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Everything posted by Cruisin4aBruisin73

  1. Just used this link and it worked for my Christmas sailing on the Celebration. There were about half the cabanas left for rent and we're still 7 months out!
  2. Well, I never said he was gifted, I just said he's incredibly large for his age and plays football with kids who are 13-14 years old. This makes it difficult for him to play with kids his age and under as he rough houses and just about demolishes little guys. He also has a few dim bulbs. LOL. Quit reading into things, thanks!
  3. I'm glad to see that some people have had good luck. My 11 year old will be 1.5 months shy of 12, he's already 5'9" tall, 220lbs and plays football in the 13-14 league. So I'm super hopeful that he can age up!!
  4. I feel like this is a pretty fair assessment of the pros and cons of a ship with very few reviews. I don't really understand the folks saying you complained, but to each their own. It's interesting when you look at the balance of "sea life" and who you are trying to have entertained in your group vs. who is going to go with the flow and be a napper all week. I must say that while this itinerary looked amazing on paper, it didn't seem as "breathtaking" as I had assumed it would be, especially Hawaii. I loved the stuff you did on the Fijian/South Pacific Islands, though. I also appreciated the history lessons about crossing the equator on Naval vessels, and loved the old pictures. That was really neat. Thanks so much for taking the time to include us on this journey. I think you and your wife are really cute and I enjoyed your writing style.
  5. Totally agree. I find that the amount of quirky in your pictures represents the exact percentage I need in order to be entertained. It's literally all the things I would probably look at!
  6. I feel so lucky that I've never experience this kind of behavior on a cruise. Do you think it's a specific port, trip length or itinerary? Don't get me wrong, I've smelled the "special smell" and I've seen people take FULL advantage of their drink package, but I've been lucky enough never to have experienced the fights and other fiascos. Now I've probably cursed myself, but oh well!
  7. I've cruised 3 times since reopening and have one booked for Christmas this year with DD and DS. Honestly, I think I just love being on a ship. I read more novels in one 7 day cruise than I do the rest of the year on dry land. The salt water, the great food, the entertainment with my kids. You'd think we were at some Las Vegas show when these two get into that theater. They don't know (or care) that it's medocre! We don't go to live shows in real life, so it's a treat. Also, comedians- my son loses his mind no matter HOW DUMB the jokes are! They just love the experience. Petting animals in Roatan one day to Jeep adventures in Cozumel the next....with a wonderfully comfortable bed to land on in between. I just don't know how you beat cruising. I really don't! There's no way to vacation any other way and pack as much in for the same price as cruising, nowhere near. So before and AFTER the shutdown, I'm a cruise fan. And while the lines may be longer and the food less luxurous and the waitstaff tedious to flag down to refill your drink; I do not care. Cruise on folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I think most of these videos that crew allow "content creators" to make during sale away before the cruise gets underway, same as spa areas; ever notice there aren't any people there during those videos? I'm wondering if that's the case.
  9. So you might take my opinion with a grain of salt since I haven't actually BEEN in one, but I WILL be reserving one for the whole week on my Christmas cruise on the Celebration. 1. I need shade/sun in rotation. And I don't want to ever have to look for either. I love the idea of a spot that is ALL mine for a whole week. 2. The bottle of champagne is calling my name. Mimosa anyone? 3. My teen/tweens can come find me for regular check ins and I can stay put, reading my book, unlike Serenity. 4. A quiet spot is my sanctuary. This feels like that. I'm not the life of the party, nor is my 15 year old. This is perfect for us. 5. Fresh fruit and water delivered every day 6. Virgin Frozen drinks gratis 7. a menu and food delivery service.
  10. Thank you so much for this info Jamman! I just went and changed my Celebration dining pref to "My Time" I had planned on chibang, pig and anchor, and cucina at least once. Thank goodness I saw this or we would have been BUMMED!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Nope, not just you. My daughter loves them...I think it feels like uncooked cake batter and that's not my jam!
  12. I get that. I just need somewhere to be so my teens/tweens can do regular check-ins and can't at serenity.
  13. This may have tipped me over the edge of YES! Especially the champagne. One more question- are kids allowed?
  14. I'd love some information on the Loft 19 cabanas. We're sailing Dec 24th and I think this could be my Christmas present to myself. There doesn't seem to be a way to look at them on the website. Has anybody rented one? Is it yours the entire cruise? The idea of a shaded area all to myself that I NEVER have to jostle for position of or move towels, etc..... makes me soooooo happy. Are there any other perks if you do rent one? If you've done this, do you have pictures? Thanks a bunch
  15. The only part of this I don't agree with is that the price hikes in areas are unfair. Prices of everything have gone up exponentially. And while cruising stopped, all cruise lines were STILL paying their employees. I DO agree that gratuities shouldn't be included. To me, I feel like they should pay every employee a living wage and let us chose to tip above and beyond for any employee we feel we connected with. If we don't see the employee, then it shouldn't be our job to pay them. It's literally the definition of TIPPING! I would rather they raise the price of a cruise and do away with automated gratuities. Especially when you think that there is also a gratuity added to the drink purchase you make, plus I usually tip on top of that. Maybe I'll be flamed, too. Oh well.
  16. THISSSSS! Listen, your basic cruise fare is peanuts compared to any other vacation you want to take. I think it makes perfect sense to charge the going rate to compensate for narrow margins in other areas. I so enjoyed my free lounge chair in the shade of a banyan tree watching my kids snorkel with $30 snorkel gear that I gladly paid extra for, as it was in our budget and something my kids loved. I'm sorry it's priced you out, but think the big picture should make some sense to you...........
  17. Wow! Look at that killer parking job next to you!!!! PS- love your reviews, love this ship and can't wait for our Thanksgiving sailing next month.
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