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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Ouch! I’ve gotten a few of those before. She still loves you though. I think he is a really great person but I’m amazed how smart he is. Also his hard work ethic on that boat. I couldn’t do it. He’s also a pretty good surfer. What doesn’t he do?
  2. Hello Below Deck Fans..two things. Tonight on Bravo at 8pm central, 9 pm eastern is Project Runway where favorites of the Below Deck series will walk the runway in the famous Real Client Challenge. Also I’ve really gotten into BD Sailing Chiefs Engineer Colin’s YouTube channel called “Sailing Parlay Revival.” It follows Colin before he joined Below Deck buying a hurricane damaged sailboat in the BVI and restoring it and sailing it all over the world. It’s fascinating to see how they fix this heavily damaged boat and sail it through pirate infested waters and their journey to some of the most beautiful islands I’ve ever seen. There is 5 years worth of videos some I’m still in year one but it is so interesting. I had no idea Colin has an engineering degree and has also worked on large super yachts. A fee of the spiders follow him on a super yacht to earn extra money to repair his sailboat. Check it out great stuff.
  3. Thanks for doing this. I was going to do it and got a phone call by the time I came back here I see you did a fine job.
  4. We really need a care button. I will be thinking of you through this period. I have complete confidence that you will get through this and have a full recovery like my good friend who had the same type of cancer. I am here for you. Please keep us updated. I am praying for you and wishing a speedy healing and full recovery. Love you buddy!
  5. Been there. We did have a breakthrough with Kylar (black cat) with Jonathan’s two cats Drave (b&w) and female Beans (orange) at the dining room table.
  6. Unfortunately it happens a lot our vet said. We’ve had to cancel before too. Let’s face it we love our cats but they can be jerks sometimes. 😉
  7. Our cats hate getting into cat carrier also. Linda has had luck putting the carrier on the couch with the opening angled up against the back of the couch. When the cat is near she picks her up and puts them at the top and gravity takes over dipping them to the bottom. It’s worked every time for her.
  8. Have a great trip Crystal! You always go to the most amazing places. Happy Anniversary wished to you tomorrow. I hope you guys have a grand celebration. Love the Polynesian. Make sure you go to their Trader Sam’s Tiki Bar for some exotic cocktails. Love their decor too.
  9. Debbie I am heartbroken for you. It has to be so hard and a very helpless feeling. I hope you can spend some time together and share stories of good times. Peace be with her.
  10. Oh man I asm so envious. There is nothing like that wall of sound that hits you. It's so powerful. I may buy the streaming package for the finals so I can watch but it's nothing like seeing it in person. I'm glad you got to go. The blue Devils are one of my favorites along with Santa Clara Vanguard.
  11. Not great. The cats mainly hang out upstairs and the dog’s downstairs. Kylar is used to the dogs and they like him. When Lizzy sees Beans she barks at her. Drave could care less about anything.
  12. We are cat sitting Jonathan’s two cats while he is away on vacation. Drave (he) and Beans (she) They have been here before but beans when she was kitten and scared of everything. Now Beans is the ultimate lover cat. IMG_1893.mov
  13. I wish I would have kept some of my 70’s clothes. They were wild. I even had a pair of 3.5 inch heels I used to wear. Good times!
  14. Great observations Andrew. I too get very irritated at the vapors cheating. Wish they would fine them a dollar amount. That might deter them.
  15. Welcome back! I’m sure Owen and Lucy were glad to see you. Looking forward to your thoughts. With a lot of people unhappy saying Royal is going downhill, I’m curious on your take. Cheers!
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