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Everything posted by NextOne

  1. Many thanks to everyone that keeps this delightful thread going! Prayers raised for all who need them and cheers for those who are celebrating and/or heading out on a BHB. I won't get my turn until July... Today was interesting -- I retired on May 1, 2014 after 41 years but sadly my DMIL died on April 30. I went into the office on May 1 and just threw stuff into boxes, just to get cleared out. Since then the boxes have sat in my home office untouched. I decided that today was the day! My goodness, what a blast from the past! All my official performance reviews (of course I was always outstanding - not!), pictures and all sorts of memories. There's been enough separation that I can throw most of it away, now, without regret. And I have more space in the office now!!! I'm not done yet -- to be continued! E.
  2. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit. Up early this morning to prepare refreshments for today's Bible class. Today would have been DH's 72nd birthday, so DS & I will honor him tonight at his favorite restaurant and share good memories. Prayers for all who need them, especially Roy. Cheers for all who are celebrating! Edi
  3. Hi Jacqui @kazu! I have a change to make for the July 22, 2023 35-day Voyage of the Vikings on the Zuiderdam. I'll be traveling solo - dsis changed her mind about going. Also, like many others, I've booked the June 9, 2024 28-day Ultimate Alaska voyage on the Westerdam. It's an itinerary my late DH would have adored and I'm very excited about! Please remove me from the first segment of the 2024 GWV on the Zuiderdam - can't do both!! Thank you!
  4. We bought a genuine fake Rolex there for our son as a gag gift many years ago. It still works!!
  5. I salute all who manage to keep their New Year's resolutions. This was going to be a Dry January, but DS had his first meeting with a nutritionist last week - a very good thing! She gave him a number of recipes for the week, and we went shopping for all the ingredients on Sunday evening. Last night he cooked the first meal, with me supervising. Suffice it to say that Dry January has become "Damp January!" 😉
  6. Jacqui @kazu - Cheers to you for the grit you've shown throughout this ordeal! Now prayers that you get the proper care when you get home, so you can heal & move forward, wherever that takes you. Edi
  7. I liked the guy with the Maryland flag on the Carib Princess! Signing off - hope to see everyone tomorrow!
  8. Departure toots? Oh yes - I see the Apex moving. But now there are more toots!
  9. Checking in! I've missed the last few because of the earlier sailaway times. Glad I'll be here for this one! Happy New Year, everyone!
  10. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit! Happy New Year to all! I made it to midnight, snapped my fingers, then went to bed. SO much excitement!😀 Off to church this morning, then driving to the mountains for our delayed Christmas dinner with family, now that their ice has melted, temporarily. Then home in time so that DS can watch the Ravens play tonight. Go Baltimore!!
  11. My goodness - last week we were in the depths of winter, and today it feels like Spring! I was able to work in the yard without a jacket, taking care of the cleanup I couldn't do earlier because various health issues & the cold.What a lovely way to end this year and start the next. It looks like the warmth will continue for a few more days. I'll take it! I didn't want the year to end without expressing my gratitude to all the lovely folks here on the Daily. Rich, thank you for your dedication & giving us something to look forward to every day. Roy, thank you for your concerns & celebration lists and also for your willingness to substitute for others. Thanks to the food & beverage department -- maybe in 2023 I'll actually make one of the recipes I've printed out!😀 Lastly, thanks to all for making this such a supportive and lovely place to visit. It helped me get through this year, for sure! So, goodbye to 2022 and wishing everyone a safe & happy 2023, filled with cruising!
  12. Christmas Day this year was very different from past years. My DSIL had invited DS and me to their house in the mountains for dinner, but the ice up there was too bad. So I ran to the grocery store, picked up a rotisserie chicken & other fixings, and had a nice, warm dinner at home. We watched both "Top Gun" movies while we ate & had a fine time. I was still tired from the 8 hours at church the night before, so it was all good. Not the celebration we expected, but a memorable one nonetheless! Today we 'll visit friends and celebrate Boxing Day with pizza. Tomorrow the diet restarts..... Happy Holidays to everyone!
  13. Merry Christmas to all that celebrate. Wishing everyone peace and joy! Services last night were beautiful & I got the good news from our sr. pastor that I made it onto the list for his England/Scotland tour next October! Usually I have a cruise scheduled by the time he announces his itinerary for the following year. A nice Christmas present! Our plan to visit family for dinner today was cancelled because they are iced in. We'll go next weekend after the ice melts -- still within the 12 days of Christmas! Prayers for all, and love to all the Daily-ites!
  14. Happy Christmas Eve! The wind has gotten a bit better since yesterday -- just gusts now instead of the unrelenting blow! Almost all of my outside Christmas decorations , plus one shutter, blew down yesterday. I was going to put them all back up today, but think I'll wait another day. Not anxious to work outside in 10 degrees, so I salute the power company workers that worked all day and into the night to bring back electricity to our area. We were lucky -- only out for about 4 hours. Good excuse to go out somewhere warm for lunch! Our church has five Christmas Eve services today -- 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8 pm, and 10pm. Our choir sings in all but the 6pm, which is a contemporary service - that's our dinner time. I'm skipping the 2pm service so I can stay awake for the 10pm one -- that's my favorite one. It's quieter, includes communion, & is the most meaningful one to me. I'll go home afterwards, settle down with some "seasonally adjusted" eggnog, and remember past Christmases with family members that have passed on. Then up early tomorrow morning to head to the mountains & celebrate with the rest of the family. Good times! Happy Holidays!
  15. Checking in! It's been a while since I've made a sailaway -- hoping for good toots!
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