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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. I've done it kalos, thank you. We've had this conversation about smart meters before you and I, and are both of the same mind.😉 Avril
  2. Our meter reading was done and bill paid on the 23rd June. Should I do it again kalos? Not a bright dazzling sunshine day here I'm afraid. Another dull cool damp day, 13c but definitely feels more like 10c. Maybe a better day tomorrow🤞 Avril
  3. Don't these car insurance companies reduce prices now for loyal customers that have no claims? We haven't needed car insurance for some time now so I'm not up to date with it any longer. Avril
  4. Good morning. It was much cooler last night and I slept very well, apart from the occasional trip across the landing that is😉 It's cloudy and breezy here at the moment and a cool 12c. It isn't forecast to be higher than 16c, so just nice for gardeing. It's been too hot to do anything so the jobs have built up. I have enjoyed the lounging about though😁 I hope you all have an enjoyable day whatever you're up to, whether on land or sea.x Avril
  5. If he'd been driving one of those during the night he could have swept you out of the bed😁 Avril
  6. Morning. Well after tossing and turning for a couple of hours I finally gave in and got up at 3.40am. It's my worst night's sleep since the hot weather arrived. I've put a load of washing in, updated the accounts book.sorted the shopping list for next week and I'm now sitting with coffee listening to the birds and watching the sunrising. A little light cloud with blue skies appearing and a pleasant 17c. A lovely time of day. If the day turns out to be as pleasant as it seems I shall have a nice nap in the garden later on today. i hope no-one reads this beause you're still asleep. Avril
  7. Many congratulations to you both on your Wedding Anniversary🥂 Avril
  8. We have a lovely small local pharmacy that deliver our meds for us. Very reliable. We began using them during covid and they just kept on delivering them afterwards. Mine are in a small bag and Frank's are in a large paper sack.😉 Avril
  9. We're all different aren't we? I know sometimes our tolerance to certain temperatures is due to health or medication, but not always. Even as a child I hated the cold and still do I never understood the enjoyment of playing around in the snow. 🥶 I wonder if it has anything to do with our ancestry. If you like the cold then you may have Norwegian (Viking) ancestors for instance🤔 No,probably not😏, but I'm just relaxing and lounging around musing about anything and nothing. I hope everyone has had a lovely day. Avril
  10. We're avoiding the sun until later on. It was lovely this morning when I was hanging the washing out. I've just been outside to check the temperature and it's reading 30c and that's in the shade. Not much of a breeze either so we'll wait until later and stay inside where it's cooler. I'm not complaining about the weather mind you, merely adjusting😁. Keep Cool and Carry On☺️ Avril
  11. That's my all time favourite sketch of Morecombe and Wise with Andre Previn, aka Andrew Preview. I watch it on YouTube whenever I'm feeling low and in need a laugh. That was BK (Before Kalos) of course. Better than any medicine. Avril
  12. I couldn't. It's been a long time since I had waist like that Avril
  13. Ours were free on the NHS, as well as typhoid and cholera. Avril
  14. Most likely Jean. We had the Hep A vaccine and the booster a year later when travelling to the far east. I don't think for one moment that P&O use contaminated water. Avril
  15. I'm pleased you had a good time Sue. You look so relaxed and I'm sure it's done you the power of good. Avril
  16. Aurora is our favourite ship. If you love classic cruising on a 'proper' comfortable cruise ship, you're in for a treat. I'm jealous. I hope you have a wonderful cruise. Avril
  17. Morning everyone, and what a fabulous morning it is too🌞 I spent most of yesterday dead-heading roses, cutting down the dead flowers from the Geums and Red-hot Pokers and drastically cutting back an overgrown Rosemary shrub that had been overtaking the corner of the garden. I've discovered muscles I never knew I had, but on the plus side, my BP is better than it's been for months 132/46👍 I have to admit I'm ruled by the weather. When it's wet and miserable, then so am I, but when the sun comes out the real Avril emerges😁 @kalos How's Mrs K this morning kalos? improving I hope under your TLC. Re:- dogs on ships. P&O allow service dogs on board their ships however, they have to provide medical proof that they are needed, and wear a service dog harness when not in the cabin. That was what we were told when we asked about it for a friend who was interested in cruising. I was a few years ago now so it could have changed. Well the pots and baskets are watered, the breakfast table is laid and I shall make another coffee and sit outside until his highness surfaces. Enjoy this wonderful day everyone whatever you're up to, whether on land or sea, and take care.x Avril
  18. A good optical illusion zap. Frank wants to know how long you had to wait for that shot. Avril
  19. I hope Mrs K is feeling better soon kalos. It's not just the bruising, but falling really shake's you up as you get older. We don't bounce as well as we used to. I hope she's up and about soon and give her our best.🤗 Take care both of you.x Avril and Frank
  20. I didn't know about that kalos. I use Google chrome all the time so I'll (no I'll rephrase that), I'll ask my grandson😉, to look into that. I have an adblocker on so I did wonder how that particular pop up kept coming on.🤔 Avril
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