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Everything posted by KenzSailing

  1. Roy, What's you opinion of HAL Westerdam? Asking for a friend.
  2. Hey Roy, could you email me at kkope01@gmail.com? I'd like to mine your immense knowledge of HAL. OLoPP and I have something very specific in mind and your experienced perspective would be invaluable. I appreciate your consideration.
  3. Eh, he's a big boy. He can take care of himself. Or, as he once advised me, "don't read it."
  4. Keith, re the dinner photo. I can identify everyone in it with one exception. There are two women, both brunettes at the table. One is the CEO. Who is the mystery person?
  5. Great to hear that the Host with the Most is back.
  6. I just realized one name I haven't heard mentioned in connection with the reboot is Remi. Has he moved on?
  7. It was almost dead on 2230 local. Doing 20 knots cruising to Cannes.
  8. Saw on FB that the CEO is onboard and giving the welcome speech at this evening's poolside kickoff. With more fireworks! Not sure about others or for how long.
  9. Experienced cruiser, potential first timer on HAL here. What is their announcements in the cabin policy? We've sailed on lines that are "only in emergency" and lines that are "art auction/bingo/jewelry sale happening" multiple times per day. Just trying to set my expectation level.
  10. Bin-joe! Apparently it was announced by the CEO, so sounds pretty solid.
  11. Tried to tell ya. He who laughs last...
  12. Over on FB someone posted that the wifi is now Starlink. Very positive development.
  13. Very impressed with how Crystal is pulling out all the stops to impress the TA/press communities. They appear determined to make some noise as they re-enter the cruising world.
  14. I've been looking at the photos of The Lounge," and trying to figure out why they don't sit quite right with me. Then it came to me: it reminds me of any conference room I spent far too much time in listening to a presentation about the latest corporate strategy/policy/whatever my company decided was the next key to success. Don't need that flashback. OTOH, now that we're seeing photos that aren't professionally done and brochure ready, I still think Crystal has done an exceptionally good job in renewing the public spaces, including some that were very much in need of it. The strong contrast of the colors used in say, the Osteria vs Umi Uma vs the Bistro pleasantly adds to the sense of each unique space. I even like the carpeting.
  15. So I assume there's going to be a model of Serenity on Symphony.
  16. Including Reflections which still looks like it was printed by a mimeograph machine from the 1960s. Well, at least they're not forcing us to look at it on our phones.
  17. Ah, that makes sense. A sampler, accompanied by high quality photos. Looking good.
  18. That page is clearly headed "tasting menus." There will be a second ala carte page. Smart move though, as it suggests non-AI wine accompaniments.
  19. The space labeled "The Lounge" must be the old casino space.
  20. (Wolfman Jack voice:) One week to go, let's have some sailing music! This first one goes out to that guy already hanging around Marseilles. Locals say his clothes are extremely wrinkled: Next up, well, if you're on an ocean, there's a shoreline somewhere. And some of those shorelines have beaches. And some of those Beaches have Boys(also, a lesson in cruising decorum gone terribly wrong): Let's up the tempo with some bloated 70s pop: Then mellow it back out again: Finally, let's close this show with some serious quality: (This is the Wolfman, signing off.)
  21. I'll put money on "no" to that one.
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