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Everything posted by Joebucks

  1. "Carnival" did not change your flight. Southwest did. Carnival is communicating what Southwest did. You aren't out $3700, but it looks like you might incur a couple hundred for a hotel and dog boarding. This is probably a blessing in disguise. I wouldn't fly across country, relying on two flights to be on time, on the day of your cruise. Everything is messed up now.
  2. While Haven isn't my cup of tea, it would probably be if I wanted something more "luxurious". I never understood the crowd that says if you're buying Haven, you should be on a more "premium line". I'd much rather have upgraded amenities and accommodations when I want them, with all the bells and whistles of a big ship.
  3. Previously, those without a vaccine had zero choice. With this, they have a choice. More options for more people.
  4. These types of posts can be tricky. New cruisers don't know what they don't know. Lots of people will interject their own personal preferences. From your description of what you are looking for, it sounds like you want the experience of Celebrity or HAL, without the price. (Don't worry, so do the majority of cruisers on here too). An "intimate cocktail experience" could be tricky. I say research the ships / brands within your price range, and pick the one that has the best itinerary, dining, activities, and amenities for you.
  5. Another great benefit of fixed dining for me. Personally, I don't experience "stress" to make it to dinner by 6 that some do. By that time, we have usually had plenty of time in the sun, at port, etc. Where some find the "free as you go" approach more relaxing, some are a little too free in their timing. Waiting for other party members and then to go wait for your table (extra wait if you want the same crew) is not my style.
  6. Agreed. I couldn't imagine passing up on all of the great experiences of a cruise because I didn't have a balcony. Pretty crazy. My cruise in January was heavily enforced by the mask police. While we still had fun, the mask mandate was worse than I anticipated. Comedy shows are a big deal for me. With them, it's a pretty big change for nightlife!
  7. While I wouldn't say you're completely off base, there has never been a "good time". There always seems to be some new panic, which doesn't apply to the rest of society. Which brings us to where we are at today. Treating it like the rest of society. There is zero reason to concern yourself with other people's vaccination. People are free to get their boosters and wear their n95s.
  8. I personally don't care for anytime dining in the slightest. Waiting for my table, being placed wherever, and a more impersonalized setting isn't worth being able to go whenever. 6 pm is honestly a great time for dinner, for us.
  9. I never understand these types of posts. "I'll be damned if my vacation starts by wheeling a bag to my room. Inconvenient as all hell". "I could care less if I kick off my trip without my luggage, and all my stuff. Not to mention the inevitable hassle to get reimbursed for the missing items". Perhaps the most inconvenient vacation experience I have ever had was the airline losing my luggage on a trip to Aruba. Spending time shopping, watching spending limits, to buy inferior and uncomfortable items. Going back and forth between the airline and credit card company as to who covers it. Insurance is overrated. Precaution is underrated.
  10. As many people's vacations revolves around sugary drinks, straws make them easier to consume and have less impact on their teeth. Paper and sugar straws change the taste of the product, for the worse. Then there's some people who thrive on the "current thing". Have to be a part of whatever is the hot topic, and "doing their part." Regardless of the outcome, gotta take the moral high ground.
  11. Sure a marginally larger room and/or a balcony is nicer. There really is no argument that I'd pick that at 7 days over 14 days of cruising in an interior. The vacation is the cruise, not the room.
  12. More so if you are already going to be purchasing Wifi. Other than that, it's kind of a waste of money.
  13. Very interesting as the average age of cruisers on Princess is up there. Perhaps this is a test to see how it goes for them.
  14. You mean good once you travel more than 100 miles from home? Right? Anyways, sure limits can be important. However, people need to understand what you are buying. Insurance isn't just about numbers you decide are important, but also terms and exclusions. Most companies aren't going to pay out a $50k claim all willy nilly.
  15. What a deal! I'd book it in a heartbeat and figure out the rest later.
  16. I'd be curious to see the actual benefit of testing. We'll probably never know. Now that people are doing their own at home, how do we know they are doing it right, or being truthful? For many the "look what we're doing about it" is good enough rather than the actual outcome. You are almost certainly going to encounter covid on a cruise.
  17. I don't think anyone is really asking for the straws to be able to be disposed of at sea. The whole argument against plastics is that they don't biodegrade. Previously, it was stated a straw took 200 years to decompose. Half of a year, at worse, is solving the problem. The whole straw thing is completely overblown anyway. Especially when you compare it to consumption of water bottles. We drink those like they are going out of style. Yet no one says a peep when we know those are ending up the same places straws are. Sugar and paper straws are absolutely horrendous. If this breaks down in weeks, we are on the right track.
  18. If I had to guess, it's because the suitcase has a solid value to you. Between all of the stuff in there, it could easily run a few hundred dollars to the average person. That might influence the decision to paying off a balance? I'd say this probably isn't too far off from what happened: Cruise line: "Hello, we ask that you please settle any outstanding balances before you leave" The internet: "Evil cruise lines forces poor woman to pay thousands in unexpected costs so the CEO can afford another yacht"
  19. I came in ready to say no deal breakers, but I have to agree with this one. First sea day = great energy. Second = still fun. Third = not the same. God forbid the weather isn't amazing on a sea day either. Completely ruins the entire day.
  20. I think you bring up some great points. A lot has certainly changed over the years. We often talk to other people. It is fun. However, there are definitely reasons we prefer the 2 top at dinner: - Getting tablemates you don't vibe with is as awkward as it gets - Not feeling forced to make discussion in certain scenarios - It's relaxing to have your own table and privacy - Not being forced to sit with them for your whole vacation. I'd much rather pick and choose when to socialize. Set dining is a dying breed. It's a shame too because I largely enjoy my (early) dining experience. I do not enjoy the forced elegant day though.
  21. I used to bring a some chips as they are my favorite snack and aren't abundant on the ship. It was even nicer to have them at port when I wanted something. I agree with you a little more now. I don't anymore. I absolutely love having a bottle of wine in my room. The minute I'm ready for dinner, I like to start enjoying one (as the other half will take forever to get ready). We just can't drink a whole bottle with dinner.
  22. https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g312855-Activities-Ushuaia_Province_of_Tierra_del_Fuego_Patagonia.html While you do make a good point, it seems like examples on the internet love to give the most extreme and unlikely example. Flying in a day or so before a cruise is your best way to prevent missing your cruise. "Guarantees" don't create extra flights or whatnot that don't exist. Getting there earlier reduces stress, leaves more options in case of flight delays, and adds extra enjoyment to a vacation.
  23. A lot of venues don't translate well to the larger ships. This one was fantastic. Improved size for the ship, well laid out, and great theme. There's also something to be said about the main lido pool. The combination of blue iguana, red frog, and guy's, with all of the other stuff going on. It's just a great vibe. As many said, Alchemy is a great spot. Even on land it is difficult to find cocktails that good (especially for the price). Plus another good vibe.
  24. I've personally had my bag go "missing". It was found. Having a luggage carried to my room is not worth the trade-off of it going missing. I've been on vacation without luggage and it ruins the mood big time. Nor is it worth $5-$10. Some porters will absolutely not treat your stuff right without a sizable enough tip.
  25. FYI, on that particular cruise the "sail away" rate is "sold out". I'll take your word for the pub food.
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