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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. I've never had reactions actually removed after I've seen them posted. I have however sometimes not been able to post them. I simply log out and log in again. Avril
  2. I hope you do post some pictures Damian. Brithdir seems to be a lovely little hamlet, that many won't normally visit, and I would love to see the church etc, and yes the phone box. What may seem 'banal' to a few, will I'm sure be of interest to many. Avril
  3. Nice to hear from you again Damian and to see how much Teddy has grown. It's a shame about having to cancel your cruise, because of finding someone to care for Teddy, but I think that's what's commonly known as Sod's Law. However, Brithdir looks a quaint little place and perfect for walking Teddy, relaxing or basically doing 'nowt'. That's my kind of holiday. Avril
  4. Many congratulations Graham and Pauline on your 41st wedding anniversary. Have a wonderful day together.πŸ’•πŸŽ‰ Avril
  5. What!!!! Over imbibing? You!!? 😲 Never😊 Avril
  6. Thank you John. By jove, I think I've got it. πŸ˜‚ It only took 3hrs 45 minsπŸ™„ Avril
  7. Or more commonly known as 'The Throne Room' in our abode.πŸ˜‰ In Thailand a popular expression was going to the Phi Phi(pee pee) island.😁 Avril
  8. I hope you're feeling a little better today Pam. x Avril
  9. I agree with you Graham. I registered and began posting February 1st 2020, after lurking for some time and being drawn in by an interesting Aurora topic, and I don't know how I would have fared during the pandemic if not for this thread. To know that there was always someone to talk to, give advice or encouragement was comforting, and now here we are, still together, the same caring community in more happier times. I think we know each other just a little more now, enough to be able to share certain things and some of life's experiences together. I, like I'm sure all on here, worry about others during this new problem now affecting our country and indeed the world, but refusing to live our day to day lives does not change someone elses life for the better. Help where we can, but keep posting as usual on this thread, as we shouldn't be ashamed of who or what we are, it doesn't alter the situation we are in, but it helps to keep us going. This is purely my own opinion and not meant to offend anyone. Avril
  10. We live in a democracy Bob, and as such we are all allowed personal opinions and the right right to voice them. Whether others agree or not is immaterial. You are not being offensive nor upsetting so keep posting. Avril
  11. I'm sorry your test is showing positive today Purplesea, I was hoping they would stay negative for you. I was 5 days into my 'very bad cold' before I got my first positive test result. As you say, better now than nearer your holiday. Feet up, rest, pamper yourself and take care. x Avril
  12. Good morning all. It seems my small corner of Yorkshire is in for another rainless day, despite the forecasters' useless predictions. We have 23c temp and 47% chance of some rain this evening, but we shall see. Bill Foggitt did a better job watching nature around him . I still look to see if the frog spawn is at the edge of the pond or the centre, and the amount of berries on the trees and bushes for the birds over the winter.πŸ™„πŸ˜ Strange how certain things stick in your mind isn't it? Michelle, I'm pleased your scooter arrived home safely after its singles jaunt and that you can now get to your hospital appointment. Hope all goes well. Purplesea, I hope you feel better soon and the tests stay negative. Take care. Waiting for Asda to arrive and then not much planned, just the usual day to day jobs. I do lead an exciting life, I don't know how I copeπŸ˜‚ Have a good day everyone whatever you've got planned, and take care. Avril
  13. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Josy.x I'm pleased you are reminiscing about the good times with your cousin, which is the best way to remember her. Avril
  14. ... no-one, to make your bed, clean the bathroom, tidy up, prepare your meals, wash the dishes, ..............πŸ˜’ A very hot and frazzled AvrilπŸ₯΅
  15. I'm pleased you had a good holiday with your grandchildren Michelle. How on earth can they 'lose' a mobility scooter?? I mean it's not exactly a small item is it?πŸ™„ Avril
  16. It won't be too long now then before the Easter Eggs are on sale!πŸ™„ Avril
  17. This isn't a new occurrence by far. My father used to ride a push bike until well into his 70's. He had been out for his usual daily ride and was waiting at the traffic lights. The light went to green and he started forward, only to be side swiped by a police van and knocked into a ditch. Two cracked ribs and multiple bumps, bruises and lacerations later and no word from the police. He had to report it himself 5 days later. Excuse #1 Are you sure it was a police van?😏 Excuse #2 Are you sure you're not confused because of shock?πŸ™„ Finally a real doozy - Excuse #3 Are you sure you weren't speeding?😲 I mean how fast can a 74 year old man go from a standing start on a push bike?πŸ€” Nothing was ever done about it which is not surprising. Avril
  18. I'm sorry you both had positive tests after being so careful. It's not what you do that's the problem, but what others won't do. I hope the symptoms are mild and you both recover quickly. Take care.x Avril
  19. I agree with you. It doesn't matter which way you turn the plate, it's still looking at youπŸ™ˆ Avril
  20. I've had a lot of problems with Boot's too, missing items, lost scripts etc. I have now been using Well's Pharmacy for 2 years and have had no problems so far🀞 I order our meds online and they deliver them free of charge in many cases. They have branches all over and I know they have some in Kent. My sister uses them and she lives in Stockport. Avril
  21. I think he's on a cruise, but then again I could be wrong. I usually amπŸ˜‰ Avril
  22. Good morning all. Well what a night that was!!!! Every fan we posessed, ceiling and free standing, on full last night but to no avail. At 2.15am, after tossing and turning unable to sleep, we finally went outside taking a fan with us, and managed to catnap on the loungers for a while. A strange experience and one which looks set to be repeated tonight. Stay safe, cool and hydrated. It should, hopefully, all be over by tomorrow and our weather back to normal.🀞 Avril
  23. I find the noise and being around people uncomfortable too. I've always liked the peace and quiet anyway, but this dislike about being around people is new. I feel very antisocial now and that is not like me at all. Avril
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