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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. @Sea Dog 300I have never had a Kraken Colada. That sounds like the winner for first cocktail. We will have surf n stream so I will post pictures throughout our sailing. This is going to be so nice not having to take a work laptop with me. Definitely one huge perk of my new job that I absolutely love!!
  2. You have such beautiful photos and stories of family adventures. I love hearing and seeing them. Please keep them coming. Happy to hear your vertigo is improving😀
  3. I'm going to get my cruise ducks ready tomorrow. I'll send you pic of the marking I will put on the bottom of them. Hopefully the grandkids find some😃
  4. It definitely can be done. I have reached prime the last couple of years with less than $1500 out of my pocket. Video poker offers the least amount of points and IMO table games earn less points than playing slots. If your particular sailing is selling fast you may want to go to the next cruise desk. Book and ask if you can covert to your annual prime freebie next April when you would be eligible to use your free annual cruise certificate. In the past, I did this but best to check if still allowed. We always upgrade our free annual interior to balconies and find the upgrade is a lot less than the difference you see on royals website. Especially if you are diamond and get balcony discount. We love the free cocktails and water bottles as well as internet discount. Good Luck, You can do it!!!
  5. Thank you Everyone for the all good wishes for our voyage. Really excited to meet Marietta and Family and get to explore Oasis😃 Not sure yet what my first cocktail will be, so many choices. I do love my Mojitos but usually get something else for the first one. This afternoon I received confirmation from Royal that Eric's scooter we rented will be in our cabin. He did 1 day of PT this week and was rather sore afterwards. They suggested he use the scooter if he knows he will be going somewhere with a lot of walking. If he is just going on short walks or feels comfortable enough then they recommend he use a cane (just in case). Best not to strain since he is not fully healed yet.
  6. You are so right about the handwritten recipes. I have a wood box for index cards that has lots of my Nana's and Mom's recipes. I cherish that box. That does sound like a really rough 2 years +/- Sorry for your losses. There is not a day that goes by without me thinking of my parents and how wonderful they were and how Lucky I was to have such Wonderful Parents!!.🥰
  7. Sorry to hear that Ryan has Type 1 Diabetes. How old is he? I imagine it will take some time for him to learn the do's and don'ts. Hopefully he will be home from the hospital soon🥰 Sending him and your family positive thoughts and prayers🙏 Now that Eric did his emed test (he wanted to wait until I got home from work to do so he didn't mess it up since it was our last emed kit). All good to go and we can start packing tonight. I did have some stuff laid out on the bed in extra room already as I had passed my test last night.
  8. It is official - we will boarding Oasis on Sunday with you and your family - Yaba daba doo! Eric finally did his emed test - Negative 😃
  9. I would assume at this point that you will have to test since your sailing is longer than 9 nights and you are leaving from an US port, Hawaii.
  10. On my way to work this morning there was a road block!! 2 turkeys chasing cars then standing in the road not letting cars by. We tried beeping but they did not care so I got out and took pictures. One ran alongside my door as i passed the other. Guess i have to plan for this possible traffic jam in the future😁
  11. I did my emed test tonight, negative. Woot Woot!! Eric is doing his tomorrow. The best prices for spa are the first couple hours of boarding day, then port days. You get 20% off for D or D+. (Whenever I type that I feel like I'm typing a bra size🤣) They usually won't combine that with a sale price.
  12. I rarely do MTD but have read on CC many unhappy passengers the last couple of months now that ships are back to basically full capacity. It sure was nice sailing with the reduced capacities last Winter/early Spring.
  13. There have been so many threads with complaints/problems with the Anytime/My time dining that I would just avoid doing that and be happy with either the traditional dining for 5:30 or 8 pm.
  14. Yes, 11ish by the carousel sounds great! I am really looking forward to meeting you and the family😄 Did you do your tests this morning? disregard, just saw your post with 7 negatives - WOOT WOOT! Good Luck at the Dentist
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