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Everything posted by Florida_gal_50

  1. You are correct. I've seen it listed there but I've seen no way to book it there.
  2. I caution anyone adding it when you get on the ship. I did that the second week of a 2 week cruise but did it a couple days before. It caused me grief because it was a lot of last minute changes and the koningsdam seems to struggle with getting my onboard account correct. I really don’t feel you will have much to gain by waiting.
  3. Absolutely. It’s just gets on my last nerve when people post that Canada should end testing. We don’t have a health system like you folks do. It’s been bedlam here. I don’t know why anyone would choose to work in healthcare when so many people don’t give a rats behind about doing what they can to not bog down the system. It’s a me me world for many.
  4. Yes, it a big deal when USA citizens are put out. That’s a problem. Canadians just get it done or stay at home. Those are the choices right now.
  5. For at least 4 months Canadians had to get tested within ONE day of setting foot on USA soil. Not once did I hear my coworkers or anyone say c’mon USA end testing multiple times like I’ve hear on cruise critic. We put on our big boy and girl pant and got it done. Now the tables are turned to a lesser extent and it’s a huge imposition that must be ended so people can cruise.
  6. Here is a thread from Mar 2022. I believe the poster does have programs in it but I didn't look today. ZGSCL Live from the Koningsdam - Mexican Rivera - March 6, 2022 - Holland America Line - Cruise Critic Community
  7. If you dock at the regular dock (sorry I don't know the name of it)in Puerto Vallarta there is a nice new pier. There are several places to buy food there as I recall. I'm fairly sure there are a number of benches. Its right off the ship.
  8. I'd be shocked if they gave change. They quit doing that where I live decades ago because of robbery. I do take the airport bus from time to time where I live and people just get on without any sort of change and the driver gives them a pass. My tax dollars down the drain. I've taken the bus in Fort Lauderdale and LA. I always carry a lot of dollar bills and coin so I'll be prepared.
  9. I've never had to ask either. Its immediately applied.
  10. Here is a link to the pricing. Take the included things with a grain of salt. I’ve actually never seen a few of the items. It’s an older sheet but I just rented a cabana last week and the price is as shown here. https://rogerjett-photography.com/here/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/HAL-Cabanas.pdf
  11. No I live in Canada and I receive it most times. As you always say a search of the boards would easily find dozen of threads on the subject.
  12. That’s why it’s great that they have options. I eat dinner really early on Sundays because I get up so early weekdays. I don’t want to eat that early on the ship. Generally the early dining is the first one to get filed so it’s well liked by a lot. I hated being forced into the “main” dining before open came on the scene.
  13. I’m sooooooo glad you made it to Juneau! I hope your luggage does too and you have a wonderful cruise.
  14. I sit at a desk for a living and I manage to get in 10 to 15,000 steps a day. One day last week I did over 16k so it’s really not that hard. I’m up super early though, and I’m not home from work until 5 or so, so it’s not like I sleep until noon. I’m not lucky to have a good metabolism though and lose weight by walking a few steps every day. I still manage to gain about 8 lbs every cruise just from minimal drinking and having dessert nightly.
  15. I’ve used pesos that I buy at home from a money exchange and I’ve also used usd. I can’t say that I’ve noticed a lot of difference when I’ve used pesos and I always have leftovers.
  16. You would get off the bus coming back from downtown on the mall side. You don’t have to go to a station. There are bus stops, usually with a fair amount of people at them. You would catch the bus to go downtown on the same side of the street as the port.
  17. Yikes! This is hard for me to read on my iPad. I’ve been there a ton of times but I can’t tell from this. There is a stop just outside the gates in Puerto Vallarta but I think there might be more than one gate but I may be wrong. Last visit to Puerto Vallarta we were parked at a different pier which was a pain and if you are there I have no idea where the stop might be.
  18. I think it’s going to cost a lot more than $3 in a Uber. I went downtown several years ago and I’m sure a cab was likely around $10. Uber isn’t going to be that much cheaper. As I recall it was more to come back to the port.
  19. Its polite to show up at 5:15. This is likely why they keep moving its earlier and earlier for those that use the time as a guideline. Why not use open if you ( not speaking you specifically)can’t or don’t want to commit to a time. It’s respectful to the crew to not make them run their butts off to catch up.
  20. I don’t think Bloody Mary’s or beer are that bad. It’s the frou frou drinks that would be far worse.
  21. I’d be shocked if it’s at 5:45. I don’t feel it’s been that “late” for years. I believe its 5:15 but hopefully someone can confirm that.
  22. How I wish I had your metabolism 😛. It seems so odd for places not to take credit cards. I used to use cash for a lot of things but ever since the pandemic pretty much everything goes on cards. They same $100 has been sitting in my wallet for about 2 years. I do use cash mostly on vacation. That is an ouch on usd at par.
  23. I almost always tip extra but I’m pretty low maintenance compared to what I read on cruise critic that people ask to be done.
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