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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. When I was in Tokyo for a week that’s what I noticed too. Spotless everywhere. The other thing I was impressed with were the subways. The areas and subway cars were so clean. Even more so with all the people when a subway car came into a stop and the doors opened everyone was orderly in exiting and entering. Everyone was so respectful of each other. Americans could learn a thing or two by visiting this wonderful country with its people and culture.
  2. I am so sorry to hear about Dave’s kidney stone. I had one and it was the worst pain I had ever experienced in my life. Please tell him I am thinking about him and wishing him a successful lithotripsy and relief. I guess you can really celebrate your birthday on Explorer. We wish we were with you. Much love to you and Dave, Greg and Linda
  3. And I heard the real life Martha is considering suing the producer/writer saying a lot of it is untrue. I don’t think she stands a chance but they may settle out of court.
  4. @jmh2006 Happy Birthday to.my Taurus sister. I hope your latest trip around the sun was a great one! Cheers to you today.
  5. Inquiring minds would love to know why he left? His choice or forced out? My speculation is that he did not see eye to eye with Liberty. Cutbacks to entertainment in the future??
  6. It’s on my list to watch. I hear Emma is fantastic. Watching Baby Reindeer now. Wow that is going to give me nightmares. Makes Glen Close in Fatal Attraction look like a sweetheart.
  7. Glad it all got resolved. I think Lucy would rather be the queen of her domain and have to share it with another cat.
  8. Have a great time. I am so bummed that we had to cancel our April Beyond sailing. We will get back to her some day. What heartbreaking story but thank god for the happy ending. Your daughter is beautiful and I am sure the joy she brings you is priceless. Linda had similar problems. We lost our first child with a miscarriage and then the second time Jonathan was born but right after delivery she went into post eclampsia and at one point her stitches broke where they did the c section and she almost bled to death. They were able to get her in for emergency surgery and I can’t tell you how relieved I was when the doctor said she got repaired good. Needless to say the doctor advised against having any more children so Jonathan is our only child.
  9. Happy Mother’s Day to all who post here. We are celebrating tomorrow as my son has to work today. I did go to our favorite donut shop to get Linda some donuts. I was amazed that everyone else decided to do the same. There was a line of over 30 people outside the shop. Luckily they had a large staff working and plenty of donuts. We will be relaxing today and maybe go shopping for some more hosta’s for our backyard. We have gotten into a tradition of buying flowers and planting them on Mother’s Day. Cheers to all the good moms out there.
  10. I talked to my wife’s cousin today who got some good pictures of the northern lights. She said it looked completely dark and a black sky by the naked eye. But if you take a picture of the horizon with auto exposure the camera will pick up the colors. I thought was interesting as last night when we were driving around we did not see anything.
  11. We were bummed as others in our city had success. We will try again tonight. We drove about 30 minutes outside the city to get away from the light pollution but did not see anything.
  12. Incredible pictures. So beautiful. We went driving around last night wanting to see it but did not see anything. I think we were out too late.
  13. WOW!! Incredible pictures. I wish we could have seen it. We drove for about an hour outside the city to see if we could see it. Unfortunately no luck.
  14. So Explora if I understand this right is all inclusive and includes Drinks, Wi-Fi, and specialty restaurants? Then if you added all those to a Wonder sailing the prices would be comparable?
  15. I swish that were the case. It ends up being very annoying and hurts somewhat. Also gets very hard to put on shoes.
  16. Probably not enough. In Hilton Head I did drink a little more water but maybe I am still not drinking enough.
  17. That's part of the problem in that I like my food and good cocktails. Now while I don't eat as much rich food during the week and I only drink alcohol on the weekends I never have a problem. It's only on a cruise and now a vacation full of fun food and drink. I just want to have fun right?
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