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Everything posted by cruisingguy007

  1. It actually is kinda good, many more people are rethinking huge trucks and even commuting altogether. I've used the least amount of gas over the last year as I've used in my life, I think I've filled my gas tank 3 times in the last 6 months. Many are now looking into electric bikes, gas powered bikes, electric scooters, gas scooters and automatic motorcycles (DCT transmission) that are easy to drive and get 60-70 miles to the gallon. We may see 2 cylinder cars like they use in India and other countries. These are all great options for a lot of people that are readily used in other countries but not in the USA. Wealthy are also buying up electric vehicles like mad. Hopefully, some low price models are eventually considered, not everyone wants to spend 70-100K on a fancy Tesla. There is no reason we shouldn't be utilizing these options to reduce our costs/consumption. Sure, it won't work for everyone, but if you choose to move to the boonies and drive hours each way to work, that's a choice. You have to lower your costs by finding ways to increase MPG, lower use or opt out as much as possible and not participate while in an inflationary period. You can also offset by reducing costs elsewhere, ie skip summer vacation this year, quit buying things unless necessities, and reduce frivolous spending on low return luxuries. People are finally waking up, I've seen many less lifted trucks rolling around the neighborhoods rolling coal at lights. Even all the wanna be fast and furious speed racers (HUGE problem in my area) with the supercharges speeding around popping off all that unburned wasted gas has dropped significantly. I've also noticed freeway speeds have drop a bit, not as many running 90-100mph like there was when gas was cheap. There are still plenty but the majority have chilled back a bit since prices went up. People always return to the same old when prices drop back down but hopefully some of these ideas/options stick long term (like the high MPG vehicle options).
  2. I concur with your assessment, however, I would not consider Fogo de ChΓ£o to be upscale. It's about as upscale as Sizzler lol.
  3. Obviously. I was being facetious. It would be a nice option if possible, I certainly wouldn't want to be trapped in LA. Heck, the way politics work there, they may still have a mask mandate in 2028. 😁
  4. A shuttle ship running back and forth to San Diego would yield better results and be more lucrative lol. Imagine what it will be like with so many folks flooding in to an area that is already bursting at the seams? Yikes! Hopefully, they use some of the revenue to build a large freeway to bypass LA entirely. The freeways that go through there are already enough to serve just the LA area exclusively. The traffic is already intolerable and they need a way for folks to avoid it that are just passing through en-route to other areas in CA. It's the most stressful traffic trap when traversing the state.
  5. You have to remember that some are viewing this through a lens of "too big to fail". I certainly disagree with this assessment for this particular industry, even the in for a penny, in for a pound connected thinking is a bit too wishful when looking at the further potential risk and numbers. Even though I disagree with this assessment, it explains the mindset. Conventional fiduciary rules/indicators don't apply with a pie in the sky possibilities mindset. You're probably wasting your breath.
  6. Where "free" is expensive. No thanks, free is often a scam, I prefer "included", nothing is free, well, except advice. 😁
  7. Interesting. Maybe the other kids were already out and about that next night? My kids end up cliquing up with other kids and we hardly see them after that. They prefer to dine/mingle/hangout with their larger sub group. They love the kids club and sometimes I think they have a better time than me now. πŸ˜† It will get interesting when they age out of the kids clubs. With no organized meetup for the 18-21 year young adult crowd, they may not be as enamoured with cruising as they are now. Deadsville is certainly no fun.
  8. Joebucks numbers aren't far off, they are short in fact. $990.38 is base, most people forget to add the additional $1/$2 per drink that many toss on top, that can be as much as an additional $30/$60 per day for a couple that drinks 15 drinks each. Even non alcoholic drinks should be tipped (especially/particularly) if a drink runner fetches/delivers them for passengers. That adds another $210/$420 to the total costs on a seven day (much more on longer cruises) that is often not accounted for when doing the math.
  9. I'll let the captain barrow my Amazon Prime login, we can just make a rental agreement that I will be renting the lido jumbo-tron out for the duration of the game for $1. It's personal viewing and being in international water should help keep things grey. 😁
  10. Not sure RCI will be much better out of LA, they had even lower prices than Carnival recently with their promotions. With the $250 credit card cashback and their promo, we could have done a 4 day for $700 with two cabins. The only reason I didn't was because of the cabin configuration issues, could not book a three person cabin in the sub category for some reason and I didn't feel like calling in, plus covid reports started going bonkers.
  11. Meh, you think the 4-day was bad, do the three day drunk fest lol. When you really think about it, the 3-day or 7-day really make the most sense. If you do a 4-day, you might as well go for the 7-day since you already have to take 4 days off already, might as well take five and just add the weekend. The shorter 3-day also makes sense in that you only need to take off one day and can use the weekends. The cheaper cruises also attract a more, how to put this in a politically correct way....rambunctious groups of cruisers, not that that is a bad thing in and of itself, but add in economically challenged individuals/groups and that can be a recipe for low class behavior by a few that stands out (hence comedian section 8 cruise). If you give Panorama a chance, you'll notice a lot less of that, there may be a few but not large segments like the shorter cruises. Most people can't go hard for 7 days like the shorter cruises, plus many more drink packages on the shorter cruises. There is a big difference and it's the reason many won't take the shorter cruises and stick to 7-days or longer. I can fit in fine with either group and have a good cruise but certainly enjoy the chillness of the 7-day cruises much more. I hope others poor behavior didn't ruin your cruise otherwise and the rest was enjoyable. Any reports about the kids club experience would certainly be appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to review.
  12. Stevie B is more my speed but I catch your drift. Toss on some Spring Love to up the ante. Heck, toss on Stevie B's greatest hits and you may end up with a diamond girl and a blue card when all is said and done. 😁
  13. Well said! Plus others who are not D/P see them going into the hallways and follow. I've seen everything you've mentioned happen plus moving piles of linens out of the way and cleaning buckets/supplies. This is when I had FTTF. I could definitely sense their frustration and certainly understand it. It's how I feel with guests or kids walking through your kitchen area when you are multitasking with the oven/stove, counters full of foodstuff on cutting boards with knives, supplies out and stuff in the sink. Not a good time, get the heck out! LOL.
  14. Wow, what a story! Glad they made things right. I couldn't imagine the frustration of it all. Sounds like it worked out in the end and you were made whole with a nice topper bonus. Thanks for sharing.
  15. What was your compensation for this? Hopefully, not some "oh well it's in the contract that we can lose your bag" nonsense. That's horrible.
  16. Good point, My biggest fear also (well besides problems with the ship). It's hard to find big/tall stuff and I'd be forced to wear the same outfit/shoes for a week. Heck, there are very few stores I can walk into and buy an outfit that fits or shoes in my size, so even if I got some money to shop at the ports, it may be useless unless I can get good internet and drone delivery lol. This thread is making me want to carry my stuff, yikes. Here I thought it was just folks that are too cheap to tip the porters, some have some legit concerns. Interesting thread.
  17. Easy, when you are mapping around the areas, say for example Mazatlan, most cruisers will mention one of the eateries right on the beach (like Lety's) and there will be many google reviews in English. Then look down the peninsula a bit at a place like La Caleta, most of the reviews will say (translated by google) and will be in Spanish. Those are locals, the more of those, the better. Prices will also be better at these types of places. Many of them aren't the places right in front or easiest to get to, you may have to walk a couple blocks. You want authentic, go where the locals go. One caveat is the pulpas along Malecon de Mazatlan, many of those serve legit authentic food but you'll just pay the tourist prices due to location. That said, local reviews (in Spanish) are a good barometer of value and authenticity. They'll let you know! Enjoy your trip.
  18. This is the way! Turn around day is the hardest for room stewards, each and every interaction slows them down and makes their job just that much more frustrating. Some sailings, with lots of P/D, imagine how much time/energy it takes. Each person thinks only about their small 20/30/60 second distraction but in totality, it adds up. Nothing worse then when you are working your system in an organized machine like focused fashion and the phone rings (equivalence), over and over with each guest. This when they're already tired/irritated/overworked, missing home and may have their own drama going on and people wonder why some of them smile but are visibly irritated. If you're going to interrupt their stride/efficiency, make it worth it for them, slip them a ten-spot for the trouble and watch that smile get a little bigger and shoulders relax a little. Or just wait a bit and stay out of these folks way that are working in tight spaces/hallways doing an extremely tough job, and during their longest/hardest workday (turn around). Grab a seat, grab a bite to eat and get a beer, you're on a cruise ship. Ahhh, that''s better....😁
  19. Yes, been on Panorama multiple times and I drive much further the day of.
  20. Good point. AI's can be pricey though, cruising is usually a better deal but Airbnb prices drop significantly when you stay longer. There are some great condo deals right near the port stops. We were very tempted this summer to book two weeks (even considered a month) in Cabo or PV, would have been less than a one week cruise but airfare was nuts and covid going crazy so backed out at the last min. You bring up a good point that many overlook.
  21. Sure is, about two hours, even on a weekday, about 20 min less on weekends. Totally doable. You can't board the ship super early anymore like you could before and if the OP will spend three weeks on her, there is no need to be first on. They could easily have a leisurely trip up without rushing or getting caught up in lines of traffic waiting to enter parking as those who arrive first always so. Plus cabin would be ready sooner if they get on a bit later.
  22. Forgot to answer your second part, just my opinion but if I were coming a few days early, I'd spend it in San Diego over Long Beach or LA and just drive up the morning of. They have a great zoo, lots of jet ski options and water sports (San Diego Bay or Mission Bay both have plenty of options) and there is just more to do and interesting places with both the city vibe and beachfront vibe all rolled into one. San Diego is just popping all over, from La Jolla to PB, to Mission Bay, on down to Coronado and the Gas lamp and bay/harbor front. So much to see and do and the vibe there just feels more chill. Heck, I could spend three weeks in San Diego doing a B2B2B lol. Have a great trip on Panorama! Keep her clean for me, she's a great ship. I'll be getting on her shorty after you!
  23. I'll second the El Cid in Mazatlan, clean pools, clean furniture, clean bathrooms, well landscaped, drinks flow-a-plenty and great pool (I prefer the last pool too). Tip the folks in the white carts out and they will drive you over once you get off the water shuttle, tip the towel lady a couple bucks (by back of the bar) and she will phone them if you want/need a ride back to the shuttle or to get food from the buffet. The buffet staff is awesome and they will keep your glass full. The food is kind of meh, I'd do as the above poster suggested and just get the open bar option and buy food, it wastes too much time going back and forth for mediocre food. If you will spend more time at the beach side, the buffet is the way to go for sure, it's literally steps away. For jet skis, Cabo would be your best bet. Lots of options there all up and down Medano beach. Very touristy and lots of folks around. Prices won't be as good as some of the AI's in Nuevo Vallarta offer with the independent folks that come right to the beach but it is what it is. Nice large area to jet ski and then you can grab drinks or grub after and mingle with fellow cruisers and other vacationing tourists. For PV, the Exclusive Majahuitas Beach Cove is awesome! Club like vip deal with drinks-a-plenty, nice lounge set up, gang plank to get to shore, clean bathrooms, good local cooked food and an overall chill vibe that is somewhat intimate and exclusive (as the name suggests).
  24. I don't dislike Chik-fil-a, it's just overrated IMO (compared to Popeye's). It's a good sandwich no doubt but I wouldn't wait in a line for it like I would at In-n-Out for a double-double and some animal fries. 😁 Hattie B's is at Cosmo and I've meant to try it a few times I but never got around to it, usually stuck on Eggslut sandwiches (gaucho is fire). I will be sure to try it next time I'm in Vegas though. Heard good things.
  25. Yes, yes I do. It's the same reason I don't shop at Costco, because they charge me to come into their stores. There are many other port stops (just as there are stores) that would be happy to have customers spending money. It's a cash grab, pure and simple. Choose the competitor islands that welcome tourists and earn their business, not simply demand money for the privilege of existing. It's a greedy side stealth tax. Port fees/taxes already supply moneybags for the local government officials to pilfer/squander.
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