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Everything posted by jsn55

  1. I'm reminded of my Rick Steves' soft nylon backpack. It's about 20 years old and has been on almost every trip with us. It was probably far more costly than anything else I buy, but still looks great and packs into a little ball.
  2. All depends on the luxury level of the hotels you stay in. Lots of people haven't stayed at Conrads or InterContinentals, so it's good to be prepared for anything.
  3. Some of us just want our stuff with us. Some of us like to get out of our wet swimsuits ASAP. Some of us want extra shoes in case something breaks. Some of us just want our stuff with us.
  4. It's almost embarrassing to explain American tipping to someone for the first time. First, you get in a taxi, you tip the driver. Then you tip the doorman who unloads your luggage. You tip the bellman (OK, bellperson) when your bags are delivered to your room. We've really created a complex mess here, haven't we? I keep a $5 and some $1s in my shirt pocket so I can easily tip everybody ... unless I forget of course. No worries if you 'forget', people know that other countries don't tip much ... nobody should criticize you. I too have math challenges. A banker client told me years ago for restaurants: Take 10% of the total, add half that to it. That's a little over 15% tip which was fine back then. After the virus disaster, we've started tipping at least 20% in restaurants, often 25%, since it's these kinds of workers who were hardest hit when unable to work. However, if the service isn't good, I tip zero.
  5. I agree with you, and yeah, I agree that it's an unpopular opinion. Not sure why people don't understand that your soul lives on when your body is dead. It's not a difficult concept.
  6. I think the IT Department at Princess is probably busy getting ready for the senior prom. Maybe things will improve some day ... say in ten years or so. But probably not. It's no fun trying to make a website work for the pax, much better to think up new and wonderful tricks you can do with the app ... perhaps.
  7. Yes, therein lies the problem. She should have been informed how to deal with the situation in the best way, not given a choice. The Captain should have taken charge of the situation and guided her through the procedures. Someone from the cruiseline should have flown to PR to meet her and help deal with it all.
  8. I agree with you about not giving the poor widow any choice. Whomever made that decision will certainly have learned a lesson in taking charge. Of course, they'll no longer have a job, so perhaps it won't matter..
  9. Well, see? There ya go! I think any pax would have to work hard to not have a good time on a cruise. Can you spell 'good attitude'??
  10. You did a good job raising your daughter! We're booked on Epic in October. Reviews are hysterical. People just go nuts over the dumbest things. Best review is recent ... she reviews 'the worst ship in the fleet' and what a great time she had on her cruise.
  11. Not a stupid question at all. Use my guaranteed procedure: Apply your makeup, style your hair, observe how good you look ... and NEVER LOOK IN THE MIRROR the rest of the day. I've been 'looking perfect' for years with this plan. Whatever you decide, be sure to practice diligently at home before your cruise.
  12. Oh yeah, I should have mentioned that I'm a horse person ... how one spends one's time makes a big difference, I'm sure.
  13. LOVE posts like this! So much information and so very helpful. I would really enjoy flying around a major city in a golf cart, I will look for that opportunity in the future. LOVE
  14. I'm with you, nothing looks tackier than outlandish nails in my book. Like hair dyed burgundy or orange ... why would anyone think that's attractive?
  15. This thread reminds me why I never set foot in any public body of water whatsoever. It's beyond belief that human waste from a small child is acceptable to anyone with a working brain. Surely nobody thinks those 'diapers' keep waste out of the water.
  16. Check 'multi-city' for the air as well as two O/W tix via Roma. And also check a R/T from Roma with that intra-euro flight. Airfares have been INSANE for months, so it's worth exploring every idea. With the new job, the length of the trip is probably quite tight, but getting in a day before the cruise is vital. As far as long bus rides on a shore excursion, they should scrutinize the details. I love gazing out a bus window at the scenery, anything over an hour makes my husband break out in hives.
  17. Wow, so much excellent advice here. I too am a long-term planner so I understand how you feel right now. I'd make a list of 'everything' you can think of that needs to be done. If you even think it, add it. You can always delete anything irrelevant. Prioritize the list. While you're doing this, have 'the kids' review the ports on each cruise. Based only on the ports, have them pick one of the cruises. Probably they'll be happy with either cruise from the standpoint of the ports. Then sit down with them and run through the list, getting their preferences. When you're done, the choice will probably be very clear. Come back here with specific questions and please let us know how it goes. And remember, there's no such thing as a bad cruise ... well, almost no such thing.
  18. Just do your research before you board. Then you'll know if the cruiseline is offering you a good deal or not.
  19. Suggest that you haunt the discount stores (Ross, Marshall's, WalMart) to find just what you need. I'd use my rollaboard, since I'm used to carting it around and parking it out of the way. An over-shoulder duffle will be heavy.
  20. So true! If you pick/are assigned a checkin time, check in THEN. I consider it boorish to cause crowding and congestion just so you can get a free lunch.
  21. Far as I know, airlines need your passport info before you check in for the flight ... there might be some odd exceptions. I remember British Air forcing me to add that info before I picked our seats, but that was years ago. It was memorable because the website didn't inform me, just sat there staring back at me every time I tried to pick the seats.
  22. I agree about the 'ugly' responses occasionally and wonder why these people even read CC boards at all. People aren't going to post unless they want to know the answer. Soooo ... if you think it's a dumb/lazy question, or you don't have an answer, just MOVE ON. It would seem to me that a) a big fat tip the first night and b) a chat with the Food & Beverage Manager might cut the waiting time a bit.
  23. Chiming in here so I can follow this thread ... we're sailing the Med on NCL Epic in October.
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