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Everything posted by thunderingherd11

  1. If you buy 15 drinks. But I an now buy ten, pay a little more and have a lot more variety.
  2. A bottle of so co cost me 84 dollars a few weeks ago. This does not qualify as a cutback and there is a lot of profit built in to that price.
  3. I mean some things can be a cutback. But this was already a premium option which cost way too much. I almost did a bottle of Southern Comfort a few weeks ago. it would have cost me $87. This isn't a cutback. I decide ten drinks is just as good.
  4. I have been cruising since 2015. I love carnival and I have noticed a difference this year (I have done three cruises). I despise the complaints about cutbacks. I help run a college. Even as a nonprofit you have to always change, and many times that includes removing things that aren't giving you the return on investment. Cruising is a ROI business. I am disappointed about the food quality this year. That is about the only change that effects me. The fact that I can buy an $87 bottle of Southern Comfort for my own use doesn't bother me. I will just buy ten drinks. Pizza hour cuts and sea day brunch cut is smart business decisions that really does not impact that many people. Certainly didn't effect me on my last cruise. I get it we all cruise for different reasons and have our own preferences. But here is what Carnival should do. They should not adjust what they are doing. Keep it the same. Keep accruing debt to the point that they have no choice but to go under. Now that is a cutback that would suck. I have read recently that there is over a 50% chance that Norwegian is going to have to eventually file for bankruptcy. This could happen to more than just them. My biggest concern is comments made from one of the higher ups that they are bothered that their vacations are less than land vacations and they need to fix that. Well, that will make a difference for me. I am cruising because the price for most land vacations aren't worth it to me. I don't cruise Disney and other expensive cruise lines for this reason. Yes, I can afford it. But I don't want to spend more that what I think the value is. So when this occurs, we will go from three cruises a year to one every few. Just my opinion. I hope this creates dialogue. Not here to argue, but I will. lol
  5. quit saying everyone. Everyone doesn't want to do anything the same. I don't want to rush my meal. This isn't McDonalds.
  6. This isn't applebys. I think a nice dinner takes a while. I will say the anytime dining is a lot faster that the set timing. I actually complained to my wife a couple of times on this last cruise that the service was too fast.
  7. I am getting on the Paradise in Tampa on October 3rd. Anyone else on this cruise and how concerned should I be about the current potential hurricane situation?
  8. Looks good to me. I don't complain about what is not there. restaurants change menu items all the time. Its called changing if Olive Garden does it, but its cutbacks if a cruiseline does it.
  9. The problem is it is easy to smell, but not necessarily as easy to fine. The smell carries and lingers.
  10. Don't think he was criticizing you dude. He asked am I the only one. He knows it affects others. And, no, he is not the only one. Chilax. lol
  11. So because you can get a pound of bacon at piggly wiggly, they should be able to to get 20,000 pound of bacon every five days. Got it. And if you don't think getting visas is an issue, then you aren't in any business who deals with people who need businesses. There are excuses, and there are reasons. You can believe its an excuse. I would rather not have bacon, than to pay 500 dollars more for my cruise. Just me.
  12. Whats frustrating to me is the use of the word cutback. I work in a business. It is our job to always look at doing things better and saving money where money can be saved. Sometimes it isn't a cutback, its a change. Yes, I like pizza late, but my guess is that the usage during some of these hours is not worth the extra cost. That is good business. A lot of people complain about things they never use. Carnival knows who and how many use these things. I think its crazy that they charge for room service. And then I realize, that in 9 cruises, I have never ordered room service. And the room service cutback started way before the pandemic. They actually enhanced it during the return from the pandemic.
  13. Yeah. Don’t care. I’m gold now. I get a few things that I really don’t deserve. Free drink is worth it to me.
  14. I agree. No real confirmation of this. But we do t do excursions like this because we like to keep low profile.
  15. Nothing mean was said. And if my momma is slowing things down, point it out. lol
  16. So what's the latest you can get on. Doing Paradise in December and two of my kids will be pushing it to get to the port in a timely manner.
  17. Have cruised in january and November. Loved it. Will cruise this year in December. I Think June, July, August, are the worst three months. Keep in mind, I hate being too hot.
  18. My misunderstanding is the decor is not anything that would ever cause be distress on a cruise.
  19. I agree. But it is also ok to point out that their experience was probably not the norm. And that interpretation plays a big part in relaying ones experience.
  20. The hate for carnival pizza is the number 1 complaint of cruisers that I dont understand. love the pizza, and don't tell me I don't know what good pizza is. The second complaint I don't understand is the décor is dated. Say What?
  21. Everyone knows that carnival does not enforce what some would consider little rules.
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