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Everything posted by aungrl

  1. Alaska, and the Chilean Fjords would get my vote. Lots of gorgeous scenery to be seen from the ship.
  2. So from this list, it seems that you could cut out two pairs easily by choosing either the black formal or gold formal, and either the black wedges or gold wedges. Either should go with everything you might wear. To go further, consider whether you need both formal shoes and smart casual shoes; in other words, could the black or gold wedges work for all formal and smart casual situations? And, then, consider whether you need both colors of flip flops. If you could make either the gold or black work, you'd be at the "3 pairs" number, i.e., gold (or black) wedges, gold (or black) flops, and black walking sandals. (Plus the Skechers that are on your feet on the plane.) This is pretty much how people make the "3 pairs" work.
  3. The brand of mine is Marmot, and I found them online, although I can't remember where. (I had a pair from LL Bean that were similar, but were heavier and didn't pack as small. The material of both was Gore-Tex.) My husband got his at Cabela's, also Gore-Tex. I've read that Gore-Tex isn't technically waterproof, only highly water resistant, but I can tell you that both of these kept us 100% dry in a sideways rainstorm for over an hour in Iceland.
  4. We did an extended cruise through some cold and wet ports in September a few years ago - In the Wake of the Vikings, on Viking Ocean - amazing and highly recommend! - and both of us took waterproof pants that zipped on over our regular pants. On two different occasions, we were really glad we had them. We would have been wet and miserable from the upper knees down without those pants, as out waterproof rain jackets only hit us at just above our knees. They're really lightweight, easy to pack and throw in a small backpack or larger purse when you take them off if they're not needed, and I would most definitely take them again for similar rainy climates.
  5. Amazing!! First appearance on a Viking ship in how many months now?
  6. This made me remember an old Grey's Anatomy episode - really old - where Bailey finds a pair of Meredith's unmentionables and tacks them to the bulletin board in the hospital corridor. Is there a bulletin board somewhere near by? 😊
  7. That's a great goal - maybe then we can come, too!
  8. Fran, I'm sure Clay will weigh in when he sees this, but this is always my husband's first breakfast - and then several more times! - and we've always gotten it in the Restaurant.
  9. Now that I see the dress, I think the hat - while terrific on its own - is too casual for the dress. Is a hat a "must have"? If not, I think the dress will be lovely without one.
  10. I'd want to see it with the dress to be 100% sure, but I love the hat as pictured. Looks perfect for Ohio in January if you definitely need to wear a hat.
  11. I've done the SYD-DFW flight on Qantas, continuing on to DCA on American, more than once. Everyone's experience will differ, but FWIW, I found it to be perfectly pleasant/acceptable in business class. I think it really depends on your tolerance for that length of non-stop flying, which you can't really know until you do it.
  12. Now THIS is impressive! (Packing it so neatly and so small that it will fit into your pouch, I mean.)
  13. Sorry, should have kept reading the thread before I posted. And now I can't delete the one above.
  14. I think the OP is saying that now that they are back at home, no one is handing them a menu.
  15. What a pretty setting, and such a good-looking couple! Thanks for posting.
  16. This is stunning! Do you have any other sons? 😉
  17. What a good idea this is! I would never have thought of it.
  18. "...for the age range on board, a longish top, to cover midriffs and possibly tummies and rear ends would be preferable." For sure! Of course, I think anyone over the age of 6 or 7 looks a whole lot better with their read ends covered with they're in any type of leggings. I also just thought of the term we used to use for the Laura Petrie-type pants...ski pants!
  19. I've worn full-length, skinny-leg pants with a nice tunic or long sweater dozens of times in the Restaurant. While these aren't technically leggings, the look is similar/almost identical to me, so I think you'd be just fine. I think of mine more as "stretch pants" like Laura Petrie would have worn. Maybe the only difference is that the material is a little thicker than actual leggings, but I don't think anyone would notice that.
  20. Love seeing all the pictures and hearing your commentary! Sometimes we think we might be interested in an itinerary and then someone will post and we decide that it isn't really at the top of the list for us. Not the case here - every time you post something new, we think how much we'd like this!
  21. In my experience, the latter. But YMMV.
  22. Okay, I'm on iOS 16.7, so I should be good there. I'll see if I can find a way to enable this in Settings for Notes. So far, I've gone through all my choices under "Notes" and all the choices for Notes under the Control Center, and no dice. But I'll keep looking. Thanks for the additional detail and assistance here.
  23. So, I don't have the circle with 3 dots at the top right hand corner. Maybe my iPhone is too old?
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