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Everything posted by dlh015

  1. Best reserve a cart very soon...they go fast!!
  2. This one (from the first thread posted last thursday) has the story: https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/celebrity-cruise-ship-kept-dead-body-in-beverage-cooler-lawsuit-alleges-16809838 eta: I should say 'a version of the story' I suppose...
  3. ...says someone who obviously hasn't read the earlier posts...
  4. This reminds me of the age-old question: does anal retentive have a hyphen?? 🤔😃
  5. Excuse me, but isn't it already chaos and mayhem??🤔
  6. Wow. A train wreak in slow motion... The lack of transparency is astounding. To say that this is being managed poorly is an understatement...
  7. Nasty. Just terrible. Good luck to you and all concerned!
  8. Yikes! It looks like this is going to be one giant can of worms for all concerned...
  9. Oversold a year in advance? How does that work? They expect that no one will cancel in the interim? Not doubting you, just wondering how this works...seems a bit weird...
  10. Truly one of the most engrossing 'Lives' I've followed! Thank you so much for sharing your incredible adventure!! Safe journeys home!
  11. Nope, no extra charge...MDR is for everyone...
  12. I'm not sure...but this just might be the best post of yours that I have ever had the pleasure of reading! The energy almost literally wafts off my computer screen...
  13. Thank you so very, very much...it was almost like being there (almost...lol...) Best regards!!
  14. I'll be following this closely, Ken. I'll be doing this itinerary April next year only ending in San Francisco.
  15. Eweryone nos the capital off Austrailiaa is Yogiberra!! It iis prety clos to Sydney...
  16. And all this reminds me of this story... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39459471 ETA: And I just found another story from this past February of someone booking a flight to Sydney Montana instead of Australia...
  17. Darn. If you hadn't said it, I would have 🤣
  18. But...was there Prime Rib?? 😆
  19. I am soooo confused sometimes...lately it seems like you are on a cruise like...always!! And I'm just lovin' it!! You rock!! (and I'm only a little teensy, weensy jealous...lol...) Bon voyage!!...again!!
  20. Totally this! Been to NOLA at least 5 times (never by cruise) and have done all these things and more. Just love, love, love the food there...
  21. I still (and always have been) am amazed that companies can get away with this crapola. "We can put up whatever we want but are not responsible for it. We don't have to make sure of what we post for consumption nor put safeguards in place to prevent any misunderstandings by our customers. They believe us at their own risk." Ridiculous...
  22. I have been following your thread. I really, *really* hope Celebrity does the right thing. You should get exactly what you paid for. I think we all want to see a happy ending to your journey...a journey that you really shouldn't have had to take. Good luck to you and your family!!
  23. Actually, it's under the men's restroom...and is the exact stateroom I've booked for next year... It's listed in the S-sticky towards the top of the questions home page...no complaint about noise...
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