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Everything posted by Roscoe13

  1. For those of us awake the Celebration just entered the turning basin at the port of Miami. She's here!
  2. Now that we've recovered from our being up for 40 straight hours...with God as my witness I am never going to bed early again!!
  3. I'm in Dallas now pulling away from the gate. Amy should be airborne soon
  4. For next year I've thrown out the idea of 2/8/25 Panorama 8 nights, featuring LaPaz, out of Long Beach. It's a super bowl cruise...
  5. The southern Oklahoma Red herding squirrel...Yes, I've spotted them before!!
  6. I'll be over soon for a slice or two. Not being picky, but I can get it without the paper towel?
  7. When I think about it, if society was as litigious as we are now back then, there would have been several class action lawsuits filed against the maker. All based on false advertising, it was the worst misrepresentation since Lucy promised to not remove the football before Charlie Brown's kick attempt!!
  8. Yes! I got that for Christmas back in 1968 ish. You could have any two teams you wanted as long as they were the NY Giants and the Cleveland Browns! It was fun using that felt football to pass. What a farce! At least the young ladies got the easy bake oven. Which would actually bake a cake using the light bulb in 8 hours or more
  9. What's better for the family? A mini you or her development and emotional well being? Ask your Doctor if relief is right for you.
  10. Not doubting you, but I have a 0930 to 1000 arrival time. Now it seems like they wouldn't issue 0930 if they aren't even open yet? However, I've seen stupider shite in my life
  11. Yeah but, get that oldest that is seeming to be quite mature to ride shotgun on the herd...well, Mommie can yoga and post in peace.
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