another male with three daughters, lol! That’s cool that he looks like Kazu! He has lovely amber eyes as he had chocolate siblings.
  4. My experience is that an Upsell must be done through the TA unless you booked directly. I have also been told that Upsell’s don’t go to everyone, not sure if that’s true or not.
  5. Good morning and thanks all! Such lovely photos from so many! Sending caring thoughts to the many struggling, named or unnamed! @HAL Sailerhoping things settle for you soon! @kazu hope you can enjoy your cruise! @rafinmd enjoy! @Vict0riann nice news about the Sheltie rescue, my aunt had a lovely blue Merle We are currently dog sitting our lovely grand dog
  6. I’m just so sorry you keep getting handed more lemons! Praying you have a lovely relaxing cruise in that Neptune, sounds like the best place to recuperate. I had a knee issue onboard and the ships doctor advised the stewards place a life preserver under the mattress at the foot of the bed. The elevation really helped me, not sure if that would be helpful to you , but they were so accommodating for me.
  7. Ooh those tapas! The asparagus looks so yummy, and I think I recognize those teabags😂
  8. You have brought tears to your eyes! What wonderful people! Sending hugs and hope you heal quickly!
  9. Enjoyed your photos, I was thinking of Parc Guell, so this is new for me! Hope you heal well and soon, never fun when one’s way. Time for your luck to change!
  10. rabbit rabbit RABBIT! ANd GRRRRR, I couldn’t login here and two other places. Le sigh! good news from @smitty34877 let the healing begin! thank you for the photos Lenda and Sandi! It’s on my list! And the interesting info @kochleffel
  11. Yikes! Sending healing thoughts @kazu @ger_77hoping for good news for you soon!
  12. @ger_77oh no! If you had confirmed flights with KLM they are on the hook for replacements. This is just so wrong, and so is HALs response! WestJet may have some flights. I hope you can straighten it out. @smitty34877 and @AncientWanderer my dad had RA and it was so difficult to watch the level of suffering. I’m glad there are more treatments now. People confuse it with arthritis, and it is so not the same.
  13. Good morning and thanks all! Add me to the No camp for Tilapia, it has an off taste to me. @Vict0riann I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your cousin! @Cruzin Terri also sorry to hear about your insurance issues, the loss is bad enough without this to contend with. happy Sunday!
  14. Glad you’ve arrived safe and sound! Interesting menu, I enjoy octopus. enjoy!
  15. Good morning and thanks all. We enjoyed the canal, but not Colon, we left the ship but quickly returned, very unsafe.
  16. @smitty34877 so sorry your DH has to go through this, it glad it was discovered and can be treated. Prayers all goes well! @kazu Bon Voyage! Hope everything goes smoothly now, thanks for all the great photos and stories today!
  17. Good morning and thanks all! We hope to visit Vietnam one day. Wishing everyone well on the care and concern lists. Happy birthday Graham! Jacqui, I am so sorry to hear your news, sending good thoughts for a quick recovery. It’s so very disappointing when you’ve been trying to make this happen for so long!
  18. Good morning and thanks all! @dfish those tacos look amazing! And to think you’re moving houses at the same time! @smitty34877hoping it is a minor concern! @cat shepherd glad your checks have been good! I’m excited for all those heading out on cruises! Prayers for all those dealing with so many concerns!
  19. Good morning and thanks all! @dfish those peppers look great! Thanks for the photos Sandi, Lenda and Tony! Will gladly celebrate artists, DS is one. @seagarsmoker Happy anniversary! Sweet 16! @Quartzsite Cruiser sending you good thoughts and wishes for a good outcome. Understand your exhaustion dealing with everything. Just a thought, we have so many dealing with so many issues and I’m wondering if a lot are unsaid, perhaps too difficult to express. So I will add to my list all those struggling with unspoken needs.
  20. It is definitely worth asking and as stated above checking how high the penalty would be if you did cancel and then rebook. Depending on the time frame the savings may be more than what you would lose on the deposit.
  21. Good morning and thanks all! Dinner and the wine sound good, not sure about the pumpkin drink but I’d try it! Well we went from mid twenties to the S word🤷‍♀️😜. Neither all the trees or our deck were ready.
  22. Good morning and thanks all! @Lady Hudson happy birthday @kazu I hope HAL makes things right, The before cruise could sure some improvement! @ger_77 that’s crazy, why the extra tote around trip, hard to fathom! well we are into fall, cool rainy and the dreaded a word in the forecast.
  23. Good morning and thanks all! Sorry to hear about more falls in the daily family. @summer slope a special shout out for the interesting drinks, spicy passion fruit, I’d Iike to try that! @Sharon in AZ continuing the drink theme, I don’t drink coffee but will with a B52😂 @kazu sorry you have two sore arms, I didn’t get a sore arm this time, just the fatigue, but DH had a sore arm three days later. Always different.
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