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Posts posted by TeaBag

  1. On 6/3/2022 at 11:55 AM, wrk2cruise said:

    Have you confirmed on your account that you still have that stateroom on your reservation?

    Yes, I did, because I booked the same cabin for the B2B and it was correct on my account.

    Whoop-di-do, it has been corrected!  I took a screen shot when it was showing available just in case I needed proof.  I wonder if Celebrity reads all these boards?

    Darn, I was hoping Celebrity would come forward with a big gift for us and the new guys booked in the same cabin.🤣🤣.

    Thanks for the suggestions, folks.  This board is the greatest.

  2. On 5/31/2022 at 10:54 AM, joyride said:

    OK, sorry about the licking comment. I MEANT LIKING. Tried to edit, but it wouldn't let me. Internet is real slow. AS far as flight issues, it turned out that everyone in Premium economy on That flight had their seats changed The people, in our original seats had just booked 3 days ago. Off to dinner at Prime C. REPORT TO COME

    Loved the licking everything because that meant to me that the ship was so beautiful you were drooling all over everything!  Thanks for the laugh.  Yes, I knew you meant liking.  Thank you so much for taking away time from enjoying yourself on the ship to let us know how it is.

    • Like 1
  3. Their website is a disgrace.  I recently checked a booking I made last Nov to see how the price compared with the semi annual sale.  Imagine my shock when I saw my booked cabin available for booking!  It's the second leg of a B2B, so good luck to the person who tries to occupy because we will already be in the cabin!  Good work Celebrity.

    • Haha 2
  4. 3 hours ago, debkaysmith said:

    On our recent sailing aboard Celebrity Eclipse, May 15th, there were delicious tea snacks served in the buffet from 3pm to 4pm ... little sandwiches, scones, and cookies. Not exactly what it used to be but yummy nonetheless. 

    So glad to hear they brought it back.

  5. We used to love this tea daily in the Oceanview but it was not available on our Eclipse cruise a month ago.  We thought maybe it was because of COVID.  Hopefully they will bring this back when things settle down.

    They also used to have a special tea served in the dining room once on a cruise.  

  6. We prefer to dine early so we usually get to the dining room before it opens.  We noticed when we were there in April that they had removed one table from the 5 abreast from the windows to main aisle in each row to accommodate spacing.  Then there were all the others on the other side of the aisle.   This was on Eclipse.  The window tables are usually the first to go.  Sorry I have never counted the tables.

    If you like beef don't miss the short ribs.  The Lava cake is awesome too.

    Enjoy your cruise.

  7. 21 minutes ago, marieps said:

    I once left an IPhone on an elliptical machine in the gym.  I returned and it was gone.  I gave security a time window, and via security video they tracked the passenger who took it all the way to his cabin, then flagged his seapass card.  When he tried to get off in the next port, lights went off and he was confronted, and told he'd not be allowed to go anywhere until he produced the phone.  I had it back soon after.  Hats off to ship security.

    Impressive.  They should have put him off the ship.

    • Like 5
  8. 1 hour ago, MartinsCruise said:

    We were in Aqua aft cabin 1140 on the Summit last month and loved the size and the location of the balcony but there were times when the sound from the movie on 12 made it less than enjoyable sitting out there.  Even though it was raining and there were only 350 passengers onboard they still had the sound blasting. When it got loud enough that we heard it in the cabin I called guest relations about it.  One time it was turned down but the next time there was no improvement.  

    We had exactly the same problem in 1140.  Went up to deck 12 and there wasn't a soul listening to the loud movie.  I agree, it doesn't need to be so loud that it impairs peoples' enjoyment of their balconies.

  9. Many people are quarantined in their booked cabin.  On our Apr 23 cruise (first cruise on the Eclipse since Mar 2020), there were two cabins, AQ class, not far from us with the "deep sleep" sign always on the door and trays outside indicating they were allowed to stay in their room.

    I would never book an inside or O/V cabin for just this reason.

    Some cruises have had dedicated space on a deck with balcony cabins for quarantine and move people to those cabins.  

  10. I hope you get this resolved so you can go on your cruise.

    DH has lots of experience with kidney stones having had 20+.  The last one was 5mm and he treated it himself with liquid THC which is legal here.  Two days later he passed the stone.  I don't know if you have access where you are. Drinking lots of water is good advice but beer is better as it relaxes the tubes maybe making it possible to pass the stone. Would it be possible to go to Emerg and get a shot of Demerol?  

  11. 1 hour ago, takemewithyou said:

    That’s interesting!  
    We did our one and only Oceania cruise that was Montreal to Southhampton.  It was 16 days.  Port stops were Trois Rivières, Quebec City, Saguenay, Cornerbrook Newfoundland, Sydney, St Pierre, St John’s Newfoundland, Belfast, Dublin, Holyhead Wales (missed due to weather), St Peters Port, Guernsey (missed due to weather), and Southampton.

    I wish Azamara would try some itineraries like this.  Oceania has quite a few interesting itineraries, but our experience was nothing like an Azamara experience and I would prefer to spend our funds on Azamara!!

    I would like this one too.  Quebec City is awesome.

    • Thanks 1
  12. We have used the shareholder OBC for years and it was often given as well as other OBC's from the cruiseline.  I hope that hasn't changed.  I don't think it should have anything to do with what you get from your TA. 

  13. We arrived home from Honolulu last night and didn't have to wait for a kiosk even though 9 planes had just arrived.  Our only problem was getting the thing to work.  We had to try three before we got one working properly.  When we got to the customs officer, it was the easiest interrogation ever.  I guess when you have the ArriveCan on your phone, it shows up everything else at the officer's booth.  We were not asked any of the usual questions, how long have you been away, what is the value of items purchased, etc.  It was a piece of cake and the custom's guy joked with us for the short while we were with him.  Such a pleasant change.

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