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Everything posted by Pinboy

  1. That's exactly what we do--- I don't know why this is even a topic to be discussed, or of interest to anyone . ( LOL--- I know what's coming--- no need )
  2. LOL--- The Maitre'D will be pleased to change your time --- a little " Thank You $$$ " will guarantee it.
  3. Of course--- Every Staff member on a cruise ship is a "brand ambassador "--- It's their job --- and IMO, they are excellent and well trained. It's the same in any company in the Service Industry. Lets say Madame Corriveau was a " mean old bag " , but her burgers and poutine were fantastic. Ya think we would still line up for 'em ? Ummm , probably yes !! Some things are just tooooo good. Mind you, I did see her laugh and mumble "something" in French when a customer ordered a smoked meat sandwich on white bread , with mayonnaise and a glass of milk--- instead of mustard on rye with a Pepsi.
  4. If there's any room on the Bruins bandwagon, can you reserve a spot for me ? Never mind who I'm a fan of, but my crying towel is soaking wet. Our university team could have, etc etc---- ah, forget it---- tooooo upsetting !!
  5. On our two recent cruises ( Equinox and Edge ) the food quality and selection in the OVC was fine, in fact very good. Lots of Staff around to assist if needed . It's some of the " Attendees " are what the " negative stuff " is all about. Unbelievable how some people act--- and, the amount of food that's wasted is awful !!
  6. Just noticed this thread--- Way over my interest level who the CEO, the COO of the cruise line , the Cruse Director or who the Captain is on our cruise. Give us a fair price, clean ship, good service, good food-- and no more IV for us ( once and done ). As for activities or entertainment--- whatever is offered is fine ( meaning no big deal ) --- either participate or not. Mind you, that Silent Disco could be pretty dangerous -- Ya shoulda seen --- There was this 32 yr old--- Boy, could she move-- and the " old fart " she was with -- the poor guy etc, etc. LOL--- Come to think of it , on our last two cruises ( Equinox in Feb - and Edge in March ) they didn't have a golf putting contest--- Perhaps it was because a former Putting Champion ( 2013 ) was on board ???
  7. Trust me-- when you are on the 9th deck standing on your balcony closer to mid ship, looking out , enjoying the cruise, the last thing you are going to be thinking about or even notice are the lifeboats 5 decks down. The 32 yr old with the bikini that you saw at the pool---- well, that's a different story ( LOL) !!
  8. You can view the room’s location on Celebrity site. Search the ship’s deck plan( Ship- Deck Plan -Deck Number-Cabin #). You can also book without the Drink Package, WiFi , and Gratuities included. The Gratuities can be added on separately during the booking process or added to your Account daily during the cruise. LOL— about those egg rolls— people stand around the block to get them?? Really ?
  9. (Off Topic)— BUT, they are good— like , really good— If you see Brad Marchand tell him I’ll take him on my team anytime.
  10. Ottawa, Eh--- Home of ----I forgot the name of the restaurant , but I heard they are famous for their eggrolls ?? We were on the Equinox for the 3rd time in February, and have been on all the other S Class ships. Never once had poor service or " anything " to complain about. Regarding cabin--- We always try to get one in the center of the ship with the large balcony's. Regarding table in MDR ( Main Dining Room )-- If you prefer a table for 2, no problem---they will accommodate you. Regarding CD ( Cruise Director )--- They are all pretty good---- Don't forget to cheer like hell when he/she shouts ---- "Any Canadians on board "--- and don't forget to " Put your hands together for XXX celebrating their 2000 day sailing on Celebrity " , etc, etc --- You know the routine. Lastly--- no more research --- no more thinking about this or that---- you got a good deal--- just go and enjoy. ( Too bad about your Ottawa Senators not making the playoffs, again )
  11. 1----No worries --- The Dress Code on Chic nights does not apply to the OVC ( Buffet on 14 ). 2----Next time try the MDR ( Main Dining Room )---- Other than Chic Nights ( usually only 2 per cruise)--- very casual except no shorts, flip flops, tshirts, baseball hats at dinner--- not a " big deal ". You can always request a table for 2 as well if you prefer and order as much/many selections as you want. 3----Were you aware that they will make a pizza for you with any toppings you want rather than what's been sitting on the tray for xx time? 4---Agree-- always received excellent service---- except the time when our Waiter forgot to bring my 3rd shrimp cocktail with the other two ( LOL).
  12. I'm with ya !! Been on many cruises and never noticed or was bothered by someone with a camera that might have me/us in the background. " Influencer " ? Oh yea, Now I get it----- LOL--- That 32 yr old with the " old fart " that I can't stop talking about ( a little jealous perhaps ) ---That's an " influencer " !!!!
  13. Been on every S Class ship's Persian Gardens --- Purchased a pass every time and enjoyed it--- Here's what to expect: 1-- They " claim '' to only sell X amount of passes , so, " If you want one, you should get it now before they are all sold " --- ( excellent Marketing ). 2-- Nobody checks time limits on the loungers--- forget it--- some people spend " hours " lying there reading , doing crossword puzzles, or sleeping. 3-- LOL--- Accept the Free 5 minute massage at your own risk. It ended up costing me $357 ( US ). How was I supposed to know that my back muscles were , my neck was , etc etc, and the " stuff " she sold me that smelled so good didn't make me look 10 yrs younger !!! Lucky for me ( ??? ), on our cruise they had a " Cruise Special " on the " stuff " she sold me. 4--- Found the entire area very clean, lots of towels, and an excellent way to relax ( as long as there were no others waiting for a lounge ). FYI--- On our recent 11 night cruise on the Edge didn't purchase a pass to the Thermal Suite--- $ 309 for a single, $ 499 for a couple---- not worth it ( IMO ).
  14. Forget the burgers and hot dogs they currently serve on Celebrity ships--- nothing special. Ya want something " special " for lunch, a 4pm snack, or 10 pm , etc etc--- They gotta invite Madame Chouinard on board to serve her " famous " burgers , steamed hot dogs, a variety of poutine , hot smoked meat sandwiches, and don't forget the May Wests and Pepsi ( also good for breakfast---- if " You know who " isn't around ). My Cariologist, the bum , says----------- never mind what he says.
  15. What " status " IS worth talking about ? Remember--- it costs lots of $$$$$ to get to the top tier. The folks that do get to that level deserve the extra perks and whatever else comes with it. Loyalty pays " Dividends " . FYI---We never felt being treated any less even when we were first time cruisers. Service has always been excellent.
  16. LOL----So, it was You !! I think I know who you are--- Are you the man I keep talking about who purchased a pre-loved Rolex and got a big, ( really big ) kiss from -- etc, etc. Do you still have that plaid sports jacket and the plaid flair leg pants I saw you wearing ,heading to the front row of the theater every night--- same jacket, same pants ?
  17. YOU ?? Really ??? NO ------ Not You !!! Did You or was it Them that had the pineapple on the stateroom door ????? If you see us on a ship----- NO thanks----
  18. There was none provided on our last two cruises recently. Probably because a few years ago Celebrity noticed a post from a CCer regarding " Who's On Board " and " Here's Photos of My Dinner Last Night " and cancelled them. There's much too much paper waste anyway with the daily " Promotional " flyers left in the cabins every night. LOL-- Is it because we are now Elite that we get a mini chocolate bar on our pillow every night ?
  19. Not at all— LOL No exaggerations — The food and service was superb! !!
  20. Obviously you weren't on the Edge in the Normandy dining room recently. If you were, you could have ordered beef wellington every night. There was a man sitting at our table ( for 2 ) that ordered 2 servings to go with his 2 shrimp cocktails and had no trouble finishing off his meal with crème brule and chocolate lava cake for desert. Our Waiter, oops, his Waiter even brought over the Maitre'd near the end of the cruise who made some " small talk " and reminded him to " Don't forget to fill out the Survey ". Holy $&^# the only one that didn't " remind " him about the Survey was the Washroom Attendant.
  21. Come to think of it, we were recently on the Equinox and Edge and didn't notice anyone taking videos. If you were there, I was the guy wearing a golf hat and tshirt ( Not in the MDR !!). If anyone reading this was on either cruise, I forgot to ask who the Captain was.
  22. Absolutely— we are always ready to chat and have met many great people , some of whom we continue to be friends with. Years ago we were seated at a table with a couple ( no need to elaborate), and learned a lesson.
  23. " Vlogger " ??? Is that the same as a guy/gal taking movie pictures on their Kodak movie camara-- the one that has been in the closet for 37 yrs ?? " Obnoxious passenger " ??? Is that the same as " Entitled with a BIGGGGG Mouth " ? Reminds me of the ( no offence ) lady at a table near us on our recent cruise ( Edge --- March 6-17 ). At one time I noticed a man sitting there " rolling his eyes ". Guess who should have changed tables ?? Guess why we always take a table for two ????
  24. "was on celebrity the other week and saw several people come in with tshirts and shorts ". What ship, what date ? We were on 2 cruises recently and did not see anyone wearing t shirts and shorts in the MDR. " on vacation i rather be in shorts and a tshirt" Perfect-- nooooo problem with that----- just follow the guidelines that the Company sets for everyone. "should allow it in a section in the back or part of the upper level or something". No way--- that section is reserved for the Happy Wanderers Nudist Colony !!!
  25. Nope--- I heard It's like an "excursion" onboard with a happy ending. It's by invitation only --- after all of our many cruises, we were never invited ( LOL ).
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