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Everything posted by ChiefMateJRK

  1. There are two types of music on my NCL cruises. The good stuff and the other crap that they play.🤣 disclaimer: yes, that was a joke, but not a very good one🤡
  2. We tried it once. It will remain just that one time....💩
  3. Good info. I have one coming up that has a 1:40 PM flight, which I consider darned close to perfect.
  4. Bingo! You'll get all of them. More closets. More bathrooms. More rec room. More everything. (I'm guessing you didn't watch the Blandings clip to the end)
  5. I would just tell them to dust off the prints for the Encore/Bliss and use those. If that ain't enough "input", I would tell them to ditch the kid crap taking up half of the top deck.
  6. One of my favorite movies of all time is "Mr. Blandings builds his dream house." This clip is a bit over 3 minutes but captures exactly what would happen when the Blandings of the cruising world take over with "if this were my ship....." The movie is a "must watch" for anybody thinking about having a house built.
  7. Well, to be more accurate, those of us in steerage are always out and about having fun. We return to the steerage 🐀hole only for sleep, shower and 💩. Saul good man!😎
  8. 🤣That dude will NOT be set straight!! I think he could join in the fun but just doesn't really want to.
  9. Quite true. If I had black outs or hangovers, I would certainly be working on my habits. I enjoy my holiday, but I'm not about to make myself sick in the process. 😎 If others need to find mechanisms to limit themselves, more power to them! There are all kinds of folks in this world. As my Danish Grandfather used to say, "It takes all kinds and by-yeepers we've got 'em!" (I don't believe that the Danish language includes what we would call the "J" sound).
  10. Figure of speech. 🤣 That said, I once upgraded from inside to ocean view for a buck fifty eight. That is @ChiefMateJRK couch change. That one in the graph? We still have months to go baby! 😎 disclaimer: I haven't owned an actual couch since 2019.
  11. I have no idea what you're talking about here. (🤣🤡🐀)
  12. 🤣I'm right there with you, but for this el'cheapo: pain from removing cash from wallet > pain from waiting an extra minute for that drink🤡 I know you're a mathy guy @RocketMan275, so you'll follow that. 😎 disclaimer: I'm actually quite ready, willing and able to float my fine bartender a couple greenbacks while saying with a smile "see ya' later friend." We all have fun. Nobody gets hurt. The wallet will get over it.
  13. This is starting to sound like an NCL IT glitch where the system was set to "come one-come all" and the policy was supposed to stop selling passes after the first one or two hundred.
  14. I've been tracking this one: Do you think a guy who wisely booked inside will be able to jump up to that balcony for couch change?
  15. You'll still need to check in 21 days out, but I don't think you'll need any documents. You probably should print the second leg eDocs just to have them. Also, if you are changing rooms, it wouldn't hurt to have the official luggage tags for leg two.
  16. I just order the Coney Island dog without the chilli. I wrap that plump dog in a napkin and hide it in my front pocket. Just one time, the nice lady at the front desk asked me if that was a Coney Island dog in my pocket or I was just....... (y'all know the rest)
  17. Which just goes to prove the old adage. "There's a reason for every rule." 🤣
  18. Definitely avoid the Epic. It forces you to attend to your bodily functions in front of a huge picture window overlooking the Atrium.
  19. My last two cruises, I just walked up to the desk, told them how many I wanted to buy and signed a sheet of paper. I didn't fill out anything. It took about 60 seconds.
  20. I enjoy those as part of the ship experience. Just like the clickity-clack and rocking on a train.
  21. I'm going to need a flowchart.🤣
  22. I guess it's semantics here. Valued fellow poster @lenquixote66mentioned "never had any negatives." I agreed. I guess it depends how one defines a "negative." Things go wrong? Sure. It's not a perfect world. Most of us just brush minor "wrongs" off as a nuisance. A part of regular life. OTOH: some inflate them into NEGATIVES.😬 I'm not an expert on "negative," and I can prove it. Others here are much better at negative than I'll ever be (thank God).😇
  23. I would be AWFUL at that game. 🤣
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