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Everything posted by highplanesdrifters

  1. Thanks for the report, always helpful. These zero day options that you mentioned in a previous post seem to have some staying power and may becoming more impactful. Keeping an eye.
  2. I've attached pictures from the Venture her sister ship. There are 3 outdoor venues with seating. You should have no trouble finding a place. Outside the Colonnade . The Captian was very keen on throwing a lot of parties. Outside Seabourn Square Outside the Club - Sky bar
  3. I agre wholeheartedly agree @Tex1 But this is what I asked about. I was hoping folks could comment on their experience with the charter from Puerto Williams to Santiago. We arrive 3 days ahead of charter departing Santiago. The Mandarin has a pool chair with my name on it, and their Asain restaurant is killer. Why take chances and rush things. 😉
  4. If only you could help with the cable company. 🤣
  5. Thanks all. CC Intelligentsia is invaluable. Charter and hotel are included. Put my sister on the Delta 10:30 pm 'same day as charter' flight. I'll tell her to stay away from the Chinese tour groups.😉 They got me in New Zealand. Barely made it home. We contine on the cape to cape. Now I just need to book a safari and get ourselves home from South Africa. 😎 Thank Goodness we have a good TA. Airfare has been all over the place!
  6. @maadimom Thanks, very helpful. Double/tripple check is my norm now. Last summer Silversea told us mid cruise we were supposed to book our own flight because we used a TA, even though it clearly stated on cfn that Charter was included . Took 5 days of fighting with them but they finally admitted they were wrong and we got an apology.....and a flight.
  7. I've attached a few screen shots of Powells open and closing remarks from Jackson Hole. The talking heads felt the remarks were hawkish to slightly hawkish. I disagree, and the market did too. Part of his statement which I feel says it all: "We are prepared to raise rates further if appropriate, and intend to hold policy at a restrictive level until we are confident that inflation is moving sustainably down toward our objective." Unless we get some surprisingly high inflation numbers he is telling us in this statement they are on hold. One could make the case that his statement was hawkish because he didn't mention "cutting" rates next year, but I feel that's just crazy talk! What does it mean for equities? One would think a continuation. The pullback is in concern range but not fear. Gun to my head, up. Who knows what the market will focus on next week. Certainly not me.😄 Curve flattening with a rising 10 year. Bond analysis anyone? @RetiredandTravel
  8. I just ask them to bring out hot fries separately. But I do like the idea of grilled fries.😄
  9. @alithecat Thank you so very much for a perfect answer!
  10. Yes, on the Cloud next February. I had earlier mad the mistake of posting on Seabourn.
  11. Are there special treats, meals, activities. YES, YES, and YES! I found it magical. People decorate their doors and some had special Christmas outfits. Think Reindeer onsies. Crew especially enjoy as they are away from their families. A few pics to whet your whistle. FYI, this was on Seabourn in 2018. I believe Silversea pulls out all the stops. Can't wait to do another. 20171225_150558.mp4
  12. CC Intelligentsia I was hoping folks could comment on their experience with the charter from Puerto Williams to Santiago. Have a friend using that route. Any difficulties with the charter? Did you catch the evening (10:45pm) flight out or stay the night and catch the next day? What hotel or day room did Seabourn provide, airport or in the city? Thanks much.
  13. I was just thinking about you! Thanks for the report. Very jealous of the Narwhal sightings. Not surprised your eagle eye found them. Wishing you fair winds for the rest of your journey.
  14. Extremely well said, I completely agree. Although I will admit that I have made a note to reconsider embark/debark out of Pond Inlet. There are plenty of other ports to explore the Arctic with less risk of being mucked about for days just getting on and off the ship. Having experienced charter flight hell, it's never a good time. 😁 However it is the nature of expedition travel. Thank you @PAllinson your reports have been very helpful.
  15. Lois, if you are a lover of history and museums, check out the National Museum of Denmark. There is an excellent section that covers the stone age through modern times. Enjoy your trip.
  16. @HappyLadyTravels & @PAllinson Hoping all is well and transfers happened without too much chaos. Hopefully you'll share the experience.
  17. Oh lordy! Hadn't thought of that. I hope they do a full pool flush before we board in October.
  18. Thenks for the pics. Hows the snorkeling from the OWV?
  19. I'm so sorry that your trip has been less than ideal. I have often questioned the reasoning behind expeditions being canceled and wondered what the real reason was. If it makes you feel any better, there are strict rules about entering a polar bear zone. If you question the launching of Zodiacs, go down and look at the zodiac platform. You can then see for yourself how dangerous it might or might not be. Wishing you better luck in the following days.
  20. I have to agree. Any travel to the polar regions is fraught with weather related issues. It is especially relevant given that expedition cruises are pushing the boundaries of what is regularly possible, especially during shoulder season. Is their marketing bordering on false advertising? Not thinking (my superpower) I almost booked a trip back to Greenland for next June. Its hard to get into some of these places in August. June would be iffy at best. For example, last August Scoresby had just opened up, the ship before us couldn't get through. So do the cruises lines have a bigger responsibility (other than fine print) to warn folks that these weather cancelations can and do happen all the time? A good TA would.
  21. Perhaps "sold out" was the wrong term. I should have used waitlisted. I just checked and waitlist is gone and all suites available. Perhaps another Seabourn IT glitch. I'd happily swim around in a pool of drinking Aussies for a 25% FCC.
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