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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. I can get on You Tube. I cleared my cache and browsing history and finally got back onto FB from my desktop computer. Mobile seems to be working now. What a pain in the you know what.
  2. That's what I thought so I changed my password. Now I can't get in. I checked and it appears to be an outage or something. Maybe FB got hacked itself???
  3. Here is mine. Fairly simple. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/erzma5dmxmtzhnu9rkg3y/Bella-Cruise-Schedule.docx?rlkey=yw1xzplrxvtsbqbbd40bc6r2p&dl=0
  4. Sorry Jane to hear about your annoying cough. Thats the worst feeling. I used to cough nonstop when I would get allergy induced bronchitis every spring. I hope the doctors can figure out what’s going on. Gang in there.
  5. Sorry Bonnie to hear about your daughter. Hopefully she will have more good days than bad. I have a good friend with MS she has lived with it for over 35 years. Welcome to the hernia club. They should do it laparoscopic which will be less painful and a faster recovery. My hernia pain was never bad. More of a dull ache. Main thing is to take it easy and no lifting of anything over 15 pounds.
  6. I’ve always been a Sony guy. Especially after using their broadcast cameras. They last forever. I’m sorry to hear this. May he rest in peace.
  7. I'm sure they are worth a lot. People will pay big bucks for those. I'm sure you can find the right person to have them sold. Just make sure they don't take too large of a cut.
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