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Everything posted by Florida_gal_50

  1. Non refundable for shareholders. I believe the ta would be refundable. I had both on my last cruise. When they posted the daily crew incentive my non refundable amount went down while the refundable stayed the same. Pretty easy to tell the non refundable was being used without getting an affidavit from the front desk.
  2. $200 for air! What a lovely dream that would be. While I haven’t checked air for every place in Canada I don’t think you could fly anywhere in Canada for $200. Likely not to a port city.
  3. Hours of phone scrolling? Oh I guess you are talking about the time for one screen to load on Hal’s internet 😛. I’m detest puzzles and I definitely don’t want to be touching things that tons of other people touch. About the adult colouring, I think this was been around for at least 5 years. It’s not a phenomenon that hal invented.
  4. Sorry you didn’t enjoy your Lima stop. I really enjoyed it. I didn’t do Manchu Pichu either.
  5. Absolutely. To do this is not acceptable. The excuse to say they’ve never worked in food services is pretty weak. Somehow I grew up knowing this is a no no and guess what? I’ve never worked in food services. People need to stop making excuses for things like this. I don’t want to spend my holidays on things like this but it’s pretty important.
  6. I’d love to book after final. Unfortunately I’m still working and I have limited times that I can take. Also don’t have a ton of holidays, or at least as many as I used to. Also can only take very few unpaid days. Any appointments I may have have to also be fit into this small allowance. Doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room. I don’t live where I can drive to the port so air becomes a problem. I’ve seen a lot of people come on here that didn’t buy insurance mad at the cruise line because they want their money back. I’m not flush with cash and I’m not willing to gamble with it.
  7. Yup. They had it on the front cover of the daily “thing” they were so proud of it. I’m pretty sure they had it a couple times each week on the koningsdam. I can’t imagine doing it. It just seems so odd. That said, I’m freezing my tail off 10 months of the year being in Canada so I want to spend as much time outside as I can when I’m in the warmth of a cruise.
  8. I don’t know how people can eat like that. I sounds disgusting first of all but I’d be 500 lbs if I ate like that.
  9. Honestly, not lately. Maybe they do it in the mdr at night but I can’t say I’ve seen it in any specialty restaurants or in club orange. One day at lunch I got all courses I ordered at once so there was something going on there so I can easily see it happening if the spoon was dirty. That said, I did eat once more for lunch in the mdr and the service was back to normal. I haven’t got a dirty utensil that I recall on hal but it might have happened, I just don’t recall. When someone puts cooked food in a raw food dish that’s just wrong. There seemed to be a lot of disfunction in pockets on that ship although I take a beating most times when I mention it.
  10. With that reasoning it would have to be open 24/7 for people from overseas. Unfortunately hal does shut things down early but you can get room service which I imagine is not available for free on other lines.
  11. Really happy the mdr was open for lunch. That’s great news! They’ve been dealing with high capacity for several weeks so it’s about time.
  12. Ok. Why would someone make that up though? Seems like a pretty detailed description.
  13. After a lot of cruises on hal I really thought my next cruise would be on celebrity. I always buy cancel for any reason insurance because I want that flexibility that regular insurance doesn’t afford. I was not thrilled to see their cfar is only for citizens of the USA. They have a lessor one for Canadians that covers 50 percent. That doesn’t work for me. Sometimes it’s not as easy as it looks to pick something else. I still have Princess where I have status but their cfar gives you a cruise credit. Hal is the only one I see that gives $$.
  14. Yes mediocrity is always the ideal to strive for.
  15. That's gross about the uncooked food. Totally unacceptable. I would have reported it for sure. I found the food to be quite good on the ship but mostly ate at the speciality and had Club Orange. I only eat salads and buns from the Lido so hard to screw that up. Not understanding about the water. You can drink from the tap or didn't you have running water?
  16. My cruise on the koningsdam was to be a culinary cruise. I booked it long before that. The only thing I saw was a dinner with Rudi in the sel de mer otherwise nothing. As much as I love sel de mer these special dinners aren’t appealing to me. I would have loved to see some cooking shows or presentations or cook offs as the previous poster mentioned.
  17. For those that think that colouring is an awesome activity they should take a look at the daily activity “sheets” for Princess and celebrity. There are loads and loads of activities. For those that say go there that’s fine. The issue is if hal doesn’t attract new customers they will die. No ifs, ands or buts.
  18. Thankfully the food on the koningsdam was very good except for 2 lunches that I had at the pinnacle which were average at best.
  19. Thanks for this information and clarity. I like using flight ease because I’m not out any money or end up with airline credits because I’ve booked directly. It is the airline that are canceling flights not flight ease that is going in and kicking people off flights just for giggles although I’m sure complications arise.
  20. Yes, after final. It’s pretty easy to before final.
  21. Thanks. What usually ends up happening with me is that I change airlines when my flight changes. I had westjet coming home from my last cruise. Changed to air Canada.
  22. All private fares I may have are hidden. The way I find out I may have a private fare is by going onto a large online cruise retailer and seeing that there is a private fare there. Why hide that fact? Hal shows the non refundable and hia fares. I know there is at least one other person on cruise critic that has this problem, probably a lot more. It just might motivate someone to book if they saw a good Mariner rate. Seems an odd way to do business. I always sign in.
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