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Everything posted by dlh015

  1. And here you are yet again!! Just loving your reviews and I know this one will be no different. The apple certainly didn't fall far from the tree...it is easy to see the 'mini-me' in all those pics. Wow. Bon Voyage!
  2. Yep, sounds like Celebrity IT hard at...work?? Well, I had hoped you would be able to avoid a phone call. As you say, these kinds of things shouldn't require their assistance. One can only imagine how much time would become available for support folks that could be used to help clients with real issues...<sigh> Good luck and I hope you have a great cruise!
  3. You can do both those things on their website. (If you just booked the cruise, it may take a day or two for the options to appear...sad but true) 1. Log into the cruise planner. 2. Click on 'Manage Reservation' for the booking you want to edit. (It should be highlighted in blue lettering) 3. Click on 'Reservation Details' (also highlighted in blue lettering) You should then see, under your name as first passenger, the letters TBD and the words Edit Info next to it. Click on it and add name, etc. You should also see 'Gratuities' (sort of in the middle of the screen) with blue lettered 'Edit Gratuities' next to it. Hope this works for you... ETA: By the way, this is using chrome browser on Windows...
  4. And thank you, too! That's the policy I'm looking at. Yes, I understand about trip cancellation, etc, and like you and others, I make that evaluation as needed. The two of you have completely addressed my concerns and questions. Seems like money well spent. ETA: Oh, and yes, see this as a good backup to our regular care (who has always been good for the few things we needed it for...)
  5. Thank you for your input. We have pretty good coverage with our Senior Advantage and cc...and I have always found the cruise insurance too high for the benefits. I have seen that GeoBlue gets good comments on this board. I can get it for the entire year for less than 1/2 of the cruise offering. It seems to be a no-brainer...I sent a note off to the company asking if one is covered for cruises that leave and return to the USA, not just internationally. I assume yes, but I wanted to be sure. I read the entire 22 pages of the policy but again...well, you know. Thanks again!
  6. May I ask if you purchase this in addition to the insurance you can buy from the cruise line or instead of it? Thank you!
  7. Folks, my (wine) cup runneth over. Thanks again to everyone for their input. Little did I know!
  8. I'm just astounded that folks in their age group did not have insurance. We wouldn't even think of it...we just wouldn't go. But age group aside, one should always have some sort of insurance when traveling...
  9. I did another post in another thread that I erased as I realized I was not very delicate. I should have done that here...thanks...
  10. My apologies. Rich is right...I'm a tad cranky this morning...
  11. What 'savings' do you expect on gratuities?? You expect they should stiff the crew so you can save a few dollars?? Are you going to save a bundle on your CC interest or what? (assuming you maintain a balance on your CC) I guess if you're living paycheck to paycheck, it matters. Then the decision would be a no-brainer...
  12. Deleted...I was off-topic...
  13. Not to mention a great miniature golf course there...that has been there over 40 years!! I played it back in '78 (well before all the expensive hotels showed up...lol) and again about 6 years ago...
  14. As stated by others, you may do these things on the ship with the app for no extra charge.
  15. Oh, no, I've never, ever done that...no never I tell ya!๐Ÿ˜‡
  16. Isn't that a couple weeks down the road?? Got a link for that?
  17. *IF* you booked directly on the Celebrity website, you can log in to your Cruise Planner, click on Manage Reservation, then Show Details if not already displayed, then click on Gratuities...should be highlighted in blue. Fill in CC info and you should be good to go. Otherwise with TA as DaKahuna explains... ETA: the above assumes you booked a cruise only non-suite cruise...you may also need to wait a couple days if you *just* booked it because it takes X a few days to completely process your booking...it's a weird process...
  18. You mean you get to worry for free? There's no surcharge? ๐Ÿคฃ
  19. Sorry about that...my new post explains why I thought that...
  20. Thanks all. I was curious because I always thought wine was stored so the particulates settled to the bottom. I thought I had read that... I hadn't considered the cork but now that I've been educated, it makes perfect sense. I guess one turns the bottom up for some period prior to opening in order to allow particulates to sink and get better wine clarity, etc?
  21. I took the Behind The Scenes tour last January on the Equinox. I was putting together a photo album and rediscovered this pic I took in the wine prep/serving area behind the MDR. It seems to me from what I've read here and elsewhere that these bottles of wine are stored incorrectly. Now, it was obvious that they were meant to be stored that way because the hole for the neck of the bottle is at the bottom. I don't pretend to know a darn thing about wine storage, etc. But perhaps someone can illuminate me about some aspect of this?? I'm just curious...please don't beat me up too bad for my ignorance...lol...๐Ÿ˜
  22. I stayed in 2126 this past January. (across from yours...) Minimal noise a couple of times. I was in the cabin at all times of the day...here's a youtube I found prior to my cruise... https://www.cruisedeckplans.com/DP/deckplans/slideshow-cabin.php?ship=Celebrity-Equinox&cabin=2126 Note that in the sticky above, there are a few entries complaining about noise in that cabin. I didn't experience anything like that at all...and ship was full.
  23. Couldn't agree more... Yep, same here. Top market movers? Fear and greed. Always has been, always will be.
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