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Everything posted by Joebucks

  1. I had one on the radiance when they were testing it out. Beef patty, hash brown, 2 fried eggs, bacon, maple aioli. Sure it had some real heft, but it was absolutely delicious. I think the Mardi Gras has them today. I love Guy's burgers. Burgers are one of my favorite foods, but unfortunately more than half of restaurants (probably more) out there serve you a bland burger. To put your own toppings on burgers is key. Perhaps this is why I used to be such a huge fan of fuddruckers.
  2. Did the Panorama cruise in January. It was great! Our first time going to any of those ports. Definitely considering a future trip to Puerta and maybe even Cabo. Our next trip will be on the Celebration. The prices are too good for a brand new ship and experience (for us).
  3. The difference is the bottles allowed for consumption are marked up appropriately. Why would anyone go to the bar if you could buy a bottle for $30?
  4. Unpack everything Grab food and a cocktail Explore Muster Not always in that order.
  5. It's amazing that people will spend $3-4k to be in an interior on a mass-market cruise and believe they got a deal because "things were included in the original price".
  6. Not sure if you just want the bucket at the pool. You can also get a 4 pack in your room for $21-$24 (before fees) depending on what type of beer. I absolutely love having beers ready in the fridge on vacation for when I want them!
  7. I've only gone with the social in the past. Being able to message people on social media and go on Facebook has been plenty for me. It also includes airline sites for checking in. Then I can use my T-Mobile or other Wifi at ports.
  8. Many will vehemently disagree with what I am about to say. The vast majority of people would still be overpaying in this scenario.
  9. Not that most of the complaints are completely unfounded. However, this is the society we all agreed to in the name of "safety". Every time we want to chase what sounds morally right at the moment, understand that there are consequences. We will never learn this though. It is easy to say cruises should stay grounded when they can't be fully staffed. Even easier when you aren't the one responsible for billions of dollars in losses. To complain about the charges onboard is odd. I can find expensive charges on any vacation. They rarely sneak up on you if you are that concerned about them. Vacationing with a family isn't cheap in the majority of major spots. If you don't like the experience, that is understandable. However, I'm a firm believer most people come with a bad attitude or let a few things ruin everything. I've seen it for years, in every capacity. We've allowed a society of Karens to thrive. Those who would NEVER work in the roles that they constantly complain about aren't given perfect service.
  10. On the typical 7 day cruise, I have hit my quota with the 3 sea days. Sure I love cruising. Sure a day aboard is better than a day at home. It loses its luster though, especially if the weather is bad. A bad weather sea day is a huge bummer. I know this may not be the "right" answer. I would love to be able to work remotely onboard a day or so. Talk about a great office and a way to save your vacation days for even more vacations!
  11. It could also be that a significant portion of the profit from this model is having two people buying it. Besides the obvious sharing, the loss of revenue too. For every "I can easily spend $70 a day on drinks" post we see, we know there's likely to be another half who barely touches it. I'd bet the cost of Cheers for 1 week that there were multiple studies completed to find which was the most profitable model. It is unlikely that people's special exceptions were the strongest model.
  12. Honestly, there's a ton of potential reasons, it's tough to speculate. It could be trying to bring back "lapsed" customers. Maybe her onboard spend was lucrative. Maybe they targeted women demographics. If you have more points, it sounds like you don't need marketed to as you're going to come regardless. Marketing is a lot of complicated than a few people's opinions on the internet.
  13. Because their marketing department was targeting her for whatever reason they decided to.
  14. What happened to cruise stock was a travesty. For all of these companies flaws, it had little to do what happened. Unfair treatment by the government caused this. The reason they didn't file bankruptcy is likely largely because it is still a viable business. People are still cruising. New ships are compelling value propositions.
  15. Rentals have their place. I think if you are traveling with a large group, it can be fun and make sense in some cases. On the other hand, it can be very noisy, and lack privacy. Overall, I agree with you. A hotel is generally more favorable for me. The hotel experience, for all of its flaws, has the science down to what we actually need. The beds can be awful in rentals. Sometimes, you have to do a basic "cleanup". Sometimes, you don't have any sheets or towels. The cheap factor for AirBNB is also not there as often after all fees. There needs to be some limitation to this madness. I think people should be allowed to have 1, maybe 2 properties they rent out. These serial renters are ruining it for everyone.
  16. The testing was always pointless. It just became even sillier.
  17. Would that require passengers submit a proof of pregnancy? We know that would never happen. Otherwise, what's to stop people from just claiming pregnancy? It's easier to just say no exceptions. Besides, all of the Cheers fans boast of infinite value because of water bottles and coffee anyways.
  18. AirBNB and short-term rentind are a huge problem. It's a big reason why housing prices are skyrocketing in so many places. As someone who generally is against regulation, I think this is an area that needs it. Florida housing, for example, isn't going to get any better when you rent it out for more than its worth.
  19. I have two AMEX. For my one with the $450 annual fee, no offer. For my free card, I had the offer! After credit, getting an $800 ($400pp) trip on the Celebration after taxes and fees. Can't beat that!
  20. With all of the talk of price hikes, I found it pretty interesting I have 7 day itineraries on the Celebration in January for $300pp. I may just have to jump on that.
  21. You average cruiser would be happier with a $100 higher fee than a $50 charge later.
  22. It's funny that we ban plastic bags and straws, but the bottled water cartel has held on. Bottled water is a waste of money. Even more importantly, all of that plastic you are consuming is horrible for you.
  23. I'd say cruise prices are at their lowest when they are at their lowest. In all seriousness, it can vary. Outside of summer and holidays, prices are generally much lower. In advance is often going to have better prices (and more room choices). I usually watch the prices for a few weeks then book it when it falls to its lowest point.
  24. It's only shocking if you both ignore the laws of supply and demand, and believed the echo chamber of a dozen or so online cruisers who believe everyone wanted to sail with COVID protocols. I assume there have been people just itching at the bit to sail, and jumped on the first opportunity. This likely won't be a forever thing. Prices should eventually stabilize.
  25. Pre-paid cards serve little purpose, other than to prevent some sense of fraud. While ironically, often opening you up to fraud without protection.
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