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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. Seafood chowder last night, Lyle, although not quite as robust and hearty as the one I serve in winter
  2. We have a few hours till a major match, vs Denmark, which will be played in the early hours of Thursday morning AEDT. I really feel for Crown Princess Mary of Denmark (aka Australia's Mary Donaldson, originally from Tasmania, our apple isle). She must be torn, although she has been quoted as saying she would always cheer for Australia, unless against a Dane. Still, though.......
  3. Sending healing wishes and positive thoughts for this week, Les. We’re with you in spirit. Hang in there🙏🏻
  4. QE sailing rough Covid waters at the moment. Skipping planned Bali leg of current cruise, and sailing direct to Fremantle. Tier 3 now, with many, many passengers in isolation. Sending best wishes to all aboard for a rapid improvement in the situation.
  5. Thank you, Poole Boy, for taking the time to share your onboard experience. We are not due to sail on QE for approximately six weeks, so a lot can happen in that time. We are not concerned at this stage for our own plans, but rather, hoping that all improves rapidly for you and your fellow onboard cruisers. We would be so grateful if you are able to keep us posted. Take care, and very best wishes that you remain healthy.
  6. Ditto. Can't wait. We're embarking for 21 days on 7 January.
  7. Not sure about CBA Mastercard, but it's worth enquiring. I can't believe we were eligible all this time, and we've been purchasing travel insurance from insurance companies for untold amounts. You live and learn....eventually!
  8. Marion, see my above post re credit card travel insurance. It's no extra, and covers Covid. We had to answer the usual health-related questions, no different from any insurance supplier. We are eligible, so I've cancelled our NRMA policy. Our ages were fine.
  9. Thanks so much, Hammer61. I checked, and yes, our W card covers us. I applied, and received an email with a confirmation number. I have therefore this morning cancelled our NRMA policy, and should receive a refund of all or most of the premium within three weeks. Great response and advice on this thread. Thank you all.
  10. Yes, Leigh, an awful lot of snow. I think that must have been in upper New York State, but our nephew and his wife returned to Brisbane from NY City yesterday and said it was bucketing in the City as they left, so they were lucky to get away.
  11. Yes, a road trip, that's the ticket. Then imagine your hospital room is a balcony cabin. We can escape to anywhere in our mind, if we wish it. The good thing about surgery is that to the patient, it's over in a wink. I know you'll have lots of support for your recovery. We're all cheering for you, Les.
  12. That is not an attractive map. Very cold conditions; only 3c overnight here, and it certainly doesn't look good all the way to NZ. Think of poor New York though: 2metres(!!!!!) of snow in just over 24 hrs.
  13. We had a wild drive to the south coast and back yesterday, but it was no better here in Canberra. Major blackout all along the coast, and also in some Canberra suburbs for a time
  14. Marion, are you on Luminosa out of Brisbane at the moment? We have friends who are aboard. I thought their cruise was later, but apparently it's the current one.
  15. Drove down and back to Batehaven today, Les. Horrendous driving conditions, between the ferocious winds, occasional heavy rain on the Clyde, and the endless potholes. Then there was a blackout while we were there, apparently stretching from Wollongong to Bega. Home now, but terrible weather outside here in Canberra. How are you coping with the weather, and I guess you can't tell us all how you're feeling till the power's back on. We both send best wishes. Take care.
  16. Hopefully things will improve for you after your hospital treatment. None of us enjoy being hospital patients. Strength and very best wishes, Les. I think they serve wine with meals in Macquarie. If they do, ask for an Iforgetto instead. Sounds like a great day at the coast. Enjoy the sun and salt air. Two of my granddaughters are driving down and back tomorrow, just for a dip in the ocean. Energy is wasted on the young, no?
  17. How’s the weather in beautiful Batehaven, Les, and how are you feeling today?
  18. The most compelling example for insurance I can cite is our own experience many years ago. It didn't involve our own health, or an accident either of us sustained. We were one week from boarding our flights to Europe for a Silversea cruise, followed by a Tauck land tour. Sadly, my mother, who was in her ninetieth year and seemingly in good health, suddenly died. Of course, we immediately cancelled everything, and set about the sad task of organising her funeral and caring for my bereft father. After a time, I contacted our travel insurance company and made some enquiries. Because my mother's sudden death was caused by a previously undiagnosed and undetected condition, the kindly and sympathetic representative I spoke to encouraged us to lodge a claim. His reasoning was that at the time we were accepted as policy holders, it was understood that our parents, if living, would be of advanced age. To our eternal gratitude, and amazement, and after spending two days compiling all receipts and medical certificates from my mother's treating medical specialists, including hospital emergency doctors, we were reimbursed every cent. That included the cruise, the land tour, any hotel accommodation that was pre-paid, even the business class airfares we had indulged in because it was a special anniversary trip. It doesn't have to involve a fall, an accident, a heart attack, or, heaven forbid, dementia.
  19. In the UK, Cunard required all UK citizens to have travel insurance before boarding their vessels. That doesn't apply if you book Cunard here in Australia. Not sure about other countries. Cunard is, of course, owned by Carnival now.
  20. Marion, we've just taken out travel insurance with NRMA for our January Cunard cruise to NZ and Tassie. It's not cheap, believe me, but it was the best price we could find, and it covers Covid. I turned 74 this week, and Mario is 78. No problem with our ages.
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