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Everything posted by Windsurfboy

  1. We're you waiting to check in or board
  2. If only airports were that good. Never see queues at airports Anyway the comparison with airports isn't valid. They are far bigger and have much more internal space and seating per passenger compared to ocean terminal. Take Heathrow , boards 120,000 a day. T5 the busiest terminal boards 40000 a day over 18 hours. 2200 per hour so one Arvia in just under 3 hours. The area before departures alone is bigger than Ocean terminal. After security there are 40 gates including satelites b and c , the central concourse and 8 lounges , altogether providing 10,000 seats. This means seats for 4.5 hours worth of passengers. Plenty of space to let people wait inside. Ocean terminal with 1000 seats has under one hours worth of seats for biggest ships. Anyway as you say who cares, I come on time at 12.00 and go straight through.
  3. So you are suggesting a passport check as we board. Just moving queue to narrow gangway where only two people can check passports as against 20 or more check in desk, recipe for massive queues. No need to stand in rain if you arrive on time
  4. E-gates at airports do that now , but you have to stand on spot for maybe 30 seconds as it thinks and compares picture to face. I was jesting about what you see on films , instant recognition as you walk past camera, perhaps based on photos uploaded during online check in.
  5. If you are wine drinkers, buy it buy the bottle , cheaper and better.
  6. Without the equivalent of E-gates , which by the way are not that quick and would take more than a minute for even just 2 people, someone must check faces against passport. The new process if everything filled in on-line it's a very quick process. I don't know of e-gates at any cruise terminal
  7. The best way is not to arrive early, and the only people who can't control arrival time are those that arrive by public transport and who don't have a safe slightly later option.Those in cars can wait occupy themselves nearby. If only the few that have no option turn up early should be enough space to them in. If loads turn up early then nothing can be done Never mind what system is proposed it relies on a steady smooth flow of arrivals. After reading all the comments I agree with those who say no one has complained that they arrived on time and had to queue. If only everyone didn't want to be first on. P&O have a very transparent system for allocating arrival times. If you want to be first splash out on a suite, or get Liguirian status, If you want to be in second batch achieve Baltic status, Then Carribean ... So just arrive on time
  8. I presume the latest P&O check in, which is mainly done on-line is similiar or identical to Cunard. Present passports, boarding passes stamped all over in under a minute. Can't see how it can get faster. AI and facial recognition ?
  9. What happens if everyone turns up a 10am
  10. So it seems the difference A) have the big bottleneck security first. So if people arrive early and there is no queue at security let them through. Makes sense. I wonder why some terminals have check in first some security first. For P&O to change will ideally need physical layout. Or might just need an electronic board indicating numbers waiting for security. If a queue early arrivals wait if no queue at security let them through B) start earlier, If ships start boarding earlier does this mean earlier disembarkation, whether you like it or not
  11. How do these companies manage to process more than the 1500 people an hour through security (less than 30 seconds per person) . If they can't do this then , like P&O they will need to ensure a steady flow of arrivals, at no more than 1500 per hour. If the amount of people arriving exceeds ability to process through security instant overcrowding. It's security not check in that's the bottleneck. Please let us all know exactly what they do to achieve this.
  12. If like many do the OP checked the price on P&O website and compared it to TA price, they should know how good a deal they got. If this vastly cheaper and more than shareholder OBC, nothing to complain about. If not !
  13. Protocols are designed for bigger ships which is where the problems occur. Yes they could theoretically have different procedures for each ship. However think of confusion, people arrive early and say we were allowed to come early on Aurora . Better to have one rule , come on time.
  14. Security is the bottleneck, with 10 scanners in ocean , far less in Mayfair. P&O operates by far the biggest ships in Southampton. That is why they need strictest rules. With a full mega ship terminal have to process people through security in under 30 seconds a person continuously . This is right at the limit. It only works with a steady flow and has no spare capacity for early people. If people want to be able to turn up early and wait in terminal , then choose a cruise line with smaller ships. P&O problems are all due to size of ships and terminals which we're designed for 3000 not 6000. P&O can speed up check in, which they have. Security is laid down by authorities, so unless they can find room for more scanners, there is no room for unscheduled arrivals
  15. It's so P&O can keep terminal free for those who turn up at right time. With up to 6000 on a full bigger ship and may be only a 1000 seats in terminal, people need to stick to times.
  16. Plenty of comfortable coffee shops , restaurants , pubs to have something to eat whilst you wait. No need for sackcloth and ashes.
  17. The "blurb" as you call it forms the basis for a legal contract between yourselves and Cunard. So whether it's Exlondoner tendering or ipads , Cunard are not doing you a favour by honouring it. They have a legal duty to honour it. The blurb should not be dismissed out of hand , just as binding as T&Cs
  18. Tried booking airport for today they say full, so may not be a reliable last minute backstop
  19. Good , that they've moved on. Hope this means Covid cannot be used as excuse for anything anymore. As it was for lack of books.
  20. Once you find out how to do it , a lot better. Just out of pure interest looked at conservatory mini suites on my cruise, 50% sold on deck 9 , none sold on deck 8 not a single one.
  21. That is assuming every thing works perfectly. The seats are after check in, as they manage the wait to get through security which is the bottleneck. Also there must be an allowance for people arriving slightly early. If the allowance is 30 minutes early this could be up to 750 people for a big ship. Which would be enough to almost fill the terminal. Anyway what is hard about arriving on time, if you are early stop for a tea or coffee, on road , at the station etc...
  22. Having empty seats is a necessary part of making the system work. Starting from the proposition that those who arrive within alloted time should be able to sit down whilst waiting to be called. They need to keep empty seats for these. How many, one minutes worth , obviously to few. If they keep empty seats for only just 15 minutes worth of people turning up, that for a big ship is 375 seats. So it may look as if there are plenty of empty seats but that's just a sensible buffer If when ever there was empty seats they let early arrivals in , any hiccup and there would be absolutely no space for on time arrivals
  23. What would you like to say to there companies
  24. You can try long term parking at airport and get taxi
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