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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Maybe not a dramatic as @Husky1987 story but the fact Leonard came inside without any prompting is a Christmas Miracle nonetheless. 🙂
  2. Thank you for the update. Hopefully it's just a "time out" and she returns at some point. As you and others have said, sometime the best way to reset is to delete the accounts & start over when the time if right. Maybe she did it out of respect for her ex. I get that she may not want her life dissected on various social media platforms so on that note... ... finally took out the window air conditioner units to store for the winter. In the 30 seconds I was away, Leonard decided to leap thru the open window to the outside world. This was his first time outside since early summer when he got stuck in a tree & the fire dept needed to rescue him. That's when it was 80 F outside, now it's high 30's. I can't decide if the look on his face is because: A) he's embarrassed I caught him B) angry I caught him or C) realizing it's really cold outside. When I opened door to the deck, he came running inside as fast as he could without any coaxing from me. I think he learned his lesson
  3. I made a lame joke about the mods deleting her post because they didn't like her gown. That was before it was pointed out her profile was deleted. While people do get banned for life, I don't think the mods delete their profiles. My guess is the same as yours, deleting her social media accounts to focus on real life and to prevent prying eyes whether it be Nate or someone else on Team Nate or some other random person out there.
  4. Apologies if I came across harsh. It's really more of a "me" problem as I sometimes have trouble keeping up on a fast moving Live reviews. Slow reader, I guess. Not knocking the people that do live reviews or participate in the review threads. It's why these forums are here after all. @bobmacliberty gave perfect advice, so if you can, please do. And if you rather disconnect from the world - especially after the last few weeks/months that you had - perfectly understandable. Enjoy!
  5. I've enjoyed all the reviews from people on this thread. Maybe because I have a "closer" connection? It would be a great idea. Again, no disrespect to those that have reviews with lots of banter or random thoughts, just personal preference.
  6. 100% agreed with everything you've written. Thank you. At one time, I used to know how to search for a poster but can't seem to remember how to do it. Anyways, as you said, hope she is safe and well and it was her choice to step away, hopefully just temporarily while she gets adjusted to new situations. If anybody keeps in touch with her via other means, let her know her CC friends are thinking of her & wishing her the best. And a speedy return. 🙂
  7. Interesting thing about Visible as it is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Verizon, I wonder if it's subject to the same restrictions as other MVNO's. Tom's Guide doesn't make it clear. I did see that Visible customers get $10 discount if they choose Verizon as their home Internet provider.
  8. Speaking of Live Reviews, has @singinalot posted her review to Spain/Portugal yet? EDIT: Interesting, I tried "tagging" her but it didn't work. Not sure if I spelled it correctly? Usually the name comes right up after the first few letters. I did notice a few weeks ago that she had posted right after Thanksgiving but her post was deleted. I only saw the quoted replies. Not sure why it was deleted. Maybe the mods didn't like her gown? 😀😉 Finger-crossed she is not on the permanently playing monopoly list.
  9. I think it depends on the person doing the review. There are several people that can provide exceptional detail in a organized & concise format without endless side conversations or stream-of-consciousness postings. Those I can follow pretty well. It's the ones where there are 5 or 7 pages of banter between valid cruise review postings that I tend to lose interest halfway through. That's not a knock on anyone, just my personal preference. 🙂
  10. I second this motion! Yeah, yeah, I know I can scroll by the endless "Enjoy", "Have Fun", etc posts and ignore the thousands of off-topic conversations (i.e. thread hijacking) but then it becomes too easy to miss a valid post. Also, my scroll finger gets tired. 😄
  11. I think this has already been posted but will re-post. A thread has been created specifically for people to post links to their world cruise reviews. Be interesting to see if someone can keep a "live" review going for 274 days. Even more interesting to see if their perception changes once the uniqueness wears off & they've eaten their 200+ dinner in a row in the MDR. 😀😉 Personally, I have trouble keeping up with a regular 7 day "Live" review although that could be my ADHD kicking in. LOL
  12. I've gone down the rabbit hole. lol. As long as I'm considering changing my Cable TV & Internet service, I might as well go all in with my Cell Phone provider as well. Looks like I can easily save $75+ a month. Tom's Guide likes both Mint and Visible. https://www.tomsguide.com/best-picks/best-cell-phone-plans#section-the-quick-list I've only heard about Visible from the Yada Yada commercials but will consider it as I'm currently on Verizon.
  13. Sad to hear about Matt Yee's passing. He was on our very first cruise back in 2008 & very quickly became one of our favorite things about cruising. Along with the best bar staff on the ship & proximity to casino, we found ourselves hanging out at the Schooner Bar every night. He was on 3 or 4 other sailings & again, most nights we'd somehow find ourselves sitting at the piano. Never did that on cruises without him performing at the Schooner Bar. My wife even got to lead the "Oiy, Oiy, Oiy" (sp?) chant and a singalong while he went to the mens room. 😃. On Anthem, we got to hang out with him while waiting on line for the bumper cars. Had one of the most interesting conversations with him regarding his travel. For such a high energy performer, he was actually quiet and low key when having a one-on-one conversation. I feel like one of my favorite parts of cruising kind of died with him. 🙁
  14. Clark turns to Ellen "Honey, have you checked our $hitter". Yes, the Laurel & Hardy version. I used to watch it every Thanksgiving & now have it on DVD.
  15. Cheers! I added a little whipped cream to the top of mine, just in case there wasn't enough calories & fat in the egg nog alone. 😀
  16. @bobmacliberty Thank you for your prompt replies, much appreciated . You gave me the exact info I was looking for. 👍 And your daughters house looks fantastic! Great job, especially on the floors.
  17. I have a huge selection of Christmas movies on dvd as well. My wife would play many of them as background noise while cooking, cleaning etc. My step daughter has seen Christmas Vacation so many times, she can recite every line from the movie and almost be in perfect sync while watching it. Not sure if I should be proud or worried. 😄
  18. My top 5 Christmas movies: 1) Miracle on 34th Street. 2) It's a Wonderful Life 3) Christmas Vacation 4) Elf 5) The Christmas Chronicles (Netflix). Honorable mentions: Scrooged (with Bill Murray), Fred Claus and March of the Wooden Soldiers. That last one I'm surprised it hasn't been remade yet. With today's CGI, it would be an awesome movie!
  19. It's actually a great time to get a new car. Most people are busy with holidays so car sales are slow and dealers want to hit monthly and end-of-year sales quotas, so there will be deals to be had, whether buying or leasing. Good luck and congratulations!
  20. According to the ultimate authority, the NHDSC (National Hot Dog and Sausage Council) gives 12 solid, scientific and logical reasons as to why a hot dog is not a sandwich. https://www.hot-dog.org/culture/hot-dog-sandwich 😄
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