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Everything posted by Etta1213

  1. I gave away our big tree. I use a 2 ft, (2-1/2?) pre-lit, and some simple items for coffee table, etc. I do have grandkids over to make and decorate Christmas cutout cookies, cuz memories of my mom are strong and precious. I invite kids, grandkids, to a church candlelight service followed by buffet dinner out. The service is very "kid friendly," and they love holding real lit candles. I try to keep the holiday faith-based; the world they're inheriting is pretty tough.
  2. I've heard a nutrition guru say the farmed salmon can be full of lice.😩
  3. One year when I was a child, dad brought the cut tree in from back porch and set it in the stand with water. Later, a bird flew out. My brothers grabbed their bb guns. Mom's living room mirror carried the evidence.πŸ˜…
  4. I used to mind the loudness out by the pool. Now I can just take hearing aids out.πŸ€—
  5. You might like Dr Leo Galland's book (pretty old) Superimmunity for Kids. A friend of mine was able to help her grandson a great deal.
  6. I thought about Israel when I read this.πŸ™πŸ’ž
  7. When I was a kid, there was a bakery in the little town. My mom would go in to buy a sticky bun, and he'd pressure her to buy his bread. Didnt work. She was an amazing money manager.
  8. Could stretch cling wrap/foil across toilet seat, or wear glove to catch some, or use plastic food leftover container, etc. etc. No biggie. One doctor told me, when I had a sick foster child, to get the sample to the lab pretty soon. The child had giardia. There's a plastic "hat" that can be provided also.
  9. Good!!!! You became wiser, more watchful, without suffering lossπŸ‘
  10. Not too sure. I've read that some keep up to 95% of donations for management/operating expenses and are only required to spend 5% on actual charity.
  11. I'm thinking that in Spain people traditionally have a siesta after late lunch, then have evening meal as late as 10pm. (This is not based on personal experience.) It maybe would explain why restaurants would be closed around five or six pm. Obviously, hotels and tourist hot spots maybe would cater to westerners and other tourists.
  12. With my hearing aids, that can be pretty miserable for me. My older child had a painfully high squeal at age two/three. First time visiting my parents with her, my dad's dog bit her!
  13. We used to see the dolphins every time after boarding in Galveston. The last few years, we haven't. I read a newspaper article a few years back questioning the decrease in numbers at/near the Galveston port. So happy to hear that some folks have seen them recently. I worry that industrial pollution, etc, might harm them.
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