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Everything posted by blag

  1. Interesting. How and where did you 'enter your info'. Presumably you mean that you provided the relevant data into some online form? But where is this form, and how is it accessed, please?
  2. Thanks. I found that independently. It think I misunderstood what was being said. I had assumed (wrongly, it seems) that the process was personalised, but the Web page referred to in your response is generic. I do not see a link in the pages where my bookings are listed. (Is this what you mean by my account?) At first glance this all looks much the same as the process with which I am familiar. Am I missing something?
  3. I made the final payment for our April 18th sailing a few days ago, but I don't see any means of boarding information against the booking. I would be grateful if you could be so kind as to identify exactly where and when I might expect to find this information.
  4. Grandma Gilly was talking about Journey in the early part of last year (I think). I was adding that the problem seemed to gave resolved itself by early March. But, it must, be said at the preliminary safety mister, the Captain took great pains to emphasise hygiene measures!
  5. Whilst this thread is now straying ā€” and I hesitate to prolong the digression ā€” I would add that we were on Journey for the repositioning cruise in March 2024 (Cape Town to Lisbon). AFAIK know there was no epidemic of stomach illnesses by that time.
  6. Why not pose your question as a 'Poll' - separately if necessary? The results are likely easier to analyse than multiple, lengthy responses.
  7. Maybe some of your questions are answered here: https://www.cruisecritic.co.uk/articles/7-reasons-azamara-is-the-cruise-line-for-you
  8. Maybe... if you have lots of unused OBC. Last time we were on Gran Canaria we took an Azamara tour as far as Puerto Morgan, but returned to the ship by taxi, including a slight detour into Puerto Rico to view a house my parents' built. The cost for the taxi, as I recall, was ā‚¬60.
  9. Be warned... On the last occasion I asked Azamara's concierge for a price for a transfer to our hotel on debarkation at Lisbon we were quoted $97. We took a taxi - it cost ā‚¬13!
  10. Those in suites already paid for this - no extra charge for them.
  11. From what you have stated it seems to me that it may not be Azamara's fault. In the absence of any invoices, statements or other confirmation from Azamara of the price, it looks very much as if the culprit is the TA, irrespective of your past history with them. You state that you have taken a suite and have cruised several times previously, and it is probably a fair assumption that you have an idea of what price one might pay for a suite on that cruise? Therefore, was the original price suspiciously low, and is the price now being asked more in line with what one would expect? Having been in a similar situation (albeit for different reasons) - twice - on both occasions I have been able to re-structure things to ameliorate losses. Unfortunately, though, neither of the alternatives were as good as the original. Hotels will often allow flexibility, airlines will often (even on non-refundable) allow you to change flights, and so on. It's a pain, to say the least, but if the TA won't accept liability, and you are not covered by insurance, your choices are: to lose all the non-refundables; to structure an alternative which salvages something; resort to litigation (against a US TA šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦) or to pay the extra.
  12. Do you have any form of written confirmation from Azamara (i.e. not from the TA) which includes details of the pricing? If so, then you probably have an enforceable contract against Azamara. If not then your right of action is against the TA. Either way, if you have insurance, you should lodge a claim without delay. As an aside, does the new price seem more realistic than the original?
  13. Is this intended for me, or a general 'Thank you'?
  14. There is little (or no) choice of landing at Sorrento! Your question leads me to believe that you are not aware of this resource!
  15. One man's 'reasonable' is another's 'expensive'. If you could define what you mean by 'reasonable' you might get enlightenment.
  16. Sorry. I misunderstood! šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦
  17. Some (many?) UK insurers will not cover you if the Foreign Office advises against travel to the country.
  18. blag

    Boarding Time

    What time were you pre-allocated by Azamara, or, if no time was pre-allocated, what was your loyalty status/ accommodation?
  19. The actual review was way, way too long gir me, and including photographs of the food speaks volumes. But, most notable ā€” for me ā€” was the following: "ā€¦ became painfully obvious that the embarkation order dictated in the Azamara joining letter was being universally abused" The result is anarchy, and, ultimately, selfishness becomes self-defeating.
  20. blag

    Boarding Time

    Our most recent embarkation in Rio could have been better, but the intervention of the Hotel Director improved things significantly. As for our embarkation at Dubai, that was by far the worst we have ever encountered. Even with priority boarding we sweltered for two hours before finally getting to the desk. Admittedly most of this was not Azamara's fault - most of the delay was a consequence of a tortuously long queue for entry formalities for India. I think you were westward-bound out of Dubai, which probably explains why your experience differed.
  21. blag

    Boarding Time

    Well said! I have seen people advising turning up whenever it suits. Such advice leads to chaos and frustration for those who respect their allocated lots.
  22. blag

    Boarding Time

    Well, in my experience, Azamara's boarding times have always started early afternoon. What other cruise lines offer for boarding times is, basically, irrelevant.
  23. https://www.whatsinport.com/Porto-Santo-Stefano.htm
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