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Everything posted by ChutChut

  1. I think you get two if you booked as a single 21-day cruise. I've been known to be wrong on occasion though....
  2. Just LOVE this review. Thank you so much for taking us along. Your pics are terrific!!!!
  3. My 14-year-old daughter has had Plus package twice and loved it. She drank lots of iced Chai, etc. drinks from the International Cafe, had lots of soft drinks, etc. She loved the WiFi, etc. Of course, we used Princess "credits" both times to pay for her package so.....
  4. Now that you listed the issues - it's worse than I thought.
  5. Yes - I've been reading his blog. He had to change cabins, etc. because of the flood, etc. It sounds bad even from his blog. It's totally normal that two different people might have different views/perspectives, etc. I don't discount either.
  6. Isolated incidents happen but this appears to be a chronic issue that needs to be addressed and fixed. Moreover, it appears the lack of communication, etc. is making it worse.
  7. Sorry - but continual flooding, water outages, etc. on one cruise? Nope - not acceptable. No toilet for over 12 hours? How did you relieve yourselves? I expect the ship to be in reasonably good working condition.
  8. Another poster has a Cruise Critic blog and has been detailing the broken pipes, etc. on your trip. So sorry about it. Sounds bad. Princess really needs to fix these issues
  9. I would get it renewed to be on the safe side and prevent any heartache. I would hate to have your mom get to the cruise and be denied because her passport expires before the 6-month rule.
  10. I would think it comes down to what do you enjoy doing more - live posts or after-cruise posts. I love your posts regardless and deeply appreciate you taking the time to do them. But at the end of the day - what do you prefer?
  11. I believe Heinz contains that dastardly high fructose corn syrup. I don't think Monarch does (although it does contain sugar).
  12. Because of the more "onerous" consumer protection laws in the UK, it costs Celebrity, etc. more money to operate. As such, cruisers (most times) don't have the kind of "benefits" afforded to US cruisers. It never hurts to ask, but it's really not unfair to treat different countries differently because of how different laws affect business.
  13. Great location near the pools, etc.
  14. Same price as if purchased prior - right now $60 per day.
  15. Good questions. Here's my take: 1. Does Carnival have a legal duty to take reasonable steps to ensure a passenger who posted his/her booking info on the world wide web isn't the victim of fraud? Don't know. 2. I think there's an equity argument here - at least in part. The passenger is a victim of alleged fraud albeit with some contributory issues of his/her own. So, the question in my mind is - is it fair/equitable for Carnival to benefit (double dip) from this fraud? Certainly, Carnival shouldn't lose money but it appears someone else booked that suite. So, should Carnival be unjustly enriched by an alleged fraud committed on one of its passengers? I would think - no. 3. I think this one deals with point-of-sale transactions, etc. But even if it deals with this type of situation, what, if any duty, does Carnival have to authenticate a cancellation, etc.? I don't know but it's a good question.
  16. You're right - depends on how crowded it is. I have no issue with lugging all of my luggage down from the garage, but I understand if there's a ton of bags, etc.
  17. Since you're driving stop first at the baggage drop off where the porters are - and then head to the garage to park.
  18. Right but that could implicate invasion of privacy-type torts (such as publication of private facts, etc.).
  19. I have a slightly different take on this situation. Sure - posting sensitive info online isn't uber bright and, yes, someone took advantage of that to cancel their reservation. But - didn't Carnival resell that suite? Isn't that why the couple couldn't get their cabin back? If Carnival did, indeed, sell (even if someone "won" a purchased upgrade, etc.) that cabin, it benefitted more as a result. I'm not saying that Carnival did anything "wrong." I'm just saying that, in this unfortunate situation, it appears Carnival didn't (and won't) lose any revenue if it gives the couple a full FCC, etc. Again, I don't know all of the particulars but this was a very unfortunate circumstance all around. But if Carnival benefitted in any way from it (additional revenue, etc.), I don't think that's right.
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