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Daniel A

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Everything posted by Daniel A

  1. Since we aren't wine drinkers, we bring our own 3 or 4 pack of Prosecco on board with us and save them for disembarkation day. It's merely Italian Champagne and once it's in a Mimosa you really can't tell the difference.
  2. She also found it works at local restaurant bars. But I can't take credit, someone else on CC suggested it. 🤷‍♂️ P.S. I'm glad you got a good tip from me; I will always remember your suggestion about the Prosecco and OJ in the disembarkation lounge. It gives us a little lift on a sad day...😢 - 🥂🙂
  3. DW likes vodka on the rocks. If she orders that, she gets one paltry shot of vodka in a rock glass. Someone on Cruise Critic suggested asking for a vodka martini on the rocks and hold the vermouth. She gets a much larger serving of vodka that way without being charged for a double.
  4. Banks in the US generally do not sell Euro Coinage, only paper currency which makes the smallest Euro denomination €5. I want to get some one- and two-Euro coins as sometimes €5 is too much to tip a porter, waiter etc. When on cruise excursions and at foreign ports, banks are not generally accessible or easy to find. Does anybody know how to get €1 and €2 coins in advance of leaving the U.S.?
  5. You mean like Yehootu?? 😄
  6. I'm not sure if your post is 'tongue in cheek,' but Balcony Bill is the username of the person who started this thread. Apparently, Balcony Bill didn't realize the computer will automatically show he started the thread so in error he inserted his username in the thread title box. Not a big deal. Life goes on. BTW, if your post was serious, I hope you weren't offended by my response.
  7. Generally, I don't think your cabin steward is involved in the process at all.
  8. Isn't that generally true of the pizza or Chinese delivery person as well?
  9. This video really does a good job of explaining the Medallion experience without going through 146 pages! It's 12 minutes long.
  10. I like to get $1 coins before the cruise and use them for small tips (not the steward at end of cruise). It's novel for the crew members but I have to make sure they understand that the coin is a dollar and not a quarter.
  11. Maybe you did turn it off, but they were afraid to find you on the can!! 🙈 🚽 🤴
  12. I assumed that to be the case, my response was to clarify this for the OP so they know it shouldn't be a frequent occurrence on Princess.
  13. Isn't there a 'do not disturb' option on the Medallion screen outside the cabin door?
  14. DW pulled up this recipe she has had for years, thanks for the suggestion! English Muffin Bread.PDF
  15. To clarify what I heard in a little more detail, if you have the Beverage Package, and want to order a drink for yourself and travel partner, each person needs to have the app otherwise the drinks go against one person's daily limit (and I don't think the Beverage Packages allow ordering two drinks at a time. I would think if one were ordering their drinks a la carte, then sure you could order multiple drinks but they still go on one person's folio.) That said, I've never ordered any drinks through the app, so I don't really know for sure, I prefer to go to the bar myself.
  16. Please correct me if I'm wrong about this, but I was under the impression each person needs to have their own phone with the app if you want a waiter to bring your drink to you. I heard if one person orders two drinks on their phone, it only recognizes the person whose phone was used.
  17. I mentioned that it was a non-Princess cruise. We were in the Haven on NCL and there were a couple of families that let the kids have the run of the Haven without any adult supervision. The kids spent so much time in the small hot tubs without any supervision that I never saw even one adult in the hot tubs in the Haven the whole cruise. The point about my previous posting wasn't the kids, it was the negligent parents who were nowhere to be seen, so I am in total agreement with you that the child(ren) shouldn't have been left alone in the first place...
  18. I would bring my own extension cord as there is a limited number available from the steward. Also, in the cruise personalizer under the Check In button at the top, you should be able to see a link for Dietary Requests. You can request distilled water at no charge and the steward should have it in place in your Cabin when you arrive. If you forget to pre-order the distilled water, just ask your steward and it will be brought to your cabin.
  19. Here's the link to the PDF. the story of our food (princess.com)
  20. You didn't take it off topic at all. Good contribution!
  21. Re-read the post. I said if I was the parent of the kids and they were in the hot tub with a 60 year old man, I'd consider that to be a problem. If I'm the dad seeing a 60 year old man in a hot tub with my kids, I'd know for sure that man wasn't their dad. Also, my original post specifically referred to children not being supervised by their parents. I'm not about to get up at 2AM so I can climb into a hot tub, 24/7 really??
  22. Who said anything about sexual preferences? The implication in your post is truly offensive. If I was a parent and saw my 12 year old son or daughter alone in a hot tub together with at 60 year old man, that kid would be away from that guy pronto! If you don't see any problem with an adult hanging out in a hot tub with children who aren't his, then I can't help you.
  23. The reason I asked was to find out if the cruise was a South Pacific cruise with some stops in the Hawaiian Islands. I have a similar 35 day HAL cruise booked out of San Diego next year. On my HAL sailing, after leaving French Polynesia, there is a seven day straight run back to San Diego. Since it was seven straight sea days, we booked a port side balcony cabin so we can have some cocktails on our balcony and watch the sun sets. I don't know if your Princess cruise would have the same run back to LA from FP but it's worth considering IMHO. Whatever you pick, I'm sure you'll enjoy the cruise!
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