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Everything posted by D&N

  1. Generally where you have one of these within sight on the ceiling. Most public areas including lounges and restaurants have them. I think that one was over the bandstand at Pavilion pool. Of course there is the complication of whether the ship's satellite link has a good signal, which you can't control no matter where you connect.
  2. On QM2, Premium Package; I tried running Speedtest.net on a 'Motorola Moto G 5G Plus' several times. The test failed to run each time. However in 14 days 890 photos and 7 videos totalling about 5GB backed up to my OneDrive folders without any problems. I compressed photos being posted to CC, Facebook and WhatsApp to make upload times faster. Signal in cabin wasn't great, but I had no problems in public areas accessing websites, email and banking apps. The system did log you out due to inactivity or loss of signal moving around ship. This wasn't a problem if you understood the stages required to re-connect, taking 10 to 15 seconds each time.
  3. D&N

    Deck Blanket

    Princess in Alaska provided very nice tartan Shetland Wool blankets for our Mini Suite balcony back in 1998. Several folk on the promenade deck asked where we got them from. So snobbery then was whether you had a blanket rather than whether you were travelling in grills! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  4. And 2 more of Queen Elizabeth at Villefranche-sur-Mer today: Bow view, taken from the road above the railway station. And a port side view taken from a view point "Batterie/Princesse Grรขce" on West side of the Rade de Villefranche-sur-Mer, with a "Trans Cรดte d'Azur" boat alongside. Probably providing an excursion directly from the ship, although some cruise lines deploy the local operator to provide tendering services. Not the case here as several tenders were in use. I'd forgotten to take the SD card adaptor with me to transfer camera images to the phone for posting so had to wait until I was home for posting.
  5. Queen Elizabeth in Rade de Villefranche sur Mer today.
  6. That's your choice. I only stated my view. Thinking back, I think I did wear a tee shirt and chinos one lunchtime. Next time I'll save some space/weight by leaving all tee shirts, other than gym wear, at home.
  7. I didn't pay much attention to what others were wearing on QM2. I'm not sure if there were many gents wearing polo shirts on non gala nights, although I would say most wore jackets shirts and ties. I did note a few folk wearing jeans and tee shirts. It seemed to be completely intentional for one small group in The Queens Room, that were dancing some variety of Jive/Swing. We thought they looked awful but they seemed quite happy. There does seem to be a school of thought that because polo shirts generally have a knitted 'collar', that satisfies the requirement, and it's not for me to judge other's take on that. Personally I take the view that the clue is in the name 'polo'. Polo is a sport, therefore a polo shirt is sports wear and I would never consider wearing one for anything other than sports or dossing about the house. Where we live not many folk dress for lunch or dinner, but I would never go out for either wearing anything other than a proper business or dress collared shirt. Sometimes it might be a short sleeved shirt as it can be very warm here from spring through to autumn.
  8. Our day is filled with breakfast, gym, tea/coffee, lunch then tea/coffee and prepare for evening so no time for lectures etc. Evenings are aperitifs, dinner, dancing, nightcaps so no time for shows etc. We just managed to squeeze that in Westbound. Eastbound was a real challenge. It was really difficult to fit in morning tea/coffee and then lunch. I think we'd prefer to lose the hours sleep during the night Eastbound than have our day shortened, but I suspect the practice may be more to do with crew rest periods than giving passengers enough sleep. After all, we can come home afterwards and catch up on our sleep! On the one day we tried Queens Room Afternoon Tea we missed lunch to fit it in, but still had to go to Chart Room for real coffee.
  9. In addition to Tonopah and her husbands lovely outfits, you can view all of the lunch and dinner outfits that my wife and I wore on our QM2 crossings earlier this year on this thread: https://boards.cruisecritic.co.uk/topic/2855494-queen-mary-2-29th-may-round-trip-crossing/ My wife even wore some sparkly outfits at lunchtime. The vast majority of ladies wore elegant outfits every night, many of them sparkly.
  10. @techteach Amazon have quite a good price for x 24. There's several online French sites, some are cheaper. May need to do that. Don't want to buy too much at a time in case she goes off it!
  11. I've tried that without success. I think the idea is to increase the aroma.
  12. I've a copy of Notes 6.5 on my old PC, which has latest Windows 10 updates. It's not been used for 7 years but worked to access the local archive last time I wanted to check something. Not risking Windows 11 until I know a bit more about how printer and scanner will work on it.
  13. Carmel is ok'ish. We think her back legs are a bit shaky at times and how she sits to drink water suggests weakness. However she can still jump 70cm/27" to get to my knee on the swivel chair. Remarkably she weighs 2.65kg today, the same as she was 10 days ago, so hasn't lost any more. She wasn't much heavier when she came from rescue 8 years ago but average in recent years has been 3.3kg. She has now decided she will only eat the Gourmet Revelations and only when fed from finger tip. Today she turned her nose up at Sheba Perfect Portions, which could give us a problem if we can't find Chicken Revelations. We took the last packs from shop today. They do have beef and salmon, but not sure she'll eat them. This pair have been the only cats we've had that were not interested in salmon & trout. Their predecessor was known to arrive in middle of dinner table if she hadn't been given some on the floor.
  14. Biggles looks happy! Some promising signs with Carmel. Yesterday we got through a whole 57g Gourmet Revelations Chicken mousse and a 50g Gourmet Mon Petit Intense. Names might be different in UK. She'll wolf into the mousse but gets distracted easily (probably the eyesight) and moves off, but I can load some on my finger tip and she happily licks it from there. Probably ate half of it that way. Takes ages but there isn't anything more important in life! The mousse also worked well this morning to get her to lick her crushed beta-blocker from my finger tip. When we came back from gym this morning she had even eaten a very small amount of the cheap Friskies I had left out in case she was hungry. Not doing that with the expensive stuff as it dries out very quickly. Now to try and get her up to 150g/day. I think she can maintain her weight if she eats that much. We're resigned to not having her for much longer. I'm OK with her going due to chronic organ failure, but not due to starvation if I can help it.
  15. We were in Britannia Club, although I would be surprised if basic requests couldn't be catered for in MDR. My wife certainly recalls asking for a main without potatoes and receiving extra vegetables instead.
  16. Carmel was distraught on Thursday evening, crying around the house looking for her sister. Her breathing/heartrate looked dangerously fast. That seems more normal now. We could hardly get her to nibble anything until Friday night into Saturday morning. She's eating some varieties of food fairly regularly now, but nowhere near enough to maintain weight. She's nearly halfway through a course of ACE Inhibitors for her kidney/blood pressure problems. She'll eat the chicken and turkey versions of "Gourmet" luxury 50g pouches, but not the duck. Looks like we'll have a large supply of duck to gradually mix with cheap food for our next cats. Due to her current condition and her history with other cats we don't think it's a good idea to bring a new cat in to give her company.
  17. Cool enough for a run this morning. Sunrise over Nice Airport, although the sun is hiding! Even caught a plane taking off, if the resolution on the upload allows that detail.
  18. We didn't travel on QM2 to drink in our cabin, except water to avoid dehydration. We took 3 bottles of Pol Acker that bred in the fridge home. One was used in our version of Spritz and was very nice. The 2nd was drunk as intended. It was heavily chilled in fridge, as were the glasses. It was then placed in a bucket of ice and water for about 30 minutes, with salt added to lower the melting temperature. It was a very hot evening and we may have got it colder serving when the ambient temperature was not 32C. I poured it at an angle to avoid it fizzing up to keep as much fizz in drink as possible. It tasted quite pleasant. Lightly creamy and fruity if not with depth of a decent champagne. It doesn't claim to be champagne. It states "Blanc de Blancs", which is made from 100% white grapes, very often all Chardonnay. Pol Acker doesn't say that, I assume it is a blend. Most champagne uses the white flesh of red grapes in the blend to achieve a depth of flavour and aftertaste. Compared to the many Blanc de Blancs sparkling wines we have tried in France it scored favourably with us. The label states to serve at 5-8C. That is incredibly cold. If you can't wait to drink it when you find it in your cabin, don't blame the wine for your inability to serve it as intended! ๐Ÿธ
  19. We didn't have it or see anyone around us being served it. But it clearly stated "original 1953 recipe". Therefore it should have been prepared as detailed in this link: http://thedabbler.co.uk/2012/06/constance-sprys-original-coronation-chicken/ It should have contained at least 75% poached chicken, and been somewhat different from the paste sold as sandwich filler in supermarkets.
  20. Sadly our beautiful cat Hazel died earlier today. She had been in good health but on returning from gym this morning we found her dribbling, weak and in obvious distress. I ran with her to vets, which is nearby but diagnosis was untreatable heart & lung problem. After a brief discussion she was euthanised to prevent more suffering. We have been concerned that her sister Carmel is losing her sight and not eating well. Now sheโ€™s anxious because her sister has gone. It will be a challenge to keep her healthy!
  21. I ruled out the collections. Would only consider 5 on Captains and 4 on Commodore. Probably break even on 6 (taking account of 15% on individual bottles) and make a saving on 12. But those I'd consider probably wouldn't be first choice, so we'd end up drinking same wines for two weeks. And if I wanted a particular wine to go with a dish, I'd be ordering outside the package anyway.
  22. Endicott Arm Fjord. I hadn't actually looked for that one on list. Sorry.
  23. Has to be Dawes Glacier. Several photos have the same rock formation detail. The cross near foot of foreground mountain/hill in centre of pic, the tree branch effect further left on same mountain. Some photos credited as having been taken from Celebrity Solstice.
  24. About half an hour behind @bluemarble Spotted CEISA but kept finding smaller ports. Google 3D view suggests they've painted over the name recently. That must have been exciting to watch though. A new activity in suitable ports; Tender Racing! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  25. I posted scans of a week's Britannia Club menus. My understanding is that the daily varying menus are the same in Britannia, the difference being that club had the extra A la Carte menu. We prefer rice, pasta & bread for our carbs and ate considerably more potatoes than normal during our round trip. If you want potatoes at every meal, even with pasta and rice dishes, I would recommend P&O.
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