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Everything posted by bookbabe

  1. I asked on the pre-cruise form for either Baileys or Kahlua, and got full size bottles of both. We were in a Grand Suite, not sure if that makes a difference or not.
  2. I’ll be the naysayer…we did this itinerary in Sept 2023 and it was meh. Part of our disappointment was the enrichment content, no Norse studies experts or content at all, which we had expected to find because of the itinerary name and route. Missed the Shetland Islands due to weather and subbed St Anthony for L’Anse aux Meadows due to Viking’s poor planning. Wish we’d missed Greenland instead, that’s a one and done for us.
  3. Yeah, I think she was unaware that the “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” doesn’t start until you actually *get* to Vegas… lol
  4. I so wish that airports and airplanes were “dry” zones. We’ve had too many incidents with drunk fellow passengers impacting our flight experience. The worst was a four hour delay on a February flight from YYZ to Las Vegas, where the deicing had to be done twice due to the return to the gate to offload a drunk woman (and her equally drunk travel party) who kept throwing up on herself and then taking off that vomit-covered piece of clothing. She was down to a bra and leggings by the time they unloaded her. And she was exit row. Even with more clothes and less vomit there was no way she was capable of sitting there. Fun times.
  5. On our recent Saturn cruise (Trade Routes) the D-Day excursion was altered a bit from the online description due to the anniversary events. The included museum visit was Overlord, across from the cemetery and it was awesome. The lunch was actually at a restaurant in the Gold area, and we had shopping time there which you could probably use for visiting the silhouettes.
  6. We don’t. And we leave our iPads plugged in to charge while we are out on excursions. Only issue we’ve ever had is the desire of our cabin steward to neatly coil all the cables, so that we uncoil them when we get back. Then again, we are usually in a suite and they leave a blank key card in the power slot by the door for us 24/7 so the power stays on when we leave the cabin, so YMMV.
  7. I’ve never seen anything mentioned, and our cabin steward and butler walked by the clearly visible router multiple times a day without comment. And, for those not reading the kindle thread, the router solves kindle login issues as well as giving you multiple device access.
  8. This is one of the other issues that using a travel router avoids…we make sure ahead of time that my kindle has the router username and password saved, and then once on board it just automatically connects after the router is set up. See the wi-fi thread for more info.
  9. Best two dishes from our recent cruise…the Filipino fried rice and the spicy mayo shrimp at the World Cafe. Worst…every pizza. Really, just avoid it. It looks a lot better than it tastes, and that’s saying something ‘cause it doesn’t look great.
  10. Lots of the travel routers have an app or some other setup feature that lets you log into the ship’s captive wifi network, we just did this on a Viking cruise, used that same router on Mariner last year. It does limit you to multiple in suite only, but how often would you be using multiple devices elsewhere in the ship?
  11. A travel router may solve your issue without having to hope for extra free logins once you board.
  12. The best place to get answers is the festival website, search “alcohol” in the FAQs and you get this… https://www.hallmarkchannelcruise.com/faq/search/ What do I need to know about alcohol? Norwegian Alcohol Policy Please note that with the exception of Wine and Champagne, all guests are prohibited from bringing alcohol on board our ships. If you purchase any alcohol at one of our ports-of-call or in our onboard shops, the ship will safely store your purchase(s) until either the final night of the cruise or the morning of debarkation, at which time it will be available for pick up in a designated area. Beverage Packages Guests can pre-purchase beverage packages prior to sailing via their NCL account once reservation numbers are shared (4-6 weeks prior to sailing). You may also choose to purchase on board (on first or second day of sailing). Everything you need to know can be found at hallmarkchannelcruise.com/beverages. Wine & Champagne Policy Guests may bring bottles of wine and champagne on board. When bottles are brought on board and served or consumed in any restaurant, public room area or in their stateroom, a corkage fee will be charged according to bottle sizes noted below. Please note that for safety reasons there are no glass beverages allowed on the pool deck lawn. 750 ml Bottle: $15.00 USD* 1,000 ml Bottle: $20.00 USD* 1,500 ml Magnum: $30.00 USD* Wine or champagne sent directly to the ship by travel agents, friends, family, etc. or from another retail source, are subject to the same fees. Box wines are not allowed on board. To speed up the process of checking your wine or champagne at the port, print out this form and bring it with you. *Corkage Fee is not applicable to guest with alcohol beverage package. Bottle Service Guests can order items through the Gifts & More program including bottles of liquor that are delivered on board with mixers (not advertised but available if you call) and gourmet treats— outside of 10 days prior to sailing. Please note there are no glass bottles allowed on the pool deck lawn.
  13. Safe, clean, friendly. Great food, okay shopping. No pushy street vendors or sketchy people looking to scam you. Lots of natural beauty, especially at the botanical park. Best island in the Caribbean. https://www.explorecayman.com https://www.botanic-park.ky
  14. That sounds like what it does. It’s been working for the last 31 days, and he only had to log in a second time on the B2B changeover day between cruises. That being said, the internet is still diabolically slow, whether via the router or direct. But the router we have at least has a port to connect a USB stick that we are streaming saved media from.
  15. This one doesn’t come with an app, although DH says some do. It creates its own network, and the first time you connect to it, it bridges between your device and the ship and then you log in to the ship network that first use. Afterwards, any device that connects to the router just logs into the router network, which is already connected to the ship. I hope I’m explaining that even semi-clearly, I’m going by my memory of what DH told me as he was setting it up.
  16. bookbabe

    The beds!

    Our Casper is the Wave Hybrid Snow, and I find the bed on Saturn to be as hard as a rock in comparison. I don’t remember the bed on Mars back in September to be quite as bad.
  17. bookbabe

    The beds!

    Add us to the haters list, even with multiple mattress toppers. Have occasionally been sleeping on top of a row of the memory foam pillows, which helps a lot as long as I don’t roll around too much. Have a Casper at home.
  18. Yup. Connected to one as I type this.
  19. You are unlikely to find many hotels offering day passes, especially during busy periods. An option might be Coral Beach - https://coralbeach.ky
  20. Either Coral Beach or Public Beach will technically meet your requirements, although things at Public will be more DIY and a bit less convenient. If you want a beach club, Coral is the only game in town at the moment. There are lots of restaurants with great food and great views if you don’t want beach. Cayman has never really gone in for the party/AI kind of vibe, even for stayover tourism, so I’m not surprised there aren’t more beach clubs. When things went out of business during the lockdown, some properties were sold to developers and other owners just moved on to other types of businesses less affected by fluctuations in tourism.
  21. We were in Marseille two days ago, did a cruise ship excursion. No sign of anything negative other than rain.
  22. People can look like they’re sick but not be ill. Allergies can make you look like you have a cold or worse. Your perfume/aftershave/cologne/shampoo is generally what’s causing my coughing and sneezing. Your backing away in horror at my coughing will likely solve the issue for both of us. I’ve noticed a few other people coughing, but I’m kind enough to assume allergies or that it’s caused by the dry air on the ship. Besides, a little bit of coughing is nothing compared to a couple of the incidents so far. Earlier this cruise, we had a gentleman have an accident (code brown) on the excursion bus shortly after setting out for the day, and at the first photo stop we had to sit on the stinky bus for a extra 15 min while he dealt with things in the shrubs beside the road. And the bus (and the gentleman) continued to smell for the full day excursion. I’m guessing he wasn’t ill, though, since he was on excursions again in the following days with no incidents. And today at lunch some woman threw up in the World Cafe. And only half the buffet was open because it’s a port day, so we had nowhere to relocate to. The cleanup process is pretty thorough, though, and kind of interesting to see. Not sure whether she was ill or lunch didn’t agree with her, but we’re in port so likely not seasickness.
  23. We are dual citizens on a cruise right now, and our info for the online checkin had passport 1 but we checked in at the terminal with passport 2. No issues. The issue with going back to the states on your Italian passport would be that you’d need an ESTA, wouldn’t you? I’m not sure how that would work, you’d have to use the ship internet to get one, I guess. For general travel, the guideline I was told was that you should use the passport with the strongest ties to the country you are entering. In your case, as I understand the guidelines you would be using your Italian passport to enter Italy and the rest of the EU, and you’d use your US passport for North America and the Caribbean. For most other countries, I personally would check which passport doesn’t need a visa for entry to that country, and use that one.
  24. Answered on your other thread. But as people say, it’s chancy so you’ll want an excursion that’s refundable or missed port insurance.
  25. We did a Viking cruise (980 passengers) in Sept 2023 and made it to the Faröe Islands but missed the Shetland Islands due to weather. I had seen a lot of reports from people on that itinerary in the past saying they’d missed it, though. You might want to go with a ship excursion or a DIY one that offers refunds, just in case.
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