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Posts posted by jules815

  1. 2 hours ago, Mycykfamilytime said:

    Bon Voyage, Mariner!   Ive always thought Mariner seems like a nice  boat.  All the fun things, but not quite as big as the Oasis Class.   I’ve never sailed her though. 




    Mariner was our very first cruise with our kids back in the early 2000's. So many fond memories. At that time she was huge. We sailed on her several times from PC and then one year out of LA when we sailed down to Cabo. Whenever we see her now in port we always say we need to sail on her again someday. 

  2. 2 hours ago, dexddd said:

    We've never gotten either.  I did see the thread about YC preferences ahead of time.  Last trip was February and nothing.  Not a big deal as butler gets it right onboard so far compared to NCL where it can be hit or miss with requests before sailing.

    Okay, I had a feeling maybe we wouldn't get a preferences email at all. I do know that when people have filled them out 9 out of 10 times they still have to ask their butler. Just thought the repetitive surveys were strange, and I let them know it in the last one I filled out. 😃

  3. We sail on Seascape on 9/10. One week from today! 


    We're in the YC and still haven't gotten the email asking about our preferences, however, it seems like every day I get a short 2 question survey asking about their website. The title to the email is "Your cruise on MSC Seascape - a few quick questions."  I've gotten this same email almost daily for the past couple of weeks. And we haven't purchased anything online or had any calls with them in quite a while that would normally trigger a survey. It's very strange. Anyone else getting the same?

  4. 4 hours ago, UPNYGuy said:

    I haven’t worn a jacket on a cruise in years. Slacks and a polo, and I’m all set. 

    That’s what my husband wears as well. We were just talking about the way we used to dress up when we cruised back in the day. He said he never minded having to wear a suit, and would if he had to. Not having to bring a garment bag is a win though. Even most of my dresses can just be rolled when I pack them.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, morpheusofthesea said:

    Should one press the elevator key too many times or too many people press the same key too many times one gets this response and the elevator will whisk on by without stopping.

    IMG_2943 2.JPG

    Oh no. Didn't know about that one.

  6. 1 hour ago, JamieLogical said:

    But I will also tell you that the worst day on a cruise ship is still better than your best day at work, so enjoy all the things that are awesome and go right. Don't sweat the small stuff. Just relax and enjoy yourself.


  7. Yes, and not only was it a dry dock, it was the Carnival Destiny major overhaul before it became the Sunshine. The ship was definitely showing signs of wear and tear, but everything else on the ship, activities and service, were normal. Funny too, because that was my very first time sailing with Carnival and all the reviews here prior to our cruise weren’t very good at all, but it will still go down as one of my favorite cruises. It was a girls cruise and we had so much fun.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Essiesmom said:

    I bought those before my last cruise and they work great.  I was on Seaside and I put it on the wall right across from the toilet.  That way if it times out before you are done, a slight movement turns it back on.  





    Great to hear and thanks for posting pictures.


  9. Mods, please feel free to move this post if it doesn't belong here. 


    We're sailing soon on Seascape. For years I've packed those little battery operated tea lights for a bathroom nightlight. I recently ordered a pack of 2 motion sensor, rechargeable (USB) nightlights and they just arrived. The reason I'm posting here is, not only are these nightlights small and easy to pack, they have a built in magnet on the back. It's strong too! Also came with a little 3M sticky square in case you wanted to stick it to a non metal surface. 


    Here's a link:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MHVTHQS?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1

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  10. We're sailing in under 2 weeks on Seascape and just received yet another offer to bid on an upgrade. Lowest bid from where we're currently booked (YC Deluxe Grand) to move into the Owners is still $5860 pp. Royal (which is the one I'd prefer tbh) is still just under $2500 pp. These are exactly the same starting bid prices we've been seeing since they began sending us offers. Do they ever go down??


  11. 8 minutes ago, pirate4me2 said:

    Sitting on the balcony reading, and an announcement just came on that Seaside is experiencing an engine issue and we will be delayed a few hours getting into PC tomorrow. They expect walk off to start around 9:30.

    Sailing with mom is bad luck…first hurricane Irma, then a tropical storm hit home while we were away, an earthquake in Mexico while we were there on another…she’s cursed!

    Oh no.  Good thing you drove to the port. Enjoy your last day on board.

  12. 9 hours ago, pirate4me2 said:

    I really don’t know how many shots of Fireball we consumed…3 or 4 I think. Along with those, Arnold made us what we have now named the “Arnold Special”, it’s rum, raspberry liquor, and strawberry syrup. We had 3 or 4 each of those, enough that we finished off a bottle of raspberry liquor. We then moved on to frozen rose wine drinks (rose wine, vodka, strawberry syrup)…yeah, we were THOSE people. I told mom about 3:00 that we HAD to leave, this wasn’t going to end well. We came back to the cabin, and promptly took a nap…or maybe some would say, we passed out. 

    We finally woke from our slumber at 5:30, and realized we needed food. We made ourselves presentable (I think) and staggered to the YC restaurant at 6. When asked what did we want to drink, any wine, we both probably turned green and said just water please. I ordered the cheese fritters, which were yummy, and the leek and ricotta cheese tart with a side of grilled shrimp. The shrimp were nice and yummy, but the tart was a huge disappointment. It was the first thing I’ve ordered this week that I didn’t eat, it was just blah. 






    Are the Burgundy Snails on the "Classic favorites" section of the dinner menu all week?


  13. We fly to Miami on September 8th and sail on the 10th. A couple of days in Miami and 2 weeks on the Seascape (10th - 24th). We also have a wedding to go this Saturday, so that's making me a little nervous. We've both been jabbed 5 times now and each had Covid back in February. (I know that doesn't mean we can't get it again!) I always pack plenty of OTC cold meds, Tylenol, etc.  Maybe I'll throw a couple of tests in the bag as well this time.

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  14. 14 hours ago, ajoneen said:

    I don't want to muck up the works- just not be in a cattle call.  so just 1 cocktail on the balcony after  watch and call?  

    division of labor.

    Best use of resources...

    I like the way you think!  (We'll be on Seascape in just over 2 weeks.)


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