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Everything posted by mercury7289

  1. I keep my cabin hydrated, soak a hand towel in water squeeze until just dripping peg on wire coat hanger and hang from air con vent in the ceiling, get bath towel and scrunch it up, and lay under hanging towel to catch the drips. Works for me and a lot of other folk
  2. A build up of gunk on the pipes loosened into the system and up into my basin, surly is not the same as that straight from the purified source. It's harboured growth? i.e.; the gunk on the pipe has grown from what into what? I would have thought that it must be a bacterial situation good or bad, but hey not got a clue which is why I am asking
  3. That is part of the point of the question! also sediment in the pipe must surly harbour bacteria, how is it purged?
  4. Any one any idea what they do to purge the system, after a brown water incident running through the basin taps or shower? Running the water until its clear, seems to be the way they do it, but surly there is contamination within the pipework leading to the taps afterwards. Could this be part of the illness problem on board, sometimes, rather then the air con? which most people quote. Just asking!
  5. Yes, pre Covid 24 day Canada cruise Brown water and sludge from basin taps same on Aurora 2023
  6. Megbear2 Same symptoms, not nice and a bit scary, mine is finally clearing a bit, started,12th December also had 3 lots of antibiotics. Had to dial 111 doctor wanted me to dial 999, but strike in progress so did not want to up take emergency's time. Defiantly seek help!
  7. Ask Cleo, for some honey, and your cabin steward for fresh lemon, mix with hot water and drink, it does not fix your virus but it does ease your throat. The Staff recommend this! I am still suffering from my December Cruise
  8. Megabear Apologies for my last contact, had not picked up that you were afloat. Hope you are feeling better.
  9. Sounds similar to my illness, just started 3rd coarse of antibiotics, had chest x-ray yesterday, and gave other samples as required. waiting for results. Have a good trip, and may I suggest that you do your homework regarding available emergency facilities should they be needed
  10. I am aware that you are reluctant, but feel it could be time to play your joker! Live blog! I am still in trouble from the illness picked up on that cruise, 2 courses of anti biotics later, I have still got a barking and reaching cough and still producing,
  11. Sorry Clodia, this has nothing to do with air con, lungs full of yellow mess, on board air borne virus we were told. So many staff from day 1 with cleaning products all around the ship, all wearing gloves, Mr wishy washy on deck 11 most of the time
  12. Re Medina breakfast: Fried bread is an option, but not on the menu, we also found that the breakfast sausages were actually chipolatas, and beans or tinned tomatoes were served in little ramekins the smallest sizes possible, so we always asked for 2 portions, Also the Medina lunch time we always had a mix and match lunch, choosing whatever we fancied from whatever parts of the menu, and as much as required, but always washed down with a bottle of Chablis, or Money Spider, and always on table 109. Trust it will not be to rough for both of you going forward
  13. Exact Sturgeon equivalent in Portugal is called CINARIZINA, hope this helps
  14. Selbourne. we had the same problem with our suit cases not being able to fit under the bed, our cabin steward, part covered them with plastic and placed them on the balcony. I was not happy with this arrangement. I finally lifted the bed and then kicked them under, no more problem
  15. Selbourne ,have a good cruise, recommend you say hi to Ben, Hotel and Catering manager and Cleo a white shirt, one strip, from Zambia, both superstars! Looking forward to your posts ,I have not posted about my opinion on board in December, thought it may be better to let you form your own opinion. Looking forward to it
  16. Thank you all for your kind wishes, am aware of why we locked down for such a long time. defiantly not mild, I have felt ill for at least 12 days, on a coarse of anti virials, and as a full time carer no choice but to carry on. Enough of our wows We wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas, and may Your God be with you, in the New Year
  17. Strongly suggest taking Benylin Chesty Coughs, or similar ,forgot to take ours, so purchased Spanish version in port, Used 2 bottles on cruise, along with loads of tablets, yet sitting here, still renching and coughing and going though tissues in boxes. Due to pay final balance of 19 night April cruise on Aurora today, might be happier to drop £300 deposit at this time, will make decision later
  18. Thank you. understood that it was being explained as an air born virus? We were told that the Doctor had caught it at one stage. Coughing every where, selfish stupid people not using hankies coughing there guts out. Never seen as many crew on cleaning duties and also though out the day. Last evening you could see that a lot of the crew were struggling, red watery eyes gave it away. Sorry to report that in our opinion the Menu and Food in the MDR was incredible poor, did not order main course on 5 occasions, also being coaxed or bullied to leave by white shirt, at 10.20 whilst still finishing wine very poor. The glasshouse menu's have also become very boring, maybe due to us over using them. on previous occasions Very stale and rushed Best for us was Medina for lunch, mixing courses. Overall it is the staff that makes it, the product itself, is now very third world in our opinion.
  19. First time for us, a calendar and a diary. however Still coughing from Aurora R323,a very sick cruise, so may be the wrong time for appreciation from us.
  20. Thank you, Off today stopping overnight in Ringwood.
  21. I do not think it is limited to fix dining, I have had bottles from the package in the Glasshouse and in Sindu,
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