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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Kit Kats & Reese Peanut Butter Cups are my 2 favorites of all time, with Nestle Krunch Bar being a close 2nd (or 3rd)
  2. I'm about as bitter as they come for obvious reasons but from what I read about the illegal bat is that it was banned for safety reasons, not because it gave the the batter any kind of performance enhancement. Supposedly it shatters more easily than other bats. At least that's MLBs explanation. Of course, this is the same MLB that ignored the rumors of cheating for 2 years until a whistle-blower came forward. Even then, I felt MLB dragged is feet until the evidence became overwhelming. Of course, knowing that they are under the microscope, the Astros would have to know to be on their best behavior and keep things on the up and up.
  3. Thanks. That's why I thought I would ask. I only saw that report on one website & nowhere else.
  4. What do you do with the bagged leaves? Garbage pickup? I'm lucky enough to have a small strip of wood in my backyard that I blow the leaves into. I spent an hour today blowing leaves and when I was done, the yard was covered with newly-fallen leaves. And the trees aren't even half done shedding. That's okay, I'd rather do 6 or 8 one hour blowing rather than one 8 hour chore. Often times, I'll alternate between blowing the leaves and using the mower to mulch them into fine particles that eventually just disappear.
  5. Not to go to far off-topic but I read on another website whose name I can't mention (Not Matt's) that Royal is going to resume their Amplification program with the Allure scheduled for first half of 2023. The article was dated Aug 2022 so it's fairly recent. Checking the Allure's schedule for 2023, I didn't see any large gaps that would permit such major work. Are they going to try to partially AMP her by doing lots of little mini-updates here and there? Maybe not the purple slide but swap out restaurants and renovate one pool at a time?
  6. Depends on the Trade Show. If it's for travel professionals - especially those that specialize in trips out of Galveston - whose glowing recommendations will lead to many tens of thousands of new customers booking, than ruining it for the existing customers makes sense since many will just shrug their shoulders . Maybe a few hundred will press for some FCC and a few dozen may vow to never cruise Royal again. Having said all that, I'd be pissed if I was on that sailing. If only 85% ship is available to me, I'd expect to only pay 85% of the going rate. And since they have the materials and workers already on board, this was schedule in advance, not some emergency repair. Ive had hotel resorts notify me via email when the hotel pool is closed for maintenance or if there are hotel renovations in progress. Some will even offer a free meal(s). Not sure why Royal can't do the same since they are in essence a floating hotel.
  7. Enjoy your neighborhood reunion. It's great that Toby still keeps in touch. I moved into my current house in 1993 and of the approximate 30 houses on my street, all but 2 have turned over. Many are now young parents or newlyweds. I've kept in touch with zero of my ex-neighbors. As comedian Sebastian Maniscalco says in one of his comedy skits "I'm friendly but not neighborly". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIE1R-6oJJg Growing up, my parents were the first part of the skit, I'm more like the second , current day part of the skit. 😅
  8. Agreed, hence my qualifier "for a Northern city". My trips to Texas has ruined Mexican and BBQ food for me forever, as I can not get anything close here to as good as it tastes down there, Texas, Tennessee, etc. 🙁
  9. Agreed, restaurant row (46th street) has a place for every palate and price point. http://www.restaurantrownyc.com/ A few other options, Virgils Real BBQ has pretty good food, for a Northern city and Havana Central for latin food. Dos Caminos for Mexican has been good in the past.
  10. In all fairness, some of his WS loses have been due to lack of run support, losing 2-1 or 1-0 or the bullpen blows a late lead and he gets a no-decision.
  11. I also have a LG Nano cell 55-inche & agree, I couldn't tell the difference in picture quality from the OLED in the Best Buy showroom, side-by-side. But then again, my eyes are not as sharp as they used to be so it could just be me.
  12. Depends. Some fine dining places give you so many small, children portions that you'll be stuffed by the time the check comes.
  13. Yikes! I didn't realize that. I have tickets to the Ranger/Red Wings game that day. It's a 5 pm game but I'm sure there will still be plenty of left over chaos. I'll need to budget extra time or talk with my nephew about putting them up for sale. But that;s doubtful.
  14. Same for me. At least once a year, I research going only with streaming services and it seems Comcast has it priced so that the Internet-only package would be $30 less than my current cable TV package. So I end up keeping it for sports, local news and watching AMC and occasional TBS shows. I have NetFlix, Prime and just acquired HBO Max, all of which account for 80% of my TV watching.
  15. I've always enjoyed going the Ellen's Stardust diner. Just need to budget plenty of time as the staff will spend just as much time singing and dancing as they do serving food. But it's to be experienced.
  16. I also used to be part of the Samsung family - phones, digital cameras, 3 TV's and Refrigerator. Was on the verge of buying Samsung washer and dryer combo but decided to go with tried-and-true Maytag. The reason: 2 of the 3 TV's died in less than 3 years. Cost to repair about 75% of what a new TV is going for. The 3rd TV is about 6 years old and some of the pixels are dying, leading to some weird color blotching. Bought a LG and so far so good. Refrigerator runs well enough but the pump for the water dispenser / ice maker is not strong enough to pull from the water line. Just a dribble from the water dispenser and it takes about a week to make a few cubes of ice. Was told we need to install an extra pump under the sink to boost the pressure, cost a few hundred dollars. Bought a few ice cube trays from the dollar store instead. And a Brita filter. And I have no idea where the digital camera is. Haven't used it in years. It was just a simple point-n-shoot. My phone has a better camera and so far the phones work great
  17. It was great to see one of my favorite ex-Yankees, David Robertson - one of the 2017 victims - get the save last night. Oh, and coming back from being down 5-0 against one of the greatest pitchers (Verlander) was also satisfying.
  18. Same for me except I usually need 2 or 3 sleepless nights to get a good, natural sleep. Last 2 nights were 4 hours, each night. Attending a family wedding tonight which means another late night, although I will be limiting my wine intake as that tends to keep me tossing and turning well into the night. I'm sure Sunday into Monday I'll sleep well. Looking forward to it. 🙂
  19. About a year ago, there was a thread on Labadee started by someone to the effect that Labadee was taken over by heavily armed gangs so fierce the police were afraid of them. They were squatting in the dormitories , destroying the infrastructure and stealing everything of value (?). Maybe beach chairs? Anyways, none of that was true and the first cruise ships to return after the pandemic found it to be in pristine shape. If the ship docks at Labadee, you can be assured it's safe to visit. Royal is not going to risk a PR nightmare by having their passengers kidnapped or their ship hijacked, if that's even possible.
  20. No need to apologize as you did nothing wrong. There are literally hundreds of duplicate threads on CC discussing tips, dress code (or lack thereof), Diamond Lounge, specialty restaurants, etc that 2 threads on Labdee are hardy a drop in the bucket. The CC community is populated with many people, some that hang out here all day, every day to those that stop by once every few years. The whole purpose of these forums is to share information, why some of the regulars choose to offer curt responses instead is beyond me. I guess self-entertainment? Anyways, ask what you want as often as you like. Don't be deterred.
  21. Look on the bright side. It's twice the fun, double the opportunity to get a snappy comment in... And besides, I would've missed the first thread if it wasn't for this thread.
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