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Everything posted by voyager70

  1. My mom saw what she thought was a dog lying down amongst the shrubbery in front of her house. Turns out it was a baby deer, even smaller than the one in your picture. Later on when I was over we saw the mama come back to get her baby. Absolutely adorable.
  2. That was an amazing comeback by Djokovic. I’ve been a big fan of his since he was a teenager. I just love his passion for the game and to be that dedicated after all he’s accomplished at age 37 is indeed phenomenal.
  3. We made a 2:30 flight out of IAH with ease, but traffic was not too bad that day. I wouldn’t book anything before 1:00.
  4. That looks gorgeous. My mom has a large a/c condenser unit as well as full home generator right next to it on one side of her house. They built a little wall/fence around it but it doesn’t hide the units very well. I’ll suggest doing something like this to her.
  5. I had totally forgotten about Sue’s snake and rat speech in the season one finale. That was indeed legendary. Remember seasons 2 & 3 being great as well.
  6. I agree. I was a diehard Survivor fan for years but became very disenchanted when they started throwing in all the new “twists “ and stopped watching. The show, for me at least, became less and less of what it started out as and I lost all interest. I keep telling myself I’ll give it another shot someday but haven’t been able to so far.
  7. That was my exact impression when I visited the Alamo. Also was shocked it was right in the city. I had no idea! Loved San Antonio
  8. I see my primary care physician twice a year, January and July, so I will address this issue at my July appointment . I did start taking the Klonopin a little earlier and that has seemed to help a bit. I’m still a little groggy when I get up but it’s nothing debilitating and I can still brush my teeth, shower etc without any problems. Many thanks to you and @Ocean Boyfor your comments and advice.
  9. Great pictures. Between yours and @grapau27 Graham’s pictures I’m amazed at how beautiful some of the beaches and the color of the Sea in the UK are. I’ve been to the UK but never been to a beach there. Will have to put that on my must do list 🙂
  10. So happy it all worked out well but I was kind of hoping Lucy would end up with a new brother or sister to hang out with 😁
  11. @Ocean Boyif you don’t mind me asking a medical question I was prescribed Ativan as needed for occasional anxiety and insomnia which seemed to be working pretty well. Dr switched me to Klonopin as my personal issues which I won’t get into became more difficult. I know they’re both benzos and assumed the effects would be similar but whenever I take Klonopin before bedtime (which is also when I would take Ativan) I’m very groggy and a little loopy for a few hours after I get up which never happened with Ativan. Is that just me or do they work differently?
  12. I’m from the northeast and have only sailed from Galveston twice but loved the Texas crowd, vibe and especially the accent and sayings we don’t use. Might have actually said “y’all” and “fixin to go ashore” a few times myself 😁
  13. Couldn’t agree more. I lost my dad in March after an 8 year battle with Alzheimer’s dementia. The nurses, from the hospital to the nursing home and hospice care were angels. They are far under appreciated. I’ll never forget the care they provided for my dad and comfort for my mom, sister and myself.
  14. Beautiful pictures Graham. The color of the water looks more like the Med or Caribbean, would have never guessed it was the North Sea 🙂
  15. I’ve seen a lot of towel animals over the years but that one takes the cake! Awesome!
  16. You really have a lovely home and grounds. It know it will look even more beautiful when summer gets into full swing. I am a big fan of natural light as well and the summer house looks gorgeous.
  17. Well if they do bring Gary back I won’t be watching. While I still enjoy many aspects of Below Deck it unfortunately has gone down the same path as many reality shows where it seems to be all about young, attractive people getting drunk and hooking up and watching the ensuing drama.
  18. Thank God Gary is gone. Apparently he’s still in denial about his disgusting behavior. Totally agree with @Sea Dogabout both Gary and Ben. Luka, who I really liked at first was also getting a little creepy in the way he was acting towards the stews. As far as I’m concerned I don’t care if they don’t bring back BDSY at all. I’ve never been a big fan.
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