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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Wow, the turnout at my polling place was incredible. I've never seen a line so long, even in some of the more hotly contested Presidential elections. Granted, I went earlier today than usual - 5 pm rather than 7 pm (polls close at 9 pm) so maybe it's typical of that time frame. Usually there is little to no line, today I waited 45 minutes. Same polling place, same amount of workers. Everything was ground level so no access issues. But due to the long line, poll workers were encouraging the elderly, the handicapped and people with babies in tow to head right to the front of the line. Nobody grumbled about it which amazed me, as there is always that one person!
  2. I just wanted to add to the whole smashing the wedding cake into your spouses face conversation, neither my wife nor I did such a thing at our wedding despite the urging of my friends, her friends and the DJ urging the rest of the crowd to join in on urging us. I'd like to say it was a respect thing but if you knew us, we just didn't want to waste a piece of cake. 😄😄
  3. I feel like every time I've flown to and from Houston, the plane landed at least 45 minutes early. Probably made 10 trips each way. Maybe once the flight was late and by late, I mean only 15 minutes early.😉 I hate when I'm not in "the know". 😄
  4. Heading out to vote now. Polling stations in NY are open from 6 am - 9 pm. I tend to go later in the day because last minute votes count more than early votes, right? In a tight race, it's the last minute votes that will sway the election. Or is that just a fact I made up in my head to justify my procrastination? 😂
  5. He only gets 15-30 minutes outdoor max and not every day. And only when we are outside with him. But as a few people here on CC warned me , as he gets more comfortable with the outdoors, it might be hard to keep him inside. We've started to notice some of that recently. He is still mostly timid - as evidence of his running away from a gang of rouge Japanese red maple leaves. But in the past he'd always run alongside us when we went back in the house. Now, he tends to linger in the back yard until we call him or shake his bag of goody treats to lure him back inside. Or sometimes, he'll run to the door and meow non-stop as to say "Let Me Out". Its' really cute when he does it around midnight. Not! I'm thinking the first time he experiences freezing rain, that will dampen his enthusiasm. (pun intended).
  6. I know this was a typo, but I was thinking.... they have a party just for pot? LOL That should be before the wedding ceremony/reception. Take the edge off and calm down any nervous parents/brides/grooms. Plus ensures all the food will be will be consumed. 😄 A few of the more recent wedding I've attended, they had done away with the throwing of the flower bouquet & garter belt. And is the reason for not doing the cake cutting is to avoid the cake-in-the-face routine? That makes sense. A lot of money is spent on a dress, professionally done makeup and tux rentals. I wouldn't want to ruin those either. I like your dad. Mum's a kill-joy. (just kidding)
  7. That more or less matches what I've been paying (rounded up): July 202 was $2.05 Dec 2020 was $2.52 Oct 2021 was $3.24 Nov 2022 is $5.40 My local home heating oil supplier that I've been using for 20+ years had be bought out by a larger company this past year so I just figured the new company was a rip-off. But after calling around a few other places and seeing what you've posted, everyone seems to be within a nickle of one another.
  8. I believe he was very focused on a leaf falling off the tree. He was going to stalk it & pounce on it just as a gust a wind came along, blowing more leaves off the tree. That scared him & he ran back in the house. I guess he thought the first leaf had called for reinforcements? He'll never make my Royal Guard! 😁
  9. Your namesake is doing, very well. Taking in the last of the summer-like weather by climbing his favorite tree.
  10. It's almost midnight, Nov 6th in NY and it's still almost 70 f degrees & so humid that it feels down right tropical. Kind of regret taking out the window air-conditioners but no regrets turning off the heat. I have to check last year's bill but home heating oil is going for $5.40 a gallon!! I feel like that's double what I was paying last year.
  11. That would explain the random "J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets. Jets!" chants that broke out during today's Ranger game, followed by sporadic booing. Although the booing might have been directed at the Rangers who looked in charge for the first half of the game but threw away a 2-0 lead and lost 3-2 in OT to the Detroit Dead Things.😠
  12. That's beach weather, you should be on LBI. You gotta take the nice days you can when you get them. The leaves will still be there when you get back. With luck, some will blow away.
  13. I guess I like old, out-dated equipment that works just fine. I'm funny that way. 😉 And while the software on my phone is up-to-date, it is an older, different version. Ah, makes sense.
  14. That happens to me occasionally. Usually have to wait a minute or two & then everything is fine. Maybe CC has issues with too many people posting at once? Just my WAG.
  15. Don't know if it's my imagination but the Samsung browser seems to load CC quicker than Chrome or Firefox. I might make that my default for all my browsing activity
  16. I am quoting you from my Samsung Internet Browser. First time using it so I had to download the latest version, dated Nov 1st. Android version is Nov 3rd. Phone is Samsung Galaxy S10e
  17. I believe the word is frugal. At least that is the word I use when referring to myself. Of course, the reality if it is that I am cheap too. I prefer to use the word budget-minded or economical. They make being cheap & frugal sound like it's a skill.
  18. Glad you enjoyed it. Brian Regan & Jim Gaffigan are also some of my favorites, especially their early Netflix specials. Recently watched Jo Koy. If you don't mind a few naughty words sprinkled in to enhance a joke, he's hilarious. Another up and coming young comedian is Taylor Tomislion although she does "get dark" in some of her skits as she has struggled with mental health issues and the passing of her mom, all of which she speaks openly and frankly. Might not be for everyone.
  19. Just to muddle things even more, not all first class or business class are created equal. Once your start talking short-haul domestic, long-haul domestic, short-haul international and long-haul international, it's like comparing apples to screwdrivers. First class on a short haul domestic flight barely rates Business class on long-haul Domestic or Economy Plus on International flights. Usual disclaimers: YMMV, JMO, etc
  20. I also used the original Swype app. It was amazingly accurate & did a great job at "guessing" the word even before your fingers hit the 3rd or 4th letter. Probably why I'm such a lousy typist (typer?) today is because the first few years of smart phone texting, 75% was swyping. Whatever Samsung or Android uses for Swipe today is not good. By the time I correct all the wrong word choices, I could have carved the text into stone with a hammer and chisel.
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