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Posts posted by ilikeanswers

  1. 4 hours ago, Russell21 said:

    I'm77yo, and these selfish bastards are stealing months and years of my life that I can not afford to lose. At my age time is valuable far beyond any understanding of younger people, or for the older idiots among us, and they can not even imagine how it feels to be a bit down due to the current situation and seeing the total unnecessary loss of life due to simple outright ME ME ME ME attitude. 


    That is another thing my mum is feeling. She is a little younger but her health is not so great. She had a list of places she wanted to visit, last year we got through only half of our Japan trip and she still laments the missing weeks this year she was supposed to go to Greece, she has always wanted to see the Greek Islands and there is still 5 other must do destinations. One thing that worries her is by the time travel is allowed she might not be able to do some of the activities she would like particularly some hikes. In a way I'm not surprised how emboldened all these anti vaxers and lockdown people are. It is kind of disappointing to see how the world's governments instead of coming together to work against a common enemy has just gone me me me screw everyone😔. If we were all working together we would have this virus beat.

  2. 27 minutes ago, clo said:

    I recently read this and will no long eat octopus. Sigh.


    Is an octopus more intelligent than a dog?
    Image result for how intelligent are octopus
    Cephalopods, including octopuses, are the smartest invertebrates on the planet. They can use tools, carry coconut shells for shelter, stack rocks to protect their dens, and carry jellyfish tentacles for defense. And they are as smart as your average dog. ...


    Well a female octopus will eat their male partner after mating so I guess it takes some intelligence to realise how tasty your own species is😂🐙

    • Haha 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Russell21 said:

    Not a bad Idea. In the useless information department: Many people consider that Vodka is a Russian drink. Well they do drink quite a bit of it but it originated in Poland.

    Always wanted to know that didn't you?



    Well a bit more along the Vodka theme follows, just to waste a bit of lockdown time.

    A disputable point about the best Vodka in the world comes up with the heavily contested tie between two vodkas, neither of which come from Poland or Russia, But from France and Sweden, Grey Goose from France and Absolut which was owned by the Swedish Government. Both are made from wheat which differs from the ingredients for the bulk of Vodka. Now here is the final twist in the tale, Absolut Vodka production was started in a small village back in the 1800's, and still is made there to this day despite the Swedish Government some years ago selling out to the French Company Pernod, but with the caveat that production must stay in that same small village.


    No prize for guessing who drinks several of the various Absolut Vodka Flavours.


    I have had French grape Vodka which is quite nice and I do enjoy the bison grass Polish Vodka but I would recommend trying the Aussie Vodka O. It is really smooth Vodka up there with Europe's best. 

  4. 1 hour ago, NSWP said:

    Joe Biden was spot on saying 'Why should we keep Americans there any longer if the Afghan Forces are not prepared to defend their own country.'


    I saw that, really peeved me off🤬 Let everyone suffer because of a corrupt government the United States funded and supported. Biden is no better than Trump trying to change the narrative😬. Those poor Afghans being back under Saudi control, those people deserve better than being constantly used as politically pawns. Shame on the world for letting this happen again😔

  5. 54 minutes ago, Snoopkat said:

    Out of curiosity, how was the squid prepared? In Australia, salt and pepper squid is a really popular yum cha (I think you call them dim sum in the US) dish. It's basically tenderised squid, dipped in batter, deep fried and then sprinkled with salt and pepper. 


    Was up in Townsville before the borders closed had the most tender melt in your mouth salt and pepper squid at the Rock Paper fish and chip shop, it was also not oily and had a good coating of pepper🤗. So yummy. 

  6. 1 hour ago, rkacruiser said:


    🤣      Knowing what it is, it would not enter my digestive tract.  It took some "bravery" on my part to try octopus and squid.  (As a Zoology major, I know too much about these creatures.)  Baby octopus:  OK.  I found that I like it.  Squid?  It depends on how it is prepared, I guess.  My introduction to this item, I thought I was chewing tasteless rubber bands.  Other preparations?  More palatable, but it is a seafood that I would never prefer ordering. 


    Pretty much any cephalopod that is overcooked will be like rubber bullets😂 though cuttlefish fish can be a little more forgiving but not by much. When it is cooked right it should just melt in you mouth. Tenderising or marinating it first can help especially if you're a beginner in these proteins. I'm a big fan of octopus, squid and cuttlefish, it some of my favourite proteins and when it is done right it is a real treat😋

  7. 6 hours ago, CGTNORMANDIE said:

    Thank you Ilike.  Can you give us a more in depth explanation of what poison cru.  It literally translates to poured fish?  


    Poured fish? I am assuming you are referring the French name? I was told it was raw fish🤔. The Tahitian name ia translates to fish while ota refers to the preparation which is raw😂. As the previous poster said it is similar to ceviche but with coconut milk. Historically they say ceviche was inspired by this Pacific islands dish when the Spanish brought citrus to Peru. Any concoction with coconut milk, lime juice and a protein is considered an ota. Most commonly they use tuna especially in French Polynesia but I have had it with king fish, snapper and a unique one in Raiatea with octopus. The addition of vegetables depends on the region French Polynesia they like to use onion, cucumbers sometimes tomatoes and up in the Marquesas greens like fafa. You'll find variations of this dish all over the Pacific. One of my other favourites is in the Cook Islands at least in Rarotonga their version ika mata they cut the vegetables out and make like a cold coconut lime soup in which they put chunks of traditionally flying fish. Because of the extra coconut it is a lot richer than the Tahitian but just as yummy. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, CGTNORMANDIE said:

    Thank you for posting Ilike.  We have a very small group of cruise foodies here.  


    No worries, someone revived an inquiry thread I started ages ago so it made peruse some of the other threads in here😁. I doubt I can add much as the cruises I do don't usually have lots of restaurants and eateries but if I find something I can add to I am happy to throw in a comment😉

    • Thanks 1
  9. Hands down poisson cru (ia ota in Tahitian) on Aranui. I adore poisson cru, it is my favourite things to eat in the Pacific and Aranui's version was one of my favourites as it was so well balanced with lime and coconut plus they used native island greens from the Marquesas that gave it an extra kick. 

    • Like 1
  10. There are two dishes I make that  I start to miss when travelling. One is a ginger bean dish another is an eggplant dish cooked in a yoghurt sauce. I also miss spice, unless I am travelling through certain countries that have a similar affinity to spices I find myself shaking the pepper dispensers really hard after a week😂. Overall I find I miss vegetarian dishes. Not a lot of places that you eat out at make good cooked vegetable dishes, and on cruises I find they are either really bland, over cooked or like my last cruise their idea of cooked vegetables was potatoes done in a hundred different ways. I love a potato but a little variety would have been nice. 

  11. 1 hour ago, NSWP said:

    Talking about fish, I ordered some smoked cod, which I am partial to on my Woollies home delivery, but silly me pressed the wrong button on the puter, I only wanted 500gm, enough for a couple of feeds, they sent me 1.5kg, so I froze most of it lol.   I bake it in the oven, wrapped in foil with butter for half hour, lubbly jubbly.


    Seems fish is popular ATM😂. I too had fish for dinner. A whole rainbow trout cooked in a terracotta pot. Rubbed it with some lemon myrtle, native basil and Dorrigo pepper leaf, so yummy😋

    • Like 2
  12. 52 minutes ago, NSWP said:

    Take your own folding chairs and tables, cheap enough at K Mart or Big W, and head for the nearest bit of grass, lol. Above all, enjoy.


    LOL thanks again but I don't think my mum could carry all that to the nearest park😂, she can't drive so it has to be walkable plus she lives in a tiny flat there would be nowhere to store that equipment. I appreciate the brainstorming hopefully these suggestions will work for someone else👍

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