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Everything posted by dlh015

  1. I meant to tag you on my previous post...but forgot!!
  2. Mine didn't appear printable until I waited a week before my departure date. At that time, I called X and about an hour later, there they were. However, you don't really need them...the porter will tag them for you at the port...
  3. What you said. Could not possibly agree more...
  4. Whew...can't believe I've missed almost 4 pages of your posts!! Suddenly, there you were!! But I managed to wade thru...as always, great pics. Now I will sit back and enjoy *your* ride!! Thanks for sharing!!
  5. I wonder if anyone has had the experience of meeting a person on board with whom they had a good time and later finding out they were a CC poster they really didn't like...
  6. I do whatever fits my needs. Sometimes a ship excursion, sometimes a private one. It's nice having a choice, isn't it? I refuse to pass judgement on what someone wants to do and how they want to do it. But there are some good observations here and enough information to help others make their choice(s).
  7. <sigh> Once again I didn't get the link from X. I'm running about 50/50 on getting the email. Strange. Thanks to all who posted the link!!
  8. Oh my goodness, have no fear!! We usually cruise in 'just a balcony' and we love it. We only recently tried a suite and it, too, was wonderful. However, we are booked on non-suites for the next 3 cruises. The cruise is what you make it...waste no time or wringing of hands because of various opinions and experiences here. It's a cruise!! No answering of doors or phones, others make your food and better yet serve it to you! You don't need to vacuum anything! And on and on...just relax and enjoy!!
  9. You're just running into all the wrong people this cruise!!
  10. And that's @Georgia_Peaches in a nutshell...and she somehow puts up with riff-raff like me 😃
  11. Nicely put. Variety is, indeed, the spice of life. Us Geminis know that...right, @binro01 ?
  12. AHA! We caught ya! You're the one taking up all the server cycles!! No wonder(verse) we can't get in...lol 🤣🤣🤣
  13. They have certainly been taking their time 'rolling' this out. I was looking at that literature last April/May while preparing for our June Med cruise...
  14. IT is probably celebrating right now! "Look! We've got 5 users logged in!!! We knocked it out of the park on this one!!" 🤣🤣🤣
  15. Out of curiosity, is your husband older than you? I ask because I have found the same sort of thing. I do all the bookings and calls and excursions, etc. for all our cruises. She never even logs in to the website or app. She is older than me and that seems to be the common thread. And it's not just X...same with Princess, and Cunard. I just ended up editing her info and putting my phone number and email in place of hers...lol. I had forgotten all about it until I saw your post...
  16. Wow, wow, wow!! The snacks in the check-in area look waaaaay better than what they had for me on my January cruise or maybe it just looks that way because I'm feeling a little hungry...lol... But you are on the Apex and I was on the Equinox...
  17. Thanks for sharing those great pics!! We're so jealous...we have to wait a year...but happy for you!! Bon Voyage!!
  18. As @steamboats said, don't bother with the excursion. Take the ferry. It's right outside where you dock...less than 4 minute walk. And as @cbfb said, go to Anacapri...do not, repeat, do not miss taking the chairlift to Monte Solaro. The views are amazing...we went June 2022. There's a little 'coffee shop' in the small park at the top. Take an open-air taxi from the ferry pier...the ride itself is worth the price of admission... Here's a great website that gave us a ton of info...you can see the rates of various transportation... https://www.capri.net/en/e/getting-around ETA: Here's a link to the chairlift website... http://www.capriseggiovia.it/impianto.html
  19. Agreed!! In my younger days, that pole by the bed would have *definitely* been a problem...
  20. I think I've encountered all the scenarios and 'time frames' listed in this thread. As always, X is consistently inconsistent. Sometimes I've received move-up offers, sometimes I haven't. It's like a smorgasbord at a wedding. Some offerings taste good...some don't. Good luck to all!!
  21. I can see those situations also. But this is functionality that has been available for some time. I just used it twice over the past 3 days to add my DW as a passenger after making a couple of bookings. For a while there (I started a thread on it some months ago) this functionality and the ability to cancel a reservation was missing for two weeks or more. Then it magically reappeared. That's a change control problem. Something we all know their IT isn't too good at.
  22. And here you are yet again!! Just loving your reviews and I know this one will be no different. The apple certainly didn't fall far from the tree...it is easy to see the 'mini-me' in all those pics. Wow. Bon Voyage!
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