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Snow Hill

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Everything posted by Snow Hill

  1. Woke up at just before 6 feeling hungry, realised that hadn’t had much to eat since lunchtime yesterday so probably no surprise. Had a good nights sleep, the wind seemed to die down at around 10pm last night, so didn’t get woken by it in the night. Usually when windy the trees over the road in churchyard shed a few branches in the road, looking outside there is virtually nothing this time, very odd, perhaps it all fell the other side of the wall. Once daylight returns might beep able to tell more. Hopefully my greenhouse survived the night, its predecessor was destroyed by gales around 14 years ago. The security cameras show that my neighbours damaged fence survived Isha, which surprised me and probably my Neighbours.
  2. So you are ill and they “fine” you for not turning up and then resell you place, have P&O sunk that low in fining the sick, even if it is coming of OBC.
  3. Wind Weather warning as been upgraded to Amber for much of England, I think I will remove a few more things that may become mobile later today. Forecast of gusts up to 58 mph. Late this afternoon, just as we are off to visit my granddaughter on her 18th Birthday. I suspect my neighbours fence at the front may disappear after it was damaged in previous storm, he has replacements in order, but being non standard they are taking time to come through.
  4. There are gulls in the Islands, but less than there are in Northern Europe, I have seen them when visiting the islands, certainly not in the numbers we see at home. https://www.gomeravive.com/en/nature-portal/birds/gulls-and-terns/
  5. No iced up windscreen on the car on the this morning so must be warmer than yesterday. Will spend some of the day ensuring there is nothing loose in the garden given the weather due tomorrow with up to 50mph gusts forecast. And now that the batteries have finally run out, take down the Christmas lights which have been up for 6 weeks.
  6. Admin Fees known in some quarters as “extra profit fees”,
  7. Currently -5C with wind chill -8C according to app, glad that I used my unexpected free afternoon yesterday to put a double layer of horticultural fleece over the winter cabbages, hopefully will protect them. Currently clear blue skies, might venture out for a walk later, but stay indoors for now. A car was pulled over by police outside our house about an hour ago, reason only had cleared the windscreen in front of the drivers view. It was unfortunate for the driver that the police had been attending an incident further down the street this morning and had caught him as they were leaving.
  8. Well I attend the training, as expected was cold, glad I put thermals on and layers, even kept my Norway woolly hat on. 🥶 The H&S session ended early as no one asked any questions even though the H&S Manager asked if there were any questions numerous times. I think most wanted to find somewhere warm or get a hot drink at the end. Second training session in a different room initial had heating, but presenter turned it off, so was chilly for last 30 mins, I managed to opt out of the 3rd session on HR policy as not relevant to volunteers, So boxes all ticked for another year, now to complete feedback firm, hopefully enough room for all the observations!
  9. Because they might lose their access and freebies if they did.
  10. Morning, I have been awake since 6 woken up by gritter lorry going past, seems we have a a very light sprinkling of snow. I am back on volunteering duty today, so will be in full “arctic” gear, thermals, layers, wind proof waterproof jacket (part of uniform) woolly hat, snood, gloves, thermal socks and my fleece lined boots, should keep me warm. 🥶Not sure how many visitors we will have only 2 on Sunday and 1 yesterday, but we have other jobs we can get on with in the bookshop or checking for any falling masonry. Tomorrow I have the annual training, the same courses repeated each year, H&S, Safeguarding and Inclusion gets boring. I find the H&S particularly boring, as I was a TUC trained H&S Rep when I was working and until a few years ago a School Governor with responsibility for H& and Risk Management. I have to go to ensure a box is ticked somewhere and I am not removed from volunteer list, it’s a role I enjoy doing. May just put my ear buds in and list to a few podcasts on my phone. 😬 Given I saw a photo of everyone sitting in the room with coats on yesterday I may wear same arctic gear as today. 🥶
  11. Thanks for the explanation, does seem a little over the top for people perhaps just visiting for the day.
  12. Having never been to the US either on a cruise why do you need to clear customs and immigration if you are not planning to get off ship at that port?
  13. Woken up this morning to a light dusting of snow and -2C currently. Looks a dry day ahead, so may venture out to finish insulation in greenhouse and put new fleece covering over winter cabbages after the storm last week damaged covering, new stronger fleece arrive yesterday.
  14. Managed to get out in the garden yesterday, well the greenhouse where it was a balmy 12C, with outdoor temp around 7C, managed to clear out much of the accumulated rubbish from the last 6 months, old sees packets, plant labels, plant pots that I had stuck under the staging, upset a few spiders by removing them. Wiped down framework on one side and put up insulation, with a plant to finish it today. So much for plans, it’s been raining with a little sleet most of the day, temperature around 4 in the greenhouse with a wind chill temp of -2C outside. Hopefully tomorrow will be drier and I can finish off what I started yesterday. Instead I have been looking through land holiday sites and cruise sites (both riviera and sea) to see what we can find for later this year.
  15. That applies usually to PAYG phones, those on monthly or annual contacts for phones or sim only won’t be cancelled.
  16. My OH is coeliac and in the10 years since she as diagnosed we have never had any issues with food in any of the restaurants on the ships we have been on. Assuming nothin has changed the meals are prepared and cooked a separate kitchen with separate pans and utensils. She even had gluten free biscuits in the cabin, we didn’t have to ask they just were there. The only issue is the buffet as you can’t guarantee that passengers won’t have cross contaminated dishes, however when we have asked a waiter for a gluten free dish, in most cases they have been able to provide one from the kitchens.
  17. As Tracksuits and the like are already ruled out of Smart/Evening Casual it is no more likely that it is now for people dress like that.
  18. Hopefully one day they will drop the whole farce altogether and just have smart casual as evening option, after we are on holiday not attending an awards function.
  19. Morning, 1C here and overcast, snow flurries forecast for this evening. I took the car in for its first service this morning, glad of heated seats and steering wheel this morning. Local primary school not back until tomorrow so not too much of a problem revering off drive this morning. I will start planning the vegetable garden this week, deciding what to grow and where, spring cabbage crop coming on well, Cauliflower not so well, think I will invest in cloche tunnel to give some additional protection from the cold.
  20. The grounding had started to revoked around the world, then last Friday when a door blew out on an Alaska Airways 737 Max leading to rapid decompression and an emergency landing, all 737 Maxs are ground in the Us, with airlines in Turkey and Central America also grounding 737 Max aircraft. This could be a further setback for 737s returning to service and complicate leasing arrangements.
  21. An evening meal out with a former work colleague of my wife’s last night, they are have finalised their move to France and leave on Tuesday to start their new life there with their 2 children. We wished them well and will pop into see them when we are in France later this year. She has a French mother and her husband's grandfather was Spanish, so they have used those connections to make the move. Both have got jobs in France that they will commence in February so we hope everything goes well for them. We had hoped to retire to France, but unfortunately that wasn’t possible in the end.
  22. I think we have moved on somewhat since the Victorian era, I quite like the “No Black Tie Black Tie Night” look as I find ties to constraining I own very few now, I gave most of mine to a local charity shop. 😬
  23. It’s been a much more pleasant day, no rain for starters, some sunny spells but quite chilly. We took down the Christmas Decorations inside the house, have left the lights up outside for a couple more days or until batteries run out. Community page has been full of armchair flood experts saying what they would do to stop the flooding ranging from taking around 3m out of the river bed, clearly not thought of consequences of doing that to building a 2m wall along the edge of the river. Don’t you just love these armchair experts, not only are they experts on floods, but some of the same names are experts on repairing roads, bus services, bin collections, and multiple other things.
  24. It has been raining non stop here since 7am, lots of standing water around as drains unable to cope with volume of water quick enough, not designed for these volumes. We have friends in the a Ironbridge Gorge where the flood barriers are in place and a peak of 5.9m is expected on Thursday as the water in the Severn is topped up by the heavy rain in Wales over the last few days, fortunately they are on higher ground and not effected, would need to rise by about 30m for them to be directly affected. Hopefully the barriers will hold out as they have before. Unfortunately those on the south bank of the river have no such protection as no solid ground to erect barriers. The forecast for the rest of the week is much drier, hopefully those under flood warning will get some respite by the weekend.
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