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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Congratulations and enjoy the celebrations. Since neither of the NY area teams made the playoffs, I've been rootin for the Rangers, mainly because they never won a WS ever in franchise history, even when the team was the old Washington Senators. Nice to see some new blood in the playoffs. Plus, 2 of their pitchers - Evoaldi & Montgomery - are ex-Yankees that the team never should have let go.
  2. Definitely the Bionic Bar Robots. Why? They need their palms greased occasionally. 🤣🤣
  3. Perfect! Here is the email address: WeDontCare.WeDontHaveTo.WeAreThePostOffice@spam.gov (Apologies to Lily Tomlin)
  4. Are you tipping him based on the excellent service he has provided in the past, the current excellent service you received today or for the promise (hope) of excellent service you may or may not receive in the future? Do you know if he shares the tip with all the behind the scenes people that have enhanced your mail delivery experience? If you don't tip, does the USPS step up to make the difference or will that be the responsibility of your neighbors? Have you been shamed/bullied by online forums to tip more than you wanted to? I love tipping threads too.
  5. Gorgeous shot. Perfect amount of snow, enough to cover the ground and look pretty but not enough to make the roads a disgusting mess. It'll probably be gone by lunch time.
  6. Hi Lenny, I must've signed off for the night when you posted this as I don't remember seeing it. Hopefully you made it thru the night without too much anxiety & that you daughter is on the mend.
  7. At least they merged 3 threads into 1. Makes it easier to keep up with.
  8. Same with my dad. 🤣 I also remember some of the more popular exit ramps between toll booths also had their own toll booth for a dime. I guess NJ didn't want people to "beat the system" by getting off an exit before the next big toll booth.
  9. Maybe it's not a thing anymore? There were a lot of Trunk-or-treats this past weekend. Weather was a bit cool, around 40 but that's never deterred anybody before. Two houses in my neighborhood had backyard parties with a lot of kids but I think that was after the trick-or-treating.
  10. No kids came to the door in over an hour. I think the last one was around 7:30. Used to go pretty steady until 9:00 with the bigger kids. In fact, no teenagers came at all. Probably because instead of trick-or-treating, they just use their phone to order DoorDash or Uber Eats to have Halloween candy delivered to them. 😆 Final count was about 40 so I have a lot of leftover. The last 10 or so kids I just handed the candy bowels to them and said take as much as you want. Little Miss HBE4 went with her BFF & her BFF's children to a different neighborhood. Apparently that is the "in" neighborhood as she said it was packed and still going strong when she left at 8:30-ish.
  11. Using CC certainly does help. I find myself using it more and more often, especially with shows set in England such as The Crown and Sex Education.
  12. That should drown out the "will they or won't they".....Diamonds being kicked out of the Crown Lounge....conversation for awhile.
  13. Knowing how "the powers that be" think, they probably were being ultra cautious. Might give someone ideas. I know that was not @clochette intent and no regular to this thread would do anything but still, the admin are ultimately responsible so better safe than sorry. Missed it too so they were quick.
  14. Usually between 5:00-9:00 pm with the heaviest concentration between 6:00 -7:30 pm when it's almost a non-stop flow. But occasionally, the really little kids pre-school I'm guessing come around as early as 4;00.
  15. At 3:30 pm, poured Halloween candy into 2 large bowls, 360 pieces which is enough for 120 kids at 3 pieces a kid. Usually get between 80-100 kids so there is plenty of surplus. Then I swept the sidewalk & driveway, changed out all the exterior burnt-out light bulbs to ensure the outdoor is properly lit and started the creepy Halloween music. Put on my "costume" which is a t-shirt with the phrase "Zombie Outbreak Response Team" (lame, I know) on it. 3:50 pm, probably still have hour away before the first kids arrive & I'm down to 330 pieces of candy & for some reason, my belly is feeling a little unwell. .Opps! Those kids better get here soon! 😄
  16. Unfortunately, that "someday" will have to wait a little longer. Stay safe and thank you for popping in, even if it's just quick hello or to hit the "Like/Laugh/Thank You" button occasionally.
  17. It's not for everyone but I like it because it's a very different & unique premise. But sometime the time jumping does get a bit too much. With 4 different detectives with 4 different partners, bosses, colleagues and families, it's easy to lose track or keep names straight. At least twice an episode I have to pause and ask "wait, who's this again?" It's definitely a show that you need to pay attention to & not have on as background noise while cooking or cleaning.
  18. @singinalot You mentioned on your Turkey blog that you are planning your next big adventure. Hope it 's going well as it'll give you something to look forward to during this transition time and also gives all of your CC friends something to look forward to as well. 🙂👍
  19. @Luckynana Just to add to Lenny post, it's the same murder that takes place in 4 different time periods - 1890, 1941, 2023 and 2053. Very well done, I've watched 4 of the 8 episodes yesterday. Think of its a a crime drama first with some sci-fi time jumping thrown in, with a bit of political thriller on the side.
  20. Temperature dropped about 30 degrees. Where as yesterday was sunny and 78, today is rainy and 48. Figured I'd be able to catch up on SeaDogs live review as I'm currently 10 pages behind but then started to watch NetFlix show "Bodies". Very interesting premise & I'm hooked. I'll set my alarm for an hour earlier tomorrow to catch up on the Live Review. 😀
  21. @singinalot Awesome you got custody of the dogs. I'm guessing Nate got custody of his cars but you win. As cool as his cars are, dogs are more lovable. 🙂
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