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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. I usually like sitting by the window so I can stare out the window. A few times, people have asked me to pull the shade down and I comply. On longer flights, I like sitting aisle so I can get up to stretch without disturbing people. But I feel like people walking up & down the aisle are always bumping up against me. And it's not like I'm very broad-shouldered.
  2. My Kenmore takes under 2 hours to complete the cycle but like you, it's usually late at night so there is really no rush. My thinking was less time = less water & electricity but I guess that's not always true.
  3. True, that it is. I try to tell people that it's not a Zombie show where its all blood and guts and nothing else. It's a human interest show that just happens to be set in a post-apocalyptic zombie world. It has a great cast, lots of character development where sometime the good guy is not always so good and sometimes the bad guy has good reasons for being the way he is. It basically shows how different groups of people interact with each other and what they are willing to do to survive and build the world back. At some point, the zombie stuff just fades to the back ground & you'll just accept there will be a few bloody killings each episode. But it's usually done to enhance a story line, not to BE the story line.
  4. Agreed. The downside to it being so quiet is that is does seem to take significantly longer to run vs my old Kenmore. And I thought it was just me with the wire racks. Normally, I like loading the dishwasher. It's like a puzzle. Maybe the Bosch is an advanced level puzzle that's above my ability to load. lol
  5. My brother-in-law has a Bosch and it's so quiet that you don't even realize it's running. More than once I've opened it in mid-cycle to put a dirty dish in there. On the other hand, my almost 20 year old Kenmore sounds like there is a cement mixer parked in the kitchen. But it's fast and gets the job done.
  6. I also can't believe it's been a year already. And as for #4 and #6 I find - speaking only for myself as I'm a procrastinator - that if I have all the time in the world to do something, it takes me all the time in the world to get it done. I guess I thrive under pressure. πŸ™‚
  7. Not only are there so many characters with similar names that come and go, but then they start referring to them by 2 or 3 different nicknames or their official long-winded titles such as "Lord HBE4, First of his name, from the House of Dani Thread, Keeper of Sarcasm, etc, etc". If you are streaming HOTD, they have a short 2-3 minute recap called "Inside the Episode" where the producers & writers will summarize that episode and explain some of the not-so-obvious things. It comes after the credits.
  8. I think they started the filming of the Negan & Maggie show. It's going to be set in NYC so that'll be interesting. I wonder if there will be any on location filming? The Darryl show is going to be set in Paris!! Be interesting to see how he gets there and why he goes. I imagine he'll be a fish out of water in that setting. The Rick and Michonne spin-off is still just a concept. Probably waiting for Andrew Lincoln (Rick) to come back from his time off with family. Hopefully it'll show what he's been doing while his character was away. There was also supposed to be at least 3 full length movies but i think they shelved those plans in favor of the spin-offs. Honestly, I think they are going to kill the brand with so many shows but I guess there are enough hard-core fans out there to fulfill the need.
  9. Something tells me you;re going to be 2 hours early for everything for the 6 months And then 2 hours late. Or vice-versa, my brain hurts. πŸ˜ƒ
  10. I did. I enjoyed the episode with Terry Crews and the one with the 2 lady co-workers that kept having a "Groundhog Day" moment. The one with the guy studying wildlife was okay. Didn't like the haunted house one or the one with the guy that lost his memory.
  11. Not true. I've been cheering on the Phillies since the start. But I can see why you thought that & understand the confusion. I had a tongue-in-cheek post about last nights 7-0 Philly win being a snore-fest. That was a not a knock on Philly, just my attempt at sarcasm. Proving, once again, that sarcasm does not translate will on Internet forums. Go Phillies!! I'm okay with the teams alternating wins as that works in Philly's favor.
  12. I feel that the Viking Crown Lounge (and it's various alias's) are becoming a thing of the past. On the smaller, older ships, it used to be the center of nightlife. On the bigger ships, there are so many venues to spread out the party people that the VCL is almost an afterthought.
  13. Have you ever lived??? Please tell me you've at least watched Game of Thrones? Sorry, don't mean to be so dramatic. After 2 hours of leaf blowing and 3 hours of giving one of the bathrooms a very, very deep cleaning, the wine went straight to my head! And made me a bit on the chatty side too, πŸ˜€
  14. Me too. I just watched the first episode of "The Final 8" last night. I think I'm watching it more out of habit than desire. I just need to know how it ends....but does it REALLY ever end? lol
  15. No surprise. He's been in a few others as a flashback. And we know he has a spin-off series coming up set post-Walking Dead. I did not know that fun fact. I guess she moved to England at a young age?
  16. He lives! As does Darryl, Negan, Maggie, Michonne and everyone else that is getting a spin-off series.πŸ˜ƒ Doesn't bode well for a few other fan favoritesπŸ˜‰.
  17. The guy that owned the house before me was the original owner when the house was built in 1964. Let's just say he thought building codes were a suggested guidelines, kinda like Royals chair hog policy.πŸ˜† Back then, everyone knew everyone in town, played in the same dart & bowling leagues, kids played on the same football team, etc. You get the idea. There was a lot of looking the other way, one-hand-washes-the-other kinds of thing. Took forever for us to close on the house while brought all the permits & Certificate of Occupancy's, etc somewhat up-to-date. Or paid off a few town employees. I can't wait to see what road blocks I hit when I sell the house. BTW, the new tank is mostly out in the open.
  18. Good point. I had the old, rusty 750 gallon tank replaced about 20 years ago with a 1000 gallon fiberglass. I think it was around $2,500, including rerouting some of the piping since they couldn't remove the old tank as it was under the deck. The deck was off the 2nd floor of the house but they were afraid of compromising the structural integrity of the posts. I shudder to think of replacing the leech fields. My next door neighbor had it done a few years ago. I'm sure I can't be far behind as all the houses were built at the same time / same construction company.
  19. Weather is looking pretty good for this weekend. That is, assuming you have a bit of Colorado left in you and are not 100% Floridian yetπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‡ High 60's to low 70's, plenty of sunshine.
  20. I'm on the 2-3 year plan. I've stretched it out longer but since the pandemic, we've been home a lot more often so...... I'll plan to be home so I'll see what the driver says. They are usually pretty honest and don't try to up-sell.
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