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Everything posted by Florida_gal_50

  1. If you prepay in Canadian dollars it’s actually a bit of a deal. I think the exchange rate is around $1.24 for the prepaid crew appreciation which is better than the exchange rate is right now.
  2. Exactly. I don’t know why people have such a hard time understanding this, or pretend they do.
  3. There is no excuse for them not having anyone to answer the emergency number. I hope you hear something soon.
  4. Who eats 3 things for breakfast? Actually without a doubt I eat way fewer carbs on a cruise than I do at home. Also I usually eat fairly sensibly for breakfast and lunch. I don’t eat snacks. The meals are not large on hal, maybe 2-3 oz of protein except for the fish and prime rib. Carbs on the plate are pretty small. They are not American size portions. Not everyone eats burgers and fries all day. I’m speaking of the mdr not specialty restaurants.
  5. I would trust American. United in something else and not in a good way.
  6. I bring my own conditioner and lotion. I don’t like either.
  7. Fingers crossed for you that you and you luggage are reunited and have an uneventful flight tomorrow.
  8. Same although I was forced to fly with them with them in March when my flight got canceled and amazingly I didn’t have any issues. It’s a last resort for me to fly with them.
  9. I think that used to be the case. I have my phone by the key card quite often now and it doesn’t seem to do that anymore or I’ve been lucky.
  10. I hate united. They are truly the armpit of the airline industry.
  11. Thank you for the update. Can't answer about the covid test but I hope things get better for you going forward. Good luck.
  12. Yes of course not but you completely glossed over my point. If you have a choice of no cruise or flying in the day of I know what I’d pick. I know some folks have been retired for decades and they’ve completely forgotten how work takes over your life. This is especially true if you own your own business or if you work for a publicly traded company.
  13. Yes, I’m sure people understand that. Not everyone is retired or a trust fund baby that works 6 months a year for giggles. Not everyone has the luxury of flying a week before their 7 day cruise and it would be lovely not to hear it on every thread when flight cancellations are mentioned.
  14. When you do 100 day cruises of course you “might” see “thousands” of dollars of onboard credits. You are not going to see that on a 7 or 14 day. There isn’t an abundance of excellent ta to be plucked, at least from my vantage point.
  15. I said nothing about the nieuw statendam. I was speaking about the koningsdam. You read my post, right? Anyway several other posters have said the same. Maybe things are different in the Neptune suites. It doesn’t matter whether you recognize the menu. It’s nothing that I haven’t seen. You really don’t have to discount every post on this board.
  16. I always twist the lock on the door to the locked position if that makes sense while the door is open. That prevents it from shutting and locking. That said, I don’t wear my pj’s anywhere outside my cabin including putting my luggage out 😛.
  17. They’ve been doing the chocolate and towel animals only on dressy nights since last November on the koningsdam. You know you jinxed yourself with that internet comment 😛. Thanks for posting the menus. I’d expected better considering the price of this cruise. The look pretty much the same as 7 day cruises so far. I’m enjoying your thread.
  18. I’m not picky about my room. As long as I’m not over or under something noisy I’m pretty ok. I don’t take long, sought after cruises. It’s not an option for me to be gone for long periods since I’m working and not rolling in money.
  19. I can't imagine someone peering into those windows. Its just such an odd thing to do.
  20. Do you actually eat in there? Your links are not links at least on my device. I don’t enjoy when people stare at me and I never felt that way in there. The mdr is 10 x as noisy. A specialty restaurant will almost always be better than a non specialty restaurant. I’ve had not great service in club orange as well as specialty restaurants.
  21. I didn’t see the op ask if it was worth it. I don’t know why people get so offended about this. Had a poster go on about this when I asked a completely different question a couple days ago. I never said anything about “worth”. This is a place to ask questions, at least for most of us.
  22. I buy club orange for the upgrade mostly. I eat mostly at specialty restaurants and without a doubt they are better, except for the pinnacle lately. I do eat breakfast in there pretty much every day.
  23. We don’t have hospital space like you do in the USA. It too bad Canada is looking after the people that live here and inconveniencing cruisers.
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