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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Ah, I guess that's why it seems like it's always on. 😁 And I guess your post has been approved. Don't see what could have held it up. πŸ™‚
  2. I might actually check it out. I saw part of one old episode a few years ago. Looks interesting. With The Walking Dead wrapping up in a few weeks, I'll have an extra hour to fill in my TV schedule. Plus, I can join the conversations!
  3. @A&L_Ont and @Jimbo As you guys are the experts in crap, er, I mean knowledgeable in waste management, when I made my appointment to have my septic tank pumped, they suggested I have an addictive added to promote good bacteria growth. The reason is that ALL my wastewater drains into the septic: showers, dishwasher, washing machine, etc. which can breakdown the good bacteria. Cost for my 1,000 gallon tank is $115, on top of the $450 to have it pumped. Seems like an unnecessary expenditure. (i.e. scam).
  4. Thanks! Done, I went online to schedule, saw they have a truck in my area this Friday & clicked to schedule. Now I have to go dig 2 holes to expose the lids. It's take me about 90 seconds as they are under 6 inches of dirt. Or I can have the company do it for me for $45. That's $45 for 90 seconds of work, probably less for them. Let me guess, it's happen to you? The downstairs bathroom is about 6 feet away from the tank, it's right outside the exterior wall.
  5. I grew up in an area that had town sewers so I when I moved to my current house, I just assumed it was a matter of time before the town would run sewer lines down the road. Nope! Every time is came up for consideration, the residents overwhelmingly voted it down. Mainly the cost: digging up the streets, installing the sewer lines, hook-up to the house, upgrading the treatment plant that serves the commercial properties, plus the decades long environmental studies as we reside with the watershed that supplies NYC with it's drinking water. I think the cost was something like $2,000 per year, per house, for 20 years. Or I can get my septic tank pumped for $450 every 3 years vs $6,000 for sewer. Of course, after 20 years, the cost swings in sewer's favor but whatevs So while I always said my next house would need a sewer hookup, I've gotten used to the septic that it's no longer a consideration. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  6. Just using your post as a jumping off point for a rant, I know it's not an uncommon thing for ex-athlete to become commentator/broadcaster, either for their home town team network or a "neutral network" like ESPN, TBS, MLB Channel, etc. But many of them still let their team biases & jealously shine through. For example, Pedro Martinez (ex-Boston Red Sox pitcher for those that don't follow baseball) was positively gleeful when the Yankees were eliminated this year, acting like a 13 year old sore winner by chanting "Whose your Daddy Now"? I guess he's still butt-hurt from the 'Whose your Daddy" chants the Yankee fans gave him when he blew an important playoff game way back in 2003. Way to hold a grudge! Side-Note: That chant started because Pedro himself called the Yankees his daddy. This is not all athletes-turned-broadcaster as many can give their expert insight in clear and neutral way without the team bias. End Rant
  7. And if your accidental selfies look anything like mine, you're probably squinting, frowning, eyebrows furrowed and otherwise looking like your severely constipated. πŸ˜‚
  8. Last time we had a septic tank conversation, it reminded me it was time to get mine pumped. That was like 2 months ago and of course, I did nothing. Coincidentally, yesterday I got a 2nd reminder in the mail from my septic company. I wonder if the universe is trying to tell me something. πŸ˜‰
  9. My cable company is having a dispute with the MSG network and has dropped it so I can't watch any Rangers games at home, unless its on ESPN. Fortunately, there is a local watering hole that has Direct TV. It's a cool little place, typical dive bar food - $8 special will get you a cheeseburger, fries and one draft beer as long as it's Bud or Bud Light. πŸ˜‘ But you really don't go for the food. Staff is super friendly, drinks are cold and strong, all the locals seem to know each other. The best part: It's within walking distance of home. πŸ‘ I'm not a regular, usually only go a few times a year, but that might change now. Especially on Ranger game nights. 😊
  10. No real issues although every once in a while I get a "Temporarily Unavailable" when refreshing the site from my phone. Usually I have to wait 2-3 minutes and then everything is fine again.
  11. I read the same thing & had the same thoughts, although mine were along the lines of a sedative or certain "edibles" 🀣. But any of the suggestions would work fine to uh, shift the focus.
  12. PHILLY LOSES!!! Philadelphia Flyers that is. NY Rangers beat them 1-0 in OT. Meanwhile, that "other" game is a real homer-fest. 5 of them thru 5 innings. Must be a snore fest. πŸ˜‰. (j/k)
  13. Confirmed. I can use Firefox to access CC but not Google Chrome. Which is fine, I like Firefix better anyways. That's all I use on my laptop, not sure why I never did with my phone. Just one less way that Big Brother can watch me. 😁
  14. I used to subscribe to the local newspaper and 4 or 5 monthly magazine subscriptions. But as time went on, the newspaper got thinner and thinner. Now, most of the World and US news I get online and the local portion wasn't that exciting - usually a new store opening, house fire or car accident. About the only thing I would read was the comic page (or the "funnies" as my father would call it) and the sports section. As for the magazines, it just came a victim of not having enough time to read. I'd have a years worth of Consumer Reports, Car&Driver or People magazines, stacked unread & collecting dust. Nothing like reading outdated information from a year ago. Now the only periodicals I get are AAA and AARP magazines. I'm so cutting edge....LOL
  15. Initially I thought it was just my Samsung phone as it got a major update last night. I had to re-sign into at least a half-dozen different apps.
  16. One thing I'm glad is not a thing anymore is the night before Halloween. Where I grew up, it was called "Gate Night" (stupid name, I know) but other areas would know it as "Mischief Night" or 'Hell Night". Basically, kids would roam the streets smashing pumpkins, throwing toilet paper in trees or spraying foam over cars. And it's not like I grew up in a bad area, it was basic middle class to slightly upper middle class. When I moved to my current neighborhood, the parents formed "Watch Patrols" where we would take turns standing in the streets late into the night to discourage such shenanigans. Must've worked because it's been over 20 years since we've had any incidents. Or maybe kids are better behaved nowadays.
  17. Add me to the list of people that can not sign-in from my Samsung phone. I'm also stuck in the Log-in "loop" where every time I hit the "sign-in" button, it gives me a message that I must sign-in. Duh! I feel like CC IT dept must've outsourced work to Royal's IT dept. Right now, I'm on my Windows laptop using Firefox, which also took me awhile as my log-in credentials where cleared out & and or course, I didn't remember my password so I "locked" my account numerous times until I finally just reset it. Some post-Halloween spookery going on. πŸ‘»
  18. Wow, is Halloween Trick-or-Treating a thing of the past? We did have several Trunck-or-Treat events over the weekend, I wonder if that could explain the low turnout? I also thought that since this is the first time in 3 years I'm home, that maybe the kids just bypassed the house. But I went out on the street several times and it seemed empty. In the past, there's be scores of kids running in all directions. Glad to see Halloween is alive and well in your 'hood. My neighborhood used to be like yours. first the little kids, then bigger ones, then big kids from other area being dropped off.
  19. In years past, we'd get between 110-130 kids coming to the house from 5:00 - 9:00 pm. Then it started to dwindle down to 80-90. Haven't been home the last 2 Halloweens so wasn't sure what to expect. My "sources" (i.e. friends with kids) said Halloween is going to be big this year, after 2 Pandemic years. Plus, the weather is very mild for this time of year, low 60's, no breeze. So I bought several bags of variety candy, 330 pieces in all, with the intention of giving every kid 3 pieces. Not sure why I decided on the number, maybe easy math? Got 30 kids between 6-7:30. Last few got 5 or 6 pieces each. The remaining 200+ should last me until New Years, unless I put them in my nieces & nephews Christmas stockings.😁😈
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